... to expose the Apple logo
Is there anything more trashy than this?
... to expose the Apple logo
Is there anything more trashy than this?
Other urls found in this thread:
dubs means this is now a templeOS thread
When iToddlers coordinate their clothing to their iToy case.
That Apple logo is hard to make, Gotta show off that painstaking made bi-metal apple logo.
Nice try
This is an apple shill thread though. There is a reason apples marketing budget is more than twice its r&d budget.
Well, that's what they paid that extra $500 for
The one good thing about iphones is that literally every chinese company makes cases for it, so if you're a girl, you can make your iphone cute with different cute cases for every day of the week.
You actually have to go out of your way to buy the ones with holes in them because these are "officially licensed" and they cost much more and are only sold at higher end shops.
Not only do you have to be female, you have to have that extra special strain of vanity that makes you want to show off the brand of the phone at all times, so trashy.
>>Is there anything more trashy than this?
The phone those cases are holding
I bet she still has men orbiting her.
Why are you posting pictures of your beautiful wife here?
wtf is going on in this thread
>a sideshow act surrounded by people with morbid curiosity.jpg
Applefags really like their rear holes
damn user you are ugly af plus you are a darn
sand nigger and above all showing us pictures of
your last date(she is hideous by the way) which i suppose you regret putting your dick into and also saging this thread
If they liked them, they wouldn't have them constantly filled with each other's dicks, no?
Can the janitors do their job
>this thread
I never understood why they would not just make the logo the fingerprint scanner. Apple is run by retards.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Why are you posting pictures of some fat bitch taking pictures of herself in an elevator
I have the Apple leather case. It's the classiest.
This user is correct, they can justify that shit easily and with functionality.
Why does everyone in that thread seem like a faggot
>apple trash
The current state of Sup Forums
Someone please delete this whole fucking thread