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Requesting purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?
i thought that the earbuds that came with the s8 were decent
anime is for children and pedophiles
I'm a child
Post pics of your stuff.
Template is also fine.
Let's talk about stuff we have actual experience with for a change.
Can you recommend me microphone? Looking at the ModMic 4/5, but not sure if it's worth the price - it isn't cheap
What headphones is that?
What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?
I ordered meme cables for my headphones, that's how uneventful my life has been with audio equipment.
i would like to update my headphones but cant fing anything that wont make me pour, i would like some Bluetooth headphones over ear around the 100 euros, can care less about the meme cancellation.
I know it's the headphone general, but any recommendations for speakers for audio production? Thinking about these
What's the difference between the mc5 and the mk5? Both cost the same.
And how is durability on these earphones?
as user says, jbl lsr series is really damn good for the price
MB42 - absolutely don't get those. Jump up to the MB42X or PB42X, which won't need an amp, at a minimum, or Pioneer BS22 when it goes on sale at Fry's again.
But I strongly suggest the JBL LSR305 instead.
That's a sexy little monitor. Can you stick it against a wall? One thing I dislike about the LSR305 is the back port and the required distance from walls, I'd like to wallmount my monitors.
Also why the $1k+ dac/amp?
Are these a better value than re-400s?
I know that feel, the most exciting thing for me this year was was getting new pads.
MK5 will be significantly more comfortable. MC5's fat barrels are not desirable.
I believe Etymotics offer the best isolation, but I don't know how these compare on sound quality.
the back port making a speaker noticeably worse for using closer to a wall is a myth. unless you're really loading the port (happening at about 10-15cm wall distance with the 305's port diameter) the boundary gain behaves exactly the same with a front ported or even sealed speaker - you have to shelf down the bass anyway.
I use the adi-2 pro because I can get very good deals on rme stuff and I wanted something smallish but versatile enough for home use because my bigger interfaces are all sitting in mobile racks I don't want to take apart constantly
MK5 are quite comparable to ER-4S, the headphones with the best frequency response, period, any type, full sized or IEM. Pic related. They are absolutely the best IEMs under $100.
An Etymotic HF5 with an 82 ohm adapter from eBay should also produce a very similar frequency response to the ER-4S, except even smoother, without the MK5's slight treble peaks. However, this will be a little harder to drive than an MK5 due to the increased impedance.
Allright, been using DT770 32ohm since 2012 and now it's time for an upgrade. I have audioquest dragonfly black which works great with my phone (i like listening to patrician quality positive uplifting music in bed). The shop in my town has the DT1770 for even less than amazon, so...
Can dragonfly black drive these cans fine? How much of an upgrade is dt1770 coming from dt770?
Do you really need them to be closed-back? Because if you like the Beyer sound and want an upgrade the DT880 measures much better for much less.
Yes, I'm autistic and it has to be a closed can. How come you consider the dt880 to be better? What about dt990 then, or even dt1990.
>tfw fell for the ety mk5 meme and loving it so far
measures like dogshit
>no dummy head
Post a picture of your headphones with a non-photoshopped timestamp inside the picture to prove your opinions and ability to interpret measurements are credible. "Not an argument" is not an argument.
tfw comfygrados shills etymotics now
i don't know what to feel 2bh, etymotics are good unlike ma900
too bad they feel like a cactus inserted into your ears
>le no dummy head meme XD
then this post is irrelevant also?
Need very portable headphones good for working out and excellent isolation. And full featured deep bass sound. Really need them to push that from my iphone. I want same type of sound as the earpods that come with the iphones, but better bass resolution and mids. Budget is about . Also if you know isolated iems that are abot the same as apples, shoot
fill out the form
Budget is about*150usd
Measurements of the HD 660 S are now available at diyaudioheaven.
Can't afford those right now, thanks for the recommendation
Thanks I'll consider those
Cant you achieve that with basically any IEM with a triple flanged tip
Post a picture of your headphones with a non-photoshopped timestamp inside the picture to prove your opinions and ability to interpret measurements are credible. "Not an argument" is not an argument.
take a veiled headphone (HD600) and make it more veiled with the HD650
take the HD650 and make it more veiled and thus the HD660S was born
rly makes u think
already been discussed
What's your setup like, user?
Idol trash here.
Post a picture of your headphones with a non-photoshopped timestamp inside the picture to prove your opinions and ability to interpret measurements are credible. "Not an argument" is not an argument.
What portable Bluetooth speakers would you guys recommend? I was thinking of getting the UE Boom 2
With regards to full-sized headphones, a dummy head can probably simulate bone conduction bertter than an ear and pinna simulator and can certainly simulate realistic clamp and measurement angle better than an ear and pinna simulator. However, these are non-issues with IEMs. I would argue a dummy head is necessary for optimum accuracy regarding measurements of full-sized headphones but not for IEMs.
why would you ever want something like that?
Guys, What's that flac streaming site that plays anime music 24/7? It's posted on here a lot.
Easy to bring to outdoor activities haha if there's something cheap and good you can recommend I'm all ears
The treble is less prominent, the mids more present and the whole signature generally more neutral among the DT family, still v-shapped of course, but closer.
>that upper midrange scoop
I have a cheap Asus-DGX soundcard right now, but I'm planning to buy a DAC+AMP for my DT-770's (80 ohm). Should I get a DAC with s/pdif input, and stick it into my DGX? Or should I just get a regular USB-dac and stick it into my motherboard?
chiru dot no
HD558 here.
How do you feel about 3D idols Mr. Idol Trash?
I don't mind V shapes anyways, so... how much "worse" am I in for with 1770? I also very appreciate detail and soundstage.
Someone local has a Focal Elear for $500, anyone tried it out?
The Elear and Utopia are both going for half price because stores carrying them ran out of idiots to pay the full asking price on them. Even at $500 they're not very good, all they have going for them is the build quality.
Hard pass then, if I'm after build quality I already got a MDR-Z7 for cheap. Thing's built like a luxury tank. Wish I could use open backed in the office though.
>3d idols
Do not hate them, but I'm not a fan.
Virtual idols are the best after all. And their associated seiyuu-idols the next best thing.
Need a good headset for Gayming with actual 7.1 surround sound. Mic not required. Was thinking of buying the meme Astro headset. Should I?
>he fell for the 7.1 meme
>7.1 meme
No. Learn about headphone virtualization, buy a good STEREO headphone. Fill the recommendation form.
Windows 10 comes with free virtual surround. If you're not on W10 use Equalizer APO:
Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
honk honk
nico nico nii
>I know that feel, the most exciting thing for me this year was was getting new pads.
It's probably why I'm barely active in these threads anymore, zero desire to upgrade anything really.
By the way, since we listen to similar music and you own them, how significant of an upgrade do you think the HD600's would be to the 558's?
>inb4 meme cans
>asking one of the biggest HD600 shills in the general about the headphones they shill endlessly
it's like you want a biased opinion
I went from HD598 to HD600 and it was massive for me.
First impression: Odd. It took me about 15 seconds to go from there to wow.
Now, it's been half a year, and I use the HD598 from time to time for nostalgia. They're not that bad, but next to the HD600, they simply do not measure.
Don't bully idoltrash
Thanks for the input fren.
Not going for any new headphones now, but am looking into the future.
Hi /hpg/,
After trying a few headphones I'm pretty much deciding between the Audio-Technica ATH-M40X (more immediate feel) and the Sony MDR-7506 (more distant, like listening in a room). I kinda prefer the AT but it's a bit shiny/clicky in the high frequencies; the Sony also has some of this but slightly less. Can I expect this shininess to go away after breaking in the headphones with shit like pink noise or will it remain even after months of use?
These headphones measure pretty poorly. Thankfully they're no longer made. One less shit headphone on the market.
>someone who owns HD598 (which sounds almost identical to an HD558) and HD600 is a bad person to ask about the upgrade from 558 to 600
it's like you're trying to be retarded
>which sounds almost identical to an HD558
it does sound identical the HD598 is not better than the HD558 in any way
>is a bad person to ask about the upgrade from 558 to 600
When they constantly shill them and shitpost in these threads do you really expect them to admit any flaws in the headphones?
headphone break-in is not a thing
this is what the headphones sound like till your ears have adjusted to them or till they're damaged
Any noise cancelling wireless headphones that doesn't cost as much as the Bose QC line?
Nope, it will remain the exact same, but after a week or so listening your brain will have adjusted.
You can always EQ the treble down a bit though, or get new pads later, the Auray Sheep skin pads fit both and adds some bass, which in turns makes the whole signature feel a little less bright.
You're better off with HD558, or a HD598se/sr on sale.
More comfortable, better build and a more balanced sound at a similar budget.
But is Astro a good headset? I'm gonna be buying earbuds for my music
A good headset is a good pair of headphones + some mic solution (like a v-moda).
Gamer headsets like the astro are simply a scam.
Why is the HD 600 so good?
Budget: $100
Location: Uh.. home? PC mostly.
Source: Engine?
Type of headphone: Good mic a must.
Open or closed: Closed
Comfort level: My ears are sensitive, so I prefer the fabric ones.
Sound signature: Decent
Past headphones: Klipsch KG-100, left ear broke in a way that's hard to repair.
Looking to replace the ones I have. The sound is ok on them, I'm not an audio snob so it doesn't have to be amazing. Even tho I don't use the mic much I still want a decent one for when I do. I had won some steel series siberia ones years ago.. but the leather like stuff on the ears would irritate my ears. Then of course the left ear shorted out. Now the left ear breaks on my current ones. Seems my left ear is cursed.
I like it when they swivel, don't really need folding.. or fancy lights that I can't even see. With my ears being pissy I don't know if over or on ear is better, mostly matters the material. I've been watching video reviews for different headsets but it seems like professional reviewers are plugging them into expensive sound decks so they sound amazing.. or billy "I don't understand sound proofing" bob and his tinny ass room plugging them into his ass for terrible sound. So it's hard to figure out what's actually decent.
Thanks for any tips..
>Type of headphone: Good mic a must.
Mic is separate. If you try to get a device with bundled mic, performance/cost drops to moronic levels.
Also spelled as accurate. neutral, balanced.
>comfort a must
HD569, HD380 Pro, MDR-7506, MSR7.
Which usb Dac+amps come with a ferrite bead cable?
>HD380 Pro
They ARE comfortable. Extremely so. And I am sensitive AF too, but I do wear them hours at a time at work everyday, and literally forget they're on me.
Logitech g430. Fabric ear pads and a mic for half your budget. You will go over if you follow the other user
>HD380 Pro
how do they compare to the hd280?
They're bassier, more durable and more comfortable.
There's a bunch of HD380 reviews on youtube; nearly all mention the HD280 or directly compare it against.
Sames, had my creamy HD598 and decided to upgrade to HD600 after a while. The weirdest part was how much bass improved for me, this was before I would look into FR graphs n' shit, but from them HD600 does't really have any noticeable bass improvements but they are easily heard, probably has to do something with higher clamp and different pads that have small 'leather' straps on the inside. This is when I understood that there are some things that FR graphs don't catch.
any good sales going on rn?
What are the differences with Audio-Technica's ATH-M#0x series?
This reminded me of the old, relentless ATH-M50X shilling that was so prevalent here around 2012. Who did that? Ambien?
As for your question, no idea, some sources report lack of good treble.
They get shittier as the price goes up, starting from the m40s
It goes like
JBL LSR305 is a lot better than the micca. i have both.
What 100 dollar IEMs should I get? Already have Shure SE215s.
Was thinking of getting the Kinera H3 as they had very nice reviews
If you want a very consumer friendly sound, m50x would be best. m40x is similar to the m50x, but has less bass (still bassy). M70x is almost the opposite - they're pretty bright, best for monitoring. everything below the m40x is not worth it
HD598 is more bassy unless you're deaf.