Never really come here, ive been generally smart with my PC purchases involving parts...

Never really come here, ive been generally smart with my PC purchases involving parts, but never stepped into the SSD realm, I still use(iirc) the fastest or faster HDD(Raptor) you can buy, but its old and only about 70gb, I think they make some a bit faster but not by much.

Anyways, I use my internal HDD for my OS and programs I will use regularly, and it is fast, I have had no issues with it ever and its legit probably like 8 years old now.

For gaming I have to use an external HD(my other internal was also very old, its inside but disconnected as its only 30gb, its another Raptor but its over a decade old) my external is some USB samsung at 300gb, it has done the job, it is slow at copy/pasting and unpacking/verifying(strictly for gaming) but now its become corrupted. Currently trying to repair it with command prompt shit and probably gonna try some programs, but I think its time I get an SSD.

How is an external SSD vs an Internal. The ones I need are pretty much the same in price, $170 for both, one is 300gb and External and one is 500gb Internal. It will 100% fit inside, that said, I like my external because I can take any movies/shows/games anywhere for friends.

How is an External SSD vs an Internal? Should I just go Internal? Id have to assume its better internal because it doesnt deal with USB, but how much better?

This is an entire tech ive ignored so id like some help, I dont know if external SSD are just a meme.

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Just replace your raptors with SSDs already.

too expensive atm and I 100% need a new HD because my gaymin one is shitting itself.

I can drop $150-$170 but thats it. Like I said, I do not use my 30gb Raptor, its pretty much worthless as gaming is in a shitshow right now with 50+gb games and its retarded.

my 70gb is a cutey as well, id turn it into my side gaming HD, and have my new SSD use my OS and most games, and my 70gb for little games and emulation shit.

Id just like some information on making the right choice for an SSD.

Read reviews. SSDs can be a total shitshow if they have crappy cheap ass controllers. Never buy old ancient worn out SSDs, they likely contain bugs and old as shit controllers as well.

$150 could get you a pretty nice 480GB one with solid 500MBps reads.

What about External/Internal, is External just shit?

I got space and plenty of power for Internal since my GPU is a cute 1050ti and doesnt need PSU connection, but I do like a mobile external HD since I take it around a lot, but I can sacrifice that if Internal is that much better.

If you can string a SATA power and data cable out the back of your case, you can just connect it there.

External might be ok if you have USB3.0. Might not be as good as direct SATA connection though.

holy shit a time traveller. you're lucky Sup Forums is still here!
500gb internal sata ssd is the answer.

74gb raptor is smaller and slower than a usb3 thumb drive lel

are you still running xp64/server2003?

He'll probably bottleneck any SSD too. Can only imagine the rest of the components.

ah nah your first point is fine for me, but not for my friends who I bring mine around with, they are pretty inept at PC and all are console people.

Its not a deal breaker, so its sounding like an internal is better, and its also more bang for my buck. I was checking NewEgg and Samsung stuff had some high reviews, is that a good company for SSDs? Honestly, when it comes to my HD, I want the absolute best company, because my fucking expensive as fuck old Raptors have been perfect for a decade and more, id like the same for my new one.

I must not have USB 3.0, basically my Motherboard and Processor are about 12 years old, if not more, my computer was a big gift of perfect A's from all high school and putting Bday/Xmas money into it as well. It was super future proof, and honestly both are still fantastic to this day, but my HD are sadly showing the age. I run W7. I have only needed to replace my PSU/GPU/RAM, my MB and CPU have been fantastic. and were BY FAR the most expensive parts, my CPU was $1200 at its cheapest at the time.

Nah, my computer isnt bottlenecked very badly, a new MB would be the only better part but its not needed. My i5 still does everything I need. I play at 1080p, and I get 60fps+ in almost any new game on all high except maybe max AA or AO.

>12 years old, if not more
lol wut. 12 years ago, the biggest thing daddy's money could buy was a pentium 4 extreme or an opteron

maybe im getting my shit wrong, sorry, I was 18, so uhh, 8 years or 7 years.

Basically got a top tier computer when HL2 hit in 2004, then another at 18 years old. Sorry. I love my old baby because I thought future proofing was a meme but my CPU is still fantastic.

>I thought future proofing was a meme

It is. Everything since Sandy Bridge has stalled.

what fucking cpu do you have omg i know this is a mongolian hieroglyphics bulletin board but stop being so goddamn cryptic
and secondly, just get a fucking internal SSD. Literally any SSD that you can find with good reviews on any online merchant website will be fine for what you're using it for so long as you arent on like alibaba or something. $150 can get you a lot of SSD. dont get an external ssd to use as a drive outside of needing to transfer very large files, as it's like having a dick but having your balls cut off. theyre so not-worth it that theyre not even a meme. not only that but you dont even have usb 3.0 so it would be literally fucking useless, maybe even worse than your current hard drive. there is your fucking answer. you will legitimately understand

i5 2500k 3.3ghz, and thank you for your answer, its legit what I needed. Sorry I almost never come to Sup Forums. I come for my /ck/ memes and sometimes Sup Forums when a huge event happens for memes and fun conspiracy posting. [spoiler]And "good" /vg/ threads like DF and grand strat.[/spoiler]

Just overclock the fucker. see If you absolutely need external, you can get a PCIe USB3.0 expansion card. Though, that still won't do you much good unless your friends also have USB3.0 on their computers.

Alright, ill prob overclock it, its seriously past its warranty anyways. Thanks for the info, looks like im getting Internal.

Whats a good overclock? I am in Florida so my house is either 70 degrees or lower since its either weather below 70 or AC 100%? 3.5? 3.6?

ah yeah thats a good processor, i had one awhile ago. and let me fix that previous post, just get any ssd that you can afford that is on sale.* look at reviews if you feel uncomfortable. if its from a brand youve even head of or hinted at then it'll be fine. you will realize how big of an upgrade it is from what you have the moment you boot your pc up from the ssd

alright thanks, ill do some of my own research for something good internal, pretty pumped, heard nothing but good things.

if you're looking at the $150 samsung ssd on amazon thats on sale its not a bad deal at all, i'd buy it. you cant go wrong with an 850 evo whatsoever. i know you said you can spend about 150-170, so i figured id at least recommend ya that. the crucial for the same price isnt bad either, but with your concerns just get the samsung and have piece of mind.

good deal, ill go with sammysung, they are the ones who are making my failing external, but they have always made good shit imo. My external is just failing after like 6 years and some travel abuse.

np np, now ill go on one of your boards and make an autistic post and be cryptic because we are on a laotian archaology web platform, enjoy

Pick /vg/ GSG or DF, Dwarf Fort is prob best since its super CPU intensive so pic related can process.

ooohhh i just went on /ck/ oh well lol

This thread is cancer.
>my cpu was 1200$ at its cheapest
>i5 2500k

You write like child

I got it when it first came out.

2500k was never $1200.

then it was $800-$1000

It was 350 tops now fuck off and die

Launch price was $200 faggot.

he's probably talking about his entire pc, i guess you skipped over the part where he says he came from /ck/, he's not autistic enough to install loonix and is just a normie now kys, i already blasted his ass enough

stop samefagging too while you're at it

>calling your pc a cpu


well im sorry, I knew my computer at 18 was over $1500, im not super smart with this stuff, I just know how to try and avoid bottlenecking. Like I said, I care far more for 1080p 60fps(especially 60fps more than anything) in gaming than anything else. I know 4k and 60+ fps is the best, but with how shit even the most expensive and modern games tend to be, I find it extremely useless to push my rig.

>implying im the op
reddit wants you back

i think its time you just lurk moar and learn now my child

yeah prob, seems like Sup Forums is right up my alley to lurk. Trying to make my best PC decisions since id like to be on top for this newest game generation, even if its proven shit so far. I can tell you anything about any game, or how to make beef wellington correctly, but not the best way to make a good PC.

>using videogames to measure CPU performance

>not using video games to measure performance for someone whose only demanding task they use their pc for is games

Just get ram disks slow fag

OP here, yeah some things I want to run are super CPU intensive, like Dwarf Fort, and Emulators and muh grand strats. In fact, the game industry recently is so shit that CPU are very important, its legit just CPU and VRAM and nothing else. We have fucking basic AAA yearly releases hitting 100 fucking GB now. Its a shit show. Its all about how fast you can process the garbage, and how much VRAM you have for its unoptimized textures.

this guy gets it.