In this ITT thread: great women in tech

In this ITT thread: great women in tech.

I'll start: Isabel Pesce.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Isabel Pesce


No one from outside Brazil knows this impostor.

Are you sure it's not a man?
That makeup is horrendous.

Joanna Rutkowska
The only acceptable answer

cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..
cd ..

Literally who.

Dana Jansens

Ahagon Umiko

Got the reference :^)


Karlie Kloss

the ones that aren't

Her and Taylor Swift broke up as friends.
Her website uses wix, she should of coded her own to support her cause.
She has yet to contribute any software, or to any software project, and its been years...

I feel for her..

I want to be inside her.

Kathryn McKinley

kekd softly

Isn't that from Coding with Carlie? I took her whole course and now I got a job as front desk at a hotel. She's a good teacher

I too took her course and I now have a job at my local glory hole
10/10 would recommend

So many women up in here.
I took her course and now I get to be the worlds first female to work for Autozone. I'm a '''cashier'''.

Women belong in the kitchen faggots

Coraline Ada Ehmke

Del Harvey

> In this ITT thread: great women in tech.

> I'll start: Isabel Pesce.

Hamburgueria also sopa delicia

Lisa Su the answer white girls feminist don't want heard.

Brook Shelley

>>Her and Taylor Swift broke up as friends.
Why???? ;_;



She spearheaded the operation that saved AMD and brought competition back to the CPU and (most) GPU markets.

Anita Sarkeesian revealed a lot of problematic behavior in tech. Shes redpilled af.

Are we talking about the same AMD here?

The only real great woman in tech in this thread.

nice bait. every time i see her face i want to put her ugly jew mug in a fucking meat grinder.

>both hands are showing
How the fuck did she take the picture?!

literally who
>googles it
>it literally is an it
fucking trannies, neck yourself

a man probably did it for her

I want to bang her. I know she's terrible, I don't care.