Fine wine vs getting it right the first time.
Which do you prefer?
Fine wine vs getting it right the first time
I chose nvidea cause vega flopped, but I know it will be shit by the next generation.
vega 64 = 1170
1080 = 1150
Why would nvidia be shit by the next generation?
I like to know what I'm getting when I purchase something. I shouldn't have to pray for updates to improve my performance, and it isn't a guarantee that updates will improve them.
I haven't been happy with AMD GPUs. I just sold my RX 470 (for $75 more than I paid for it) and used the money to buy a used 1060 6GB. Nvidia just werks.
Ryzen was a similar experience for me as well. It took a few motherboard BIOS updates for me to get a stable OC'd system. But now that the dust has settled, I can't say that I regret it. It was worth the wait.
>1080 is superior than vega
>next gen 1080 will be a 1150 while vega will be a 1170
what kind of autism is this?
retarded post
I honestly don't know what to do. I have a 1080p144 freesync monitor. Don't plan to upgrade resolutions. I have enough money to purchase a high end graphics card. I could buy a 1080ti and just play everything above 144 making freesync pointless. On the other hand I could go for Vega 64 or 56 and wait for fine wine to kick in allowing to cards to become better than their current competition. However I feel like Volta is around the corner and I have no idea what to expect from that.
vega64 won't be that much more amazing than 1080ti, but pascal is getting a bit long in the tooth
because they do what apple does and release updates that bog down all of their old stuff
>Fine wine vs getting it right the first time.
More like "Fine wine vs getting it gimped over time". The choice is obvious, just look at that creators update for CPU and 17.10.2 for GPU gains.