
I'm glad they changed their advertising video. that last one reminded me how empty my life is and made me want to kill myself.

well fuck it a weeding ring is about the same price. At least this one behaves like a real women and not some filthy western single mom whore.

I started tearing up.

Now I'll never be alone ever again

japan needs to make all this hiki stuff illegal

It would be cool if it could also teach you to speak Japanese too.

When will be the /csg/ knock-off version?

>tfw we brade runner for real now

I think the opposite is true, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.


t. goon kike shill

The last one made me cry at the end.
I'm probably the target customer for that thing

They went for a hologram look with the blue tint and transparent screen. But it's just 2d and the color and res is garbage.

Internet of Shit.

They could have cherry picked anything they wanted to demonstrate it's ability. And all it did was say hi and turn off a light. I doubt it will even understand your voice half the time in real life.

Where did they even dig up these cringey fans christ.

>seen this picture so many times I don't even flinch now

Same. It looks almost appetising, apart from the face it's fucking poo.

Why don't they just integrate this into VR?

That's a lot of girls. Unexpected.
Are nips really abandoning their 3D women? I always thought that was just a meme.

Herbivore men are a very real problem in Japan

Where the fuck is my 90 foot tall hologram gf

Yeah, 42% of Japanese men between 18 and 35 are virgins

The rate in the US is rapidly increasing though

Were advancing so quickly, suck it Kaczynski

Genki desu ne

>They went for a hologram look with the blue tint and transparent screen. But it's just 2d and the color and res is garbage.
For real I thought this shit was supposed to be a little 3D hologram in a box

When is this being released? I unironically want one.

>implying they would create one for filthy gaijin

>implying jlist or someone wont proxy it