Worth it use Palemoon todays?

Worth it use Palemoon todays?


Yes. Now go away.

yes if you're a sjw furry

if you like furries then yes


The creator of palemoon is a furry.

fuck you and he.
now lets talk about the browser

It's nothing but a pale meme.

i used palememe before then jumped ship when they start making my addons incompatible

using palemoon currently, sometimes it is a cpu hog (never experienced this with iceweasel) but it werks.

After the adnauseam debacle it lost all my trust and I will jump ships asap, problem is all the alternatives are shit too, maybe give in to waterfox/icecat shills once I figure which is the lesser botnet



> Palemoon
Ding-dong diddly cringe, use Google Chrome you pleb

>After the adnauseam debacle
Quick rundown?

The Palemoon developer blacklisted the plugin, so without changing Palemoon settings you couldn't install it. The error of his was in trying to force the user to use only what he deems as correct software.

>The error of his was in trying to force the user to use only what he deems as correct software.

which is pretty major hit to credibility considering the your browser your way premise

i keep my eyes on it, as it's the most interesting browser alternative and is shaping up nicely. not quite ready to be a viable alternative to firefox, but will be the go-to-option for those who miss the classic browser era.

fuck adnausememe, nobody uses it.
The other options are even more sjw. Google with all diversity and gender neutral code and mozilla funding antifa.

>riseup =/= antifa
its amazing that this type of stupidity exists on Sup Forums

Actually just got Palememe set up the way I like it
If Qutebrowser actually had addons I'd use it exclusively

it was nice until he ditched jetpack
half my addons stopped working
I use icecat now

NetScape 2.0 or nothing

fuck free speech, and fuck freedom, what do they use it for anyway? u go girl

choke on a dick you lying fuck

>its amazing that this type of stupidity exists on Sup Forums

Just blame /pol like I always do, they come here and can't even hold a conversation about anything. Yeah, I used the /pol boogeyman.