If iPhone is really so much faster than Android, why is the iPhone 8+ only 8000 points higher than the 1+5?

If iPhone is really so much faster than Android, why is the iPhone 8+ only 8000 points higher than the 1+5?
They both have a FHD screen too yet for some reason when it comes to geekbench it makes the iPhones look twice as powerful...

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>why car A with round wheels is faster than car B with square wheels while their engines are about the same power?

thought that was an abstract pepe

same here lmfao

So how come the unoptimized Android that's used across thousands of different devices with square wheels is roughly on par with the optimised iOS that's only used on a handful of devices and has round wheels?

On a side note, since iOS is such a closed OS, how can we tell if Apple cheats at benchmarks?

>how can we tell if Apple cheats at benchmarks?

>200% faster in applebench
>always slower in any real usage

rly maeks u thnk...

Is that the iPhone 8?

The iphone 8 is even slower than the 7 in certain tasks. They have still have to fix iOS 11 in a proper way.

Turn off animations and rerun this. Stupid comparison.

Why are animations stupid long on the iPhone?

To hide the sluggish loading.

is the iPhone in power-save mode? Tested on my 7, YouTube opens around the same time out of power save


Basically: iPhones are fast but they can't sustain that speed because:
>not enough RAM
>constant overheating and thermal throttling
>suspected TDP throttling

Apple can easily fix the RAM thing by doubling the amount of RAM their current iPhones have (6 instead of 3) but the biggest challenge will be the last 2 things I mentioned.


That 5.5 inch iPhone is so much bigger than the 5.5 inch Android. What the fuck is Apple doing?

I didn't even notice that lol.
>tfw a copycat chinkshit looks better than an actual iPhone

So much poordroid FUD in this thread.

Listen here andrones, Apple wins in benchmarks and real world usage because they don’t have a fragmented shitty ecosystem. iOS apps are designed for a small number of phones, as such, engineering time can be put into optimising these devices. This is why performance is better. This is why iPhones don’t need 8 cores and 4GB RAM to work well.

A 5S is still faster in real world usage than most modern poordroids, no matter how much you jerk off about compiling your shitty poorfag code while uploading all your information to google.

>completely skipping over that androids need double the specs on paper and still lose to iPhone


I'm using an iPhone 7 plus right now but planning to buy a Note 8 btw


sorry but iphone in multitasking trashes the pixel

Why do you think nobody recommends the pixlel here?


My biggest gripe with iPhones is lack of a msd slot but other than that they're about on par with the latest android smartphones.

I would get an iPhone 8 plus if it had a 512GB storage option. But even then it would probably cost $2,000 compared to a $1,000 Note 8 + $200 400GB msd card.

Rigged test.

Animation scale has clearly been adjusted on the Androids.

Either turn on reduce motion on the iPhone or turn off developer options on the Androids.

kek same

nope, stock settings were used

Show me the methodology.

You can't turn off animations on iPhones. That lag which is really just loading bars can't be turned off else people would notice the actual lag trying to be hidden.

Geekbench doesn't utilize half the processors on Android because performance apps only use the performance cores, not the efficient cores.

With the A11 all six cores of the processor can be used by an application (though in the real world it is likely that only the two performance cores will be).

Core scaling is less than 100%, so with two cores in Geekbench the multi core score is less than 2x the single core score, etc

With the A10 processor single core was around 3500, multi core was around 6000. A quad core processor with two performance cores and two efficient cores that wouldn't assist in performance.

With the A11 the single core is around 4200 and the multi core is around 10000. A hex core processor with two performance cores and four efficient cores that can assist in performance.

On Android the processors function between the A10 and the A11. Not only couldn't the A10 assist in performance, it couldn't use the efficient cores while the performance cores were being used. Android devices can, they put long running processes that don't require high performance on them so they can run concurrently with performance applications.

There's more going on behind the benchmark scores that people need to be aware of.

go ask phonebuff yourself, he uses stock settings

You're forgetting how hot the A10 and A11 chips get. At some point (a few minutes) they thermal throttle a ton.

Methodology is flawed.

Into the trash

Let me guess, geekbench is better right?

According to your special friend, iPhone wins :)


>sharing a medium like Wi-Fi
dropped for me.

What if we make animations in Android last as long as in iOS?

Except the iPhone wifi was slightly faster and neither phone saturated the 300Mbps wifi connection inches away.

Android doesn't slow loading of animations take longer to finish, the apps are fully usable while the animation plays.
Webm related is my redmi note 4 at 10x animation scale.

Fuck, that's like me after a friday night at a bar.

how did you record that as a webm with VP8 video and no sound? ffmpeg cli for android has borked vp8 encoding afaik.

I got some Foss screencap thing off f droid and shoved it onto some app from that sketchy online-convert site. It requires WiFi, but it let's you pick all the settings.

>'TDP throttling'
>pajeet.webm tapping icons
>pajeet doesn't know the atual metrics of performance
>no video exporting, just app startup perceived times from different animations

How many times are you going to post this? How much do you get paid in (You)pees?

Well. The car with square wheels is apparently almost as fast as the car with round wheels in that benchmark alone so yeah... fuck off.

Not him but the only pajeet here is you. Do you have any idea how fucking common pic related is with normal use?

t. apple specialist

Don't get me wrong, I still prefer iPhones over Android phones but pretending all the bad things away about iPhones only makes you look like a retard.

That's look really fucking cool

Oh boy I sure wish my iPhone could do that

One plus also cheats in benchmarks

Im glad i want the only one

Pixel is a shitty iPhone copy. Stock Android has no optimizations. Any other Android OEM flagship trashes it.

Bruh what are you even talking about. Animations and benchmarks are something else. Pixel is the smoothest android experience you can get. I repeat smoothest not the fastest.

Lol no kill yourself googlecuck

Speed doesn't matter if you can't use your phone as your personal external storage and music player as much as a telephone.

I want to be able to just drag and drop a file onto my phone, be it flac music, or mkv movies or even a game or a bunch of documents without have to send them through a trojan named itunes that acts like a toll that only lets through teh bare minimum file formats through a shit feature they call syncing.

It's really not that far ahead of Moto and and Samsung though...

Plus how can you be sure Apple doesn't do the same?

They quite literally do.

Maybe not intentionally. But geekbench is garbage and heavily favors crypto subprocessors. To the point where brainlet mactards actually believe their fruit toy CPU can compete with an i5.

Geekbench isnt a valid benchmark, that's why.

No it's GTR is faster than the corvette despite lack of v8.