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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
I've created an ipset list using ipset create blocklist hash:net
and adding ips to it using ipset add blocklist X.X.X.X
But when i go to add the ipset list to iptables with iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set blocklist src -j DROP
It says iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
Am i missing a command somewhere?
Nolan Howard
I had ssh login directly to root via ssh key for a while now and want to change to a sudoed user - I have already created a user and added it to the sudo group - do I now just create a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on that user? but what do I have to remove from the root /etc/ssh, since there isnt any authorized_keys and the sshd_config has "#AuthorizedKeysFile" commented out, but I see some .pub files, which probably got created with the installer script of the server - do I have to delete them?
tl;dr: how to change from root ssh_key login to sudoed user ssh_key login
Luis Johnson
r8 my issue
Ethan White
what file did you have to edit to achieve this
Noah Price
slash etc/issue Sup Forums won't let me post a slash character in front of etc for some reason
Juan Lewis
cool. This would be useful if I didn't use a GDM
Jace Young
why do you use GDM?
Henry Wilson
Do ipset list. Does blocklist show up?
Brayden Harris
Andrew Bell
Hmm. Try adding "-t filter" to the iptables command you're using. It might be trying to use a different table (for which the INPUT chain doesn't exist) than the filter table.
Cooper Garcia
who's asking?
Brandon Ortiz
>-t filter Same error.
Juan Morgan
get out
Isaiah Hill
What's your userland?
Isaac James
Is it just me, or is this the third thread this post's been posted in?
God, Sup Forums is just the worst when it comes to spam filters. At the very least, let us post these things inside the code tags.
Easton Clark
The Internet police.
Connor Adams
That isn't Sup Forums. Sup Forums would show you an actual "spam" warning, but the connection errors are cloudflare related. Other chans which use cloudflare have the same problems.
Andrew Reed
Hmmmmm. Well, this (not strictly related to your issue) suggests restarting your computer, if you haven't already. Might have something to do with the iptables kernel module which hopefully was compiled in your usage.
Jonathan Gomez
Luke Barnes
Oh, I see. That makes a lot more sense.
Landon Reyes
You don't have CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_STATE in your .config. $ grep NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_STATE /boot/config-$(uname -r) If you just installed from scratch and updated a VPS, reboot.
John Stewart
I used this image and this command convert gerwinski-gnu-head.png jpg:- | jp2a --width=130 --chars=" .,:okxm" - | sed 's/o/░/g' | sed 's/k/▒/g' | sed 's/x/▓/g' | sed 's/m/█/g'
maybe someone can improve on it
Ryder Smith
thank you
Matthew Price
Rebooted. Custom kernel, netfilter already enabled Same issue
There is no "config" folder on my /boot/ Not a VPS.
Logan Wood
Your mother
Nathaniel Brown
How did you post from my mother? She's in a coffin.
Nathaniel Gray
necromancer in da house
Wyatt Stewart
Oh, my apologies
Aiden Sanders
I was waiting for you to say that you repurposed my mother's corpse into a gaming rig. Don't be. She was really violent. She did this thing as a child where she would punish me, and if I cried, she would use that as an excuse to punish me some more. She said that I didn't deserve to cry, and she would count down to three to make me stop.
Samuel Bennett
Isaac Richardson
Not your blog
Eli Williams
The green doesn't match. Make it magenta like gentoo.
Nathaniel Peterson
Michael Rogers
Colton Evans
good thread
Aaron Martin
Tolerable thread.
David Brown
Josiah Young
man i like linux, since i can't play vidya and looks better than windows and more customizable but shit things just dont werk sometimes, and i hate following steps to install things when i don't know whats going on sometimes and just blinding copying commands feelsbadman. where do i learn how to linux properly
Brayden Carter
Adrian James
Luke Richardson
Parker Young
GNU/Linux* start by reading the OP pasta
Dominic Diaz
What are some cool terminal commands?
Zachary Edwards
ayy lmao guy at the very bottom thats me, where u at user? send train back to pick me up
Christopher Edwards
people like you are the problem with linux more interested in who gets credit for what, than usability
Jace Watson
Levi Ross
I probably lie between the guy hanging on the noose and the guy impaled by the stake. LOL
James Ross
Go fuck yourself
Ryan Jackson
if anything it's linux plus gnu
Evan Ward
Asher Perez
GNU/Linux is a variant of the GNU operating system combined with the kernel Linux.
Josiah Davis
It's Linux, just Linux
Ayden Sanchez
friendly thread linux is the colonel
Gabriel Harris
No you aren't.
Eli Turner
It's actually just Linus.
Jason Anderson
Linux is Linux and GNU is GNU. Glad we've come to an agreement.
Isaiah Nguyen
I'm not sure what you're implying because i never claimed to very knowledgeable, nor did i opine
Thomas James
Developed by the Torvalds project.
Parker Sanchez
Linux is OS, and GNU is irrelevant
Jonathan Rivera
Your post was still pretentious and self-congratulatory, something that could only be conceived at the top of mount stupid.
Lincoln Moore
Linux is the desktop version of Android.
Anthony Miller
I am sorry you misinterpreted it that way! You are currently on mount stupid haha
Gavin Ross
Is the GPL irrelevant?
Brayden Martin
So I've been looking around for the full switch to linux on my thinkpad
Xubuntu current LTS seems to be giving people problems on forums I have looked over
In a capitalistic society, yes. You are free to do whatever you want in Commie land, on second though you aren't lol!
Dylan James
>red scared burger reporting in
Thomas Diaz
Nope. You're still a presumptuous idiot.
Isaac Nelson
Did you just google the word commie for copy pasting or why is it captialized?
Zachary Cook
Samuel Turner
Robert Reyes
>No u >:(
Hudson Torres
What the fuck just happen?
3 of 4 USB2.0 ports of my mobo aren't working properly,they were devices attached to it(my Logitech G105 gaming mouse and S-150 USB Analog audio-speakers,PS3 USB cable).
And this started a hour ago!!
Kubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus AMD64 with kernel 4.10.0-37-generic #41-Ubuntu AMD RX480 graphic card 8 months ago,the previous one was a R9 270)
This are the ones that has red/orange lines according to KSystemlog,all kernel unit related. >hid-generic 0003:046D:C068.01AF: can't resubmit intr, 0000:00:12.0-5/input0, status -19 >usbhid 4-5:1.1: can't add hid device: -62 >usbhid: probe of 4-5:1.1 failed with error -62 >input device has been disconnected, fd 19 >usb usb4-port5: disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling... >usb 4-5: can't set config #1, error -62 >ohci-pci 0000:00:12.0: HcDoneHead not written back; disabled >ohci-pci 0000:00:12.0: HC died; cleaning up >usb 2-4.2: device descriptor read/64, error -32 >usb 2-4-port3: unable to enumerate USB device >ohci-pci 0000:00:12.0: HcDoneHead not written back; disabled >ohci-pci 0000:00:12.0: HC died; cleaning up
Isaac Watson
can i use my phone as a hotspot in linux natively or am i going to have to scour for a program to enable it
Jackson James
Is Void Linux viable in current month of current year?
Gabriel Reyes
Lincoln Bell
just works!
Jace Miller
Depends on what you want. Xbps-src is an excellent sourced-based package manager and makes up for the shortcomings that their binary repository has.
Isaac Nguyen
Some call it "Avoid Linux".
Cameron Walker
Brayden Evans
Good thing I have 3 front-side USB2.0 ports which can be used.
Jordan Jackson
It's a joke, silly.
Owen Flores
Please. Just tell me which is the best distro so I can install it and move on with my LIFE. I have no time and energy for spending years with useless distro hopping. Just tell me which is the best, so I can install it and just enjoy it.
Thanks in advance.
Joseph Sullivan
Aiden Campbell
Install Gentoo.
Nolan Butler
>the more time you spend, the more skill is required
awful graph
Learning curves should be >time versus >amount of NEW material to learn in order to do desired operations
This would allow curves to be more interesting than basic y=mx+b lines. Linux would start high, maybe coast at that high point, but eventually dip to Windows/Mac levels. Windows would reveal its flaws, since it'd have random, insanely high peaks due to things randomly breaking and the lack of documentation giving huge headaches.
Dylan Anderson
There is usually some truth behind every joke.
Brandon White
Distros like GuixSD will be the future.
Ethan Phillips
Mac is a device.
Jeremiah Lee
curious, can you install gnu+linux on a mac?
Jayden Nelson
Yes. Look it up on the search engine of your choice. EFI is a bitch, though. Almost as bad as some Windows devices what with secureboot and all.
Caleb Myers
Depends, the newer the machine, the more difficult it gets, but basically: yes.
Dylan Wright
How can I disable the boot animation that shows up in Ubuntu before the login shows up so I can see those beautiful console lines scrolling?