Why don't we use Linux to recreate a OS with the best features of Mac and Windows?
It could have the usability of Apple and the game compatibility of windows?
Why don't we use Linux to recreate a OS with the best features of Mac and Windows?
It could have the usability of Apple and the game compatibility of windows?
replace standards with distros
Sure, go ahead and contribute to either the video driver developers, the Wine project, or go make your own games for Linux (actually pls dont shit up the steam store with more low quality crap).
>using steam
the absolute state of linuxcucks
anyone have a highres version of the black hole one?
This wouldn't just be another distro, it be like react OS, but with a OSX interface.
When I installed Ubuntu xorg wouldn't recognize my second monitor. This new distribution could use the windows drivers through react OS
This is the best I got.
This has been done a long time ago.
Situation: There are 63053723 posts on Sup Forums/g/
>63053723? RIdiculous! We need to post an universal post that will end the discussions once and for all
Situation: There are 63053724 posts on Sup Forums/g/
this is the one i was looking for , so true tho
>This new distribution could use the windows drivers through react OS
React OS drivers wouldn't work on linux, your brainlet is showing
>Why don't we use Linux to recreate a OS with the best features of Mac and Windows?
Already been done.
It's called GNU/Linux.
Because the best features of Windows is compatibility and the best of Mac OS is the handful of exclusive software and the fact that it comes on stylish looking hardware, none of which you can replicate.
Is not an operating system; its a device.
Thanks mate. I guess the original was just a bit shitty.
Gompadibilitie layerz! Weee!
You are a retard. Linux has game compatibility and better desktop features than both Mac and Windows. The problem is vendor support. No OS you create is going to magically garner vendor support.
But that's not true at all. People deliberately use Arch over Debian, or Ubuntu over Gentoo or Debian over fedora or fedora over Arch, or x over y for specific reasons.
Nothing you've just stated contradicts the comic you retard.
>one UNIVERSAL distro
>doesn't contradict the comic
Clearly you don't know what universal means
There are people who actually believe this bullshit.
There are people who actually believe this bullshit
>the state of linux
Because I don't want son of a fucking disgusting bitch, I want my simple, plain easy distribution (archlinux) and my simple , fast, small, efficient openbox thats all FUCKING I NEED, AND MY VIIM THATS ALL MOTHER FUCKER, which part of I DONT FUCKING NEED A FUCKING WINDOWS LIKE SYSTEM WITH TONS OF SHITTY USELESS RESOURCE CONSUMING EFFECTS YOU CAN'T GET, IF YOU WANT A SHITTY DISTRO DO IT YOUR SELF READ A FUCKING TUTORIAL BUT LET US ALONE.
>Why don't we use Linux to recreate a OS with the best features of Mac and Windows
You can, that's what I did and the main reason why I'm using Loonix.
>the game compatibility of windows
Just in the unlikely case you're really so retarded that you don't know this, and asking in earnest:
The reason Wine doesn't already have close-to-100% compatibility with Windows programs is because:
>Windows' API is vast and complex (not in a positive way), and depends on several internal implementation details that are very difficult to recreate without the exact same implementation.
>Since there are no competing implementations of Windows that matter, many implementation bugs in Windows become entrenched in programs that don't use the API properly and/or in a portable manner, binding said programs to Microsoft's specific implementation of Windows.
because no one on here knows how to actually create software
It already exists.
It's called Xfce and Ubuntu. Xubuntu.
>game compatibility of windows
You're misunderstand the issue, it's not that Linux isn't "compatible" with games, it's that devs program the games to run exclusively in a Windows environment. You can think of it like trying to put an Xbox disk into a Playstation: it's just not going to work.
What you should be asking for is either a system that emulates Windows 100% but is not Windows, or for more devs to make their games for other platforms. The first one won't happen because Microsoft probably wouldn't share the source code if they didn't lose it years ago, and the second won't happen because Linux has like 0% of the marketshare.
Ummm sweetie. That's not Debian + Xfce
The best features of macos are literally "it just werks"
>have to edit a config file to get brightness controls to work
>on a thinkpad T420