What's wrong with IPv6?

what's wrong with IPv6?

Longer and even less readable than MAC

>What are hostnames

Compatibility with IPv4 is hell. But it's really nice in vacuum. Although it dims the model of subnets and all computers will have public IP with IPv6. Chinese's hacker botnet paradise.

>IPv4 iss doin JuSt FINE shudd shut thE vfUCK up

Per device

Nothing's wrong with it, I run it on my production server just fine. ISPs are loathe to support it though because it means work and cost and less profit. IPv4+NAT works well enough to make them money. It's only a matter of time before ISP-level NAT is introduced and actually having an IPv4 address will be something they can charge extra for, like they do with static IPs now. God I hate residential ISPs.

It's a shame, IPv6 does have some cool technical features, it's not just IPv4 with more address space. Jumbograms, mobile IP addresses, extensions and better multicasting are all solid improvements. Gonna be a long-ass time before we see it outside the datacenter or a couple ISPs.

>t's only a matter of time before ISP-level NAT is introduced and actually having an IPv4 address will be something they can charge extra for, like they do with static IPs now. God I hate residential ISPs.

This. Back in 2007 when HDSPA was introducted to my country, I got a global IP for fucking mobile net.
Today? I saw a 50/20M cable net connection of someone getting a NAT-ed IP.

You get CGN'ed in Turkey. You have to ask for to be opted out of CGN and they will try to sell you static IP after that. Only after you threaten them you can get a real IP and of course they put you in the CGN pool randomly again.

Did this post come out of a time portal or what?

>It's only a matter of time before ISP-level NAT is introduced
ISPs have already been trying this for years to slow down IPv4 exhaustion

>Gonna be a long-ass time before we see it outside the datacenter or a couple ISPs.
Residential ISPs have had IPv6 support for years in most western countries