He doesnt use windows 10

>he doesnt use windows 10

windows is slowly making windows more beautiful with transparency on default apps and their menus.

edge is faster, lighter and less buggy than firefox which hits 30% cpu usage when on a javascript heavy site. edge also can play webms.

there's literally no excuse to not use windows 10.

Other urls found in this thread:


post pape pls

Build your own gentoo, fag

I use Windows 10 and it's actually okay. Edge isn't though. I really tried to love it, but had to go back to FF after a few days. It's just bad. Bad. Here's a few things I noticed (as of the FCU):

>You can only install addons properly via the windows store, not from within the browser like chrome/firefox
>If you sideload addons they will be turned off after every session and you have to turn them on again every single time you open the browser
>There are only a handful of addons
>Ublock is way behind for Edge and buggy, I fucking had a youtube add while having ublock on, same filters don't show me shit on FF
>while many webms work now, sound webms still have to be downloaded and then opened with windows media player/mpc-hc/vlc
>You can't do simply stuff like draging a link into the new tab icon, because Edge won't reconise it, meanwhile chrome/firefox do
>Not much to customize either compared to FF
>The settings bar is kind of a nice idea for tablets, but degenrate for desktop use, they need to add a regular setting page
And I could go on. It's just STILL unfinished. I really want to switch to it, but Microsoft is dumb as shit.


> he
Please don't assume genders so easily

My computer didn't include Windows 10
I have no money to buy the right of use of Windows 10
Do I have legal reasons to use Windows 10?

Nice list, but why the hell wouldn't you just middle click the link?

I use Windows 10, but it's definitely not the greatest experience on older computers. The main problem is that Microsoft seems to assume that every device these days supports connected standby. So it schedules all sorts of shit to run when the device is idle, which for a connected standby device means whenever you turn off the screen, plus when you put it to sleep overnight. So there's plenty of time to get everything done.

On a regular computer though, Windows will never wake up overnight to do its shit. So it's trying to do all the shit every time you walk away for ten minutes. If you don't leave your computer unattended often, that means Windows constantly has a backlog of shit to do. This is the cause of much frustration. It's why Windows always restarts for updates when you go to grab lunch. It's why you always find your laptop doing god knows what with the fan blaring full blast when you come back from the toilet.

The most infuriating thing is that Windows 8 worked perfectly well in this regard. You could actually have it do its shit overnight when you're not using it. But because a bunch of retards complained about it instead of adjusting their settings, Microsoft did away with that feature in Windows 10.

Excuse me.

>not using macOS

>not installing cracked win 7 and auto updating for free

can you explain this imafe

>edge can play webms

I used a sniffer for read the packets I/O network card, I was doing exactly NOTHING. So that's the perfect excuse to evade Windows or try to fix it.

Only good thing about edge is the smooth scrolling and zooming with a trackpad, I wish chrome had this

i recently bought a new computer at work and stuck with win10
in terms of functionality it's all right, but the killer features actually suck, like WSL
virtual desktops is nice though.
It still doesn't replace my need for a Linux machine at all times
I'm not even counting the privacy violations into this, which i should since i am constantly dealing with sensitive information, mostly medical.

>Windows is slowly making Windows
Raj, your advertising needs some work.


my gf ruri is so cute

1. Don't want something that's 50% OS, 50% spyware.
2. Like being close to metal and tinker with your machine.
3. Being a poorfag.

Win user myself but those are all valid reasons imo.

LTSB + Tronscript and some tweaking of your own.

you'd be happier than a microsoft representative with a proper toilet.

edge does not have addons

for example adblock for edge is piece of shit and makes that browser many times slower

>there's literally no excuse to not use windows 10
can't pick my updates, telemetry, demented hybrid UI (settings+control panel), no relevant game purely relying on DX12 so on the other way I have no excuse to go back to it since I use 7

>Update to 1709
>Mouse feels different now.

Does anybody else notice this?

wow i dont care

Is there anyway to get the LTSB version?

It was fucked up since anniversary I think. It's back to normal now

>Is actually "broken" from how it was previously.

How was it fucked up before?

since op is being a faggot I edited out the bottom bar and other shit in PS


>there's literally no excuse to not use windows 10.
It's proprietary.

so is the firmware of whatever the fuck you're typing on. Unless you're some toe fungus eating weirdo who write on some weird chinese off brand laptop-type thing then sure.

I use a thinkpad x200 and it doesn't have any proprietary firmware

are you just going to use it forever?

have you looked at the firmware yourself to make sure its not chinese moonrunes botnetting your intel core?

how do you feel about obama?

No. I'll use it until I get a new laptop. Haven't seen any good ones that fit my requirements as of yet.
yes i've taken a look at it. quite interested in how low level stuff like that works.
cool dude. !!!

ty for answering.

Are there other laptops with open firmware?

yeh. You gotta put it on yourself though most of the time though which is probably for the best anyways.

theres also coreboot if you want a wider range of hardware and privacy benefits without full freedom

Are we able to uninstall default applications or must we still use a separate program for that? Removing Cortana, Xbox, and Windows Store would be a great start. I'd rather not use LTSB and forgo feature updates as I just have selective preferences regarding not wanting a littered start menu and wasted resources.

ty senpai

Adding to this: use Libreboot if you don't want binary blobs.
There are quite a few supported desktop boards too if you want Libreboot, I've been eyeing the Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard for a while because I have a Q9550 that's currently in a flaky motherboard.

I can't arrange folders as I want, I don't understand why such simple thing isn't possible in Windows 10

Because M$ said no one actually use manual arrange.

STFU fag

1. Windows 7 doesn't hit EOL until mid-January of 2020, so I will continue to use that (and then move to Windows 8, which doesn't hit EOL until mid-January of 2023).

2. If I want transparent bullshit and all kinds of effects, I can boot right into Ubuntu on my second drive and fuck with that shit.

3. Windows 10 LTSB is the only Win10 anyone who wants Win10 should consider using. Otherwise it's by far the most botnet of the botnets, and a laggy, poorly hacked together piece of shit.

>he doesn't use windows 10 enterprise 2016 LTSB

Never seen anyone use grin as a telemetry remover tho, what can it remove compared to antibeacon?

thanks user

>he doesnt poo at the designated shitting street

>people unironically recommending windows 10 botnet bugaloo in this board
Fuck, might as well buy a mac while you are at it.

>Ads integrated into the start menu
>Forced updates that you can only disable for a maximum of 30 days at a time
>Closed source
>Semi-regular blue screens
Yeah, I'll pass