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Why would it keep trying to install a worse thing?
>the absolute state of microshit software
>using Windows 10 instead of Windows 7
this os is turning into a huge fucking joke
have you tried saying no?
this shit drove me to linux on my xps 15. w10 kept installing an OUT OF DATE intel graphics driver which kept crashing and running like crap
Its for normies, what do you expect?
>having the option to say no in the first place
Lmao we are talking about windows 10 here
Windows has always been a joke that's stopped being funny.
If quality dictated success we'd have Amigas in the home and Be Boxes in the studios, and OS/2 in the offices.
gave up on windows after 7 and switched to hackintosh, best thing i've ever done.
What a dumbass windows update, i fucking hate forcing update when driver already works
True if it already works don't do anything stupid.
Works on My Machine(tm)
true, but at least before you had permanent control of the system with a few tweaks or regedits. now you need to rewrite the whole fucking registry, and windows will notice and revert back ffs.
Windows kept "updating" the touchpad driver rendering it useless.
Took lots of Googling and several restarts to tell it NOT to touch it.
That isn't true whatsoever.
You're just too young to remember.
Should have installed Enterprise edition and stopped all this bullshit with group policy editor.
It's not about being hard to turn it off, it's about how shitty the OS is programmed. Look at the OP's image, it clearly states that there's an installed driver that is better than the one provided with windows update, but then they say "YEAH WELL FUCK YOU I LIKE MY DRIVERS MORE", what the fuck kind of logic is that? How the fuck do you say "We'll keep trying to install even if it's worse".
It's not about being badly programmed at all actually. It's just the way its worded. Instead of "better" it should say unsupported. Way too many people use those shitty "driver update software" tools that upgrade all their specific drivers to new generic ones and wonder why shit gets fucked up. So windows update fixes that by only installing actual supported drivers that have been approved and should fix 99.9% of problems.
Was it a Synaptics touchpad? Had the same problem on a T440p. It was maddening because the touchpad would do nothing but you could launch the MoodPad demo and watch it track your fingers. Also it wasn't just Windows Update, because every version of the driver from Lenovo or Synaptics except the very latest one from Synaptics had the problem.
It clearly wasn't intended to say unsupported. Even a pajeet knows the difference between better and unsupported. And windows update doesn't always knows what driver is better. For example, a friend of mine keep having his GPU driver reset by windows, he now has to reinstall it after every update because "we windows know better than u ;))"
Is this actually real?
Do you even know who the CEO of Microsoft is?
]Nah, it's supposed to say unsupported. They've been doing it for decades.
Your example doesn't support the statement that it doesn't know what driver is better. Again, you keep going back to "better" when my entire argument is that it's worded incorrectly.
Also the statement is "a friend of mine kept having..." keep doesn't work in past tense. Instead of reinstalling it after every update, he can toggle driver updates, or potentially figure out what the actual problem is instead of blaming everything on a basic as fuck update system. Either or truly.
So, why did he not turn off driver updates yet? Anyone with half a brain disables this shit first thing after install.
>Microsoft programming is so shit that the typo "unsupported" as "better"
Not him, but this doesn't make them look good either.
So you trust microsoft to know that the installed version is actually better than the supported driver in their database?
Seems like a big leap of faith for someone so convinced they're incompetent enough to install a worse driver.
Yeah sorry, I suck at english.
What I'm saying is, when pajeet programs what the OS is supposed to say when it detects a driver, he won't make it say "better" instead of "unsupported" so it's clear that this was the intented result, to have it say "a better driver".
Other than updating my AMD driver (October 2016 driver works the best for me) and having to downgrade I've had no issues with the new windows 10 update.
tldr: Works on my machine
good thing that i use only free operating systems on my devices
not sure, the working driver was "ASUS SUPPORT DEVICE" and linux reports it as FocalTechPS/2
>the city of nutella
Even if you disable driver updates in Group Policy, they'll force them during large updates anyways. MS keep pushing old, messed up Nvidia drivers on me where the max resolution on my 4K display becomes 1024x768 (among many other issues).
Reminds me of an Windows parody image that said "The file existed, we have overwritten it. Is it a problem?".
This is the futuuure.
Why are you laughing? It looks like you're having a problem.
I haven't had problems with windows 10 ever and it's only enhanced my life. Sucks to be you
I have windows under bootcamp, and the first time I updated to the creators update through the assistant, will does was totally broken
Star menu didn't work, recycle bin crashed, etc
Has to revert to the previous update, fortunately windows allowed me to do so very easily
>I haven't had problems with windows 10 ever
give it time
>windows has only enhanced my life
i'd pity you, but i feel even that would be lost on you.
Basically impossible since I only use windows for entertainment / media and arch for real stuff
>using the touchpad on a laptop with a clitmouse
Dunno man I doubt I'm the one worth pity here. I use the OS properly and just enjoy watching nu-Sup Forums flail about with incompetence.
to enhance the botnet, duh
The bane of Windows is its damn backward compatibility. There's too much quirks from the Win2k/XP era I'm carrying around in my brain that still apply, even if Microsoft hid the corresponding dialogs behind two or three more layers.
>updating windows
I miss Ballmer
>his drivers are made by different people who made the OS who are different people to the ones who made the hardware
What a clusterfuck. Did anyone ever expect refinement while using Windows?
Because Microsoft fucking hates you that's why.
Out of curiousity, how old is you hackintosh and how many OS versions has it been though?
I always fear that that an update will come along that doesn't quite work right and takes days of your time to iron out.
I installed Windows (10) on my computer a few weeks ago to play some games. In that time:
>update broke the Windows Store
>some windows have randomly stopped showing their contents / becoming randomly transparent / doing that Windows 95 trail-of-shame thing
>system updates seems to be broken (says there are updates, but just sits that 'initializing' permanently)
why is Windows so fat and fucking bloated now.
Today I bought a used laptop for a good deal, great hardware.
I bought it because I want to play League without running dual boot or messing with a virtual machine or WINE on my main Debian machine,
So happygolucky me figures buy a used Windows laptop, strip it down, install League, bingobango done.
It has Windows 8, it's barely been used, but, the amount of automatic updates it's done.... it's so fucking bloated it barely even runs WHY
Why can't Windows just ship out minimal clean fresh installs and let THE USER decide what the fuck they want to do with it rather than buttering it up with a ton of bullshit that requires Pro(tm)$$$$ updates and then fattening updates that make the machine useless requiring purchasing additional hardware.
ive been using debian for 12 years and wat is this
>using a non-plug&play os
>year (2010 + 7)
I think Windows PC's are just machines made to subliminally make people buy shitware. Like spam email, but, the machine version.
What is this called?
I don't think I've seen anything like it in decades (using a Mac normally), but Windows 10 is now sometimes doing it within window frames (although across the whole screen.
I'm trying to factory reset this used Windows 8 laptop now
fucking shit isn't even giving me the verbosity to know what part of the process it's doing
it's been an hour and the only god damn output i'm getting is
"Resetting your PC (20%)"
like jesus h fuck is it formatting the entire harddrive from a new partition that it made on the spot housing all it's virus installers I mean bloatware I mean the windows suite-
kill me
even when it's done and I'm running with a fresh system, it's still going to fucking rape me with automatic updates that I'm just going to remove as soon as they're done
I don't know what it's actually called but I like Trail of Shame. That's accurate.
*not across the whole screen.
>updating windows ever
Why? It literally just werks on the version I got it on
Windows, when doing updates, will just sit there for hours with a DON'T TURN ME OFF screen up, with no indication of any process being made. Like everything else about Windows the design is just awful incarnate.
Do yourselves a favour people and get a Mac.
>major updates always wipe search index
>300000 files on a 5900rpm drive
I've been using Debian for 10+ years, I have my convictions against Apple as well, however,
I will unite with you in our hate against Windows.
Trust me, as soon as this factory reset is complete, I'm doing whatever it takes to defat this fucker. Even if it ends up looking like Windows '98 I don't care I just want League, that's it.
Seriously Windowsfags get a Mac. At this point macOS offers so much more freedom with what you can do with your OS than your shitty Micro$oft botnet. Apple-made hardware is far more reliable than the shitty Microsoft-made stuff. Or install GNU/Linux or BSD.
most of those quirks also stem from devs poking around internal kernel structures, relying on undocumented behaviour, now they're forced to maintain it forever just for that one program.
After update and fixes.
For all win 10 ver
Winkey+R services.msc > winupdate or whatever stop and disable and there no more update.
I remember the pain of installing service packs and whatnot on shitty laptops with shitty 5900rpm drives. Anything other than an SSD and decent single core performance will take forever. I've always wondered how thenfuck they can't multithread the process, a LOT of it is compression.
Thank you for that last part
This. It's actually a very common problem, but only the die-hard Sup Forumsfags will pretend like it doesn't exist.
>works on my machine lol!
Oh well, the average normie fucking dreads Windows Updates because it never fucking works.
Isn't this what makes the WINE, and by extension the ReactOS projects such a pain to develop? They're essentially trying to emulate the shitty quirks that accumulate in Windows.
>itunes for everything - Linux with colors
>Linux without anything - nothing to do
nigger you're just not creative.
I'm running Debian with XFCE,
I've got it so minimalized, sometimes I just stare at the wallpaper thinking
shit, I can do literally anything, I have no distractions, no shortcuts, no suggestions, it's just staring back at me waiting for me to give it input
It's almost supernatural how smoothly and quickly OSX updates go by comparison.
Contrast with Windows and especially lolinux where every updae invariably breaks something.
nice photoshop
In all seriousness you can just disable automatic driver updates on Windows 10. Still a shitty option since it's all or nothing. Windows 7 has the option to defer online updates if and only if local drivers aren't found.
Sorry but if Linux updates break your shit it's your own god damn fault.
It's supposed to be a little DIY even if you're running Ubuntu.
That's why you use a Mac, you don't want to DIY, you'd rather pay someone to do the technical complicated parts for you.
yup. that's pretty much it. (See R. Chen)
I ran Ubuntu for years, and every major update would break something major, often X. Enormous pain in the ass if you aren't a NEET with nothing but time to waste.
>Solder an intel CPU, AMD GPU, Samsung SSD, and Samsung RAM to a PCB
>Glue that, some batteries, and an LG screen to a piece of metal
>"made the hardware"
>have you tried saying no?
Windows 10 and Microsoft does not understand or care about consent.
It installed without any issues for me on a bootcamp drive.
>werks on my machine
This never happened to me.
>autistic pedantry
Its not necessary for Apple to fabricate the silicon, NAND or display units, retard. they order things to their spec. Hardware they know inside-out. They 'made' it, for their product. Understand now? There is no company in the world who can actually manufacturer every component in a computer, unless you care to enlighten me?
>There is no company in the world who can actually manufacturer every component in a computer, unless you care to enlighten me?
Samsung probably.
yeah the horror stories of using windows 10 just keeps on coming.
> they order things to their spec. Hardware they know inside-out
Literally the same shit every other manufacturer gets other than the screens which seem to be exclusively used by Apple.
>There is no company in the world who can actually manufacturer every component in a computer, unless you care to enlighten me?
Samsung could, although it would be armshit. Intel is also pretty close but not quite there.
The only thing Apple makes that requires a driver is their touchpad.
Every, single, component? No. Samsung doesn't fabricate their own keyboards, they're specified and then done a third party. Fabrication, you retarded cunt. No company can do every single thing. Samsung doesn't make capacitors, or speakers, or hinges. These things are ORDERED.
Is everyone on this ''''''tech'''''' board a fucking brainlet?
> Samsung doesn't make capacitors, or speakers, or hinges. These things are ORDERED.
Oh boy here I go taking bait again.
Samsung builds fucking tanks. They have a ton of divisions manufacturing everything from ships, tools, phones, components, chips
They alone account for something like 10% of the entire SK economy
Nice. They don't manufacturer every single component inside their consumer tech though. Nobody does. Everyone making some kind of a product must source at least 1 component from another company which specializes in making said components to a spec. If you're unable to comprehend this maybe you should just shoot yourself.
You live in a world where Costco owns their own hotdog company but somehow you think Samsung doesn't make everything but the processor in their laptops?
If a street is absent of shit, must you not shit?
Not saying they do, but they easily could without any trouble.
They already make all the difficult complex parts: ICs, displays, batteries, SSDs, memory... Manufacturing a case or whatever would be trivial (I'm not even sure they don't already)
They make CPUs/GPUs/SOCs (ARM stuff).
>Out of curiousity, how old is you hackintosh and how many OS versions has it been though?
Currently sierra, started at Mavericks
t. windows shillcuck
people like you aren't even human, just a mouthpiece for corporate dick
Windows 7 doesn't have this problem. That screen along with a disk access light are all you need to tell whether you should wait it out or pull the plug.
>disk access light
Are you posting from the 1990s?