does anybody ever become a devop out of their own choice?
Does anybody ever become a devop out of their own choice?
no, it's all the patriarchy
damn DevOps*
Sure, you don't think what came before wasn't worse?
It's soul-crushingly dull, though.
I'm glad at least someone is willing to do it.
This is not SFW faggot
Dumb brrapposter
I want to bang the fat one.
But no one can find out.
I know your secret user
what the FUCK is devops?
Four shots later
>browsing Sup Forums at work
>complaining about a nice ass (fat one is the fake)
You're the real faggot here user.
I don't browse Sup Forums at work, but this is a SFW board which means that all images posted must be safe for work. This website has rules. Follow them.
what the fuck is a DevOps?
You can tell when someone is new when they post shit like this. That's a fully clothed woman who can legally walk around in public. It's SFW. There was a time when Sup Forums was spammed with gay porn daily and you're whining about a fully clothed woman.
person you call when server is down
Own your choices and fetishes, faggot.
I can't tell which one is the photoshop.
look at the reflection
I'm a devops. I like to think I created true devops at an old job, bringing devs and ops together is what devops was supposed to be. I was a systems engineer and developers didn't work with us and we didn't work with them. They just said give us servers and put this on them.
I bridged the gaps, got us engineering end to end solutions together. Implemented CI/CD and proper SCM. Automated server deployments and configuration with Chef. Shit was cash.
Around this time people started perverting devops and making it a job title that could mean anything. However, it fucking pays. I have a background in both systems/infrastructure and programming. People that can do both are rare and you can't just do these jobs right out of school, you need years of experience.
These days I work for a big tech company doing some perverted definition of devops where I am a developer automating systems stuff. There are no development teams I'm bridging gaps with, it's just some of us that have backgrounds in programming and systems work and we're automating IT stuff. Honestly it's shitty work but pays really well. I'd like to get out of IT and just be an SRE.
Too bad she's photoshopped
The one on the right is so fucking obviously photoshopped. The knee hinges look so fucking unnatural for the average healthy person.
Pretty sure right is the shop, just because of the purse strap: looks fake/off.
Look at the relflection of the legs though
Ahhh. I see it now.
kek i remember the time this happened. they were photoshopping fat lards into thin womyn to get feminist mad and they got pretty mad about it cept for some that wanted it to motivate them to get thinner
some ps god was there doing good shit on fat lards
those were the days man
Right one is photoshopped because attractive women do not wear strap on sandals.
>legally walk around in public
That's not the defining characteristic of "safe for work" you dipshit.