Are the Sennheiser HD650s the best headphones under $1000? Also can I use them without an amp until I’m able to afford a good one?
Are the Sennheiser HD650s the best headphones under $1000...
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yes and yes
>HD650s the best headphones under $1000
Nah, the HD600 are
care to explain why?
No the HD800s are.
You can but they'll sound shitty
Go look at Schiit. they sell good dacs/amps for cheap
They sound better than the HD650.
Depends on what kind of music you listen to
There's a really minor difference that is exaggerated by shills/shitposters. They're both great, you won't care about the differences unless you own both, get whichever is cheaper.
I giggled
Literally everyone seems to recommend the HD600's instead so you should probably get those.
OR you could stop being a poorfag and get the HD800's instead.
no, K712 are
Mah nugga
yea nigga
there's no such thing as the "best" everyone prefers different sounds, also the HD600 isn't even used in most studios the MDR7506 or m40x and equivalents are
what are the best headphones that cost less than $400 and don't require an amp or DAC?
sennheiser pxc 550
just buy a cheap chink-amp costing 120$ straight from china
and buy a cheap fiio 9 dac for 50 bucks and you should be fine
Why we need DAC? didn't any good motherbroad get a good DAC on it?
Only high end boards have decent audio, and many not even then. The Gigabyte Z370 Gaming 7 is probably the best solution available, since it has an ESS9018 (also found on the X399 Zenith Extreme, but that's a $500 board).
My fellow dark skinned brothers
Nobody wants to even explain it so i guess, and i am only guessing:
1. Ports are not insulated properly in the first place, which is that "noise" you hear when there is no sound playing and you turn the speakers to max
2. Something something amount of power you can put trough the port, and i guess if you where to add a amplifier to do that, noise becomes a issue
3. External DAC/Soundcard has more even voltage pulses or something? I wish wikipedia actually explained it, i don't really get it
Like, i get the point of a amplifier(mixing and more ampere injection), but not a DAC, unless the noise floor is audible for normal use(i guess it is)
Besides sound quality, it's convenient.
I have simple cheap DAC/AMP, that has both headphones and speakers plugged in. It has mechnical switch, which is super satisfying to use. And using rubber knob for volume control is wayy bettter then software shit.
I have HD600 and I absolutely love them. I would recomend DAC/AMP device thought. When plugged directly into my computer the bass is noticeably weaker.
im fulla schiit
So HD600 > HD650 due to being more neutral?
What would be best for someone who listens to a lot of genres and not specific bass heavy music.
>Are the Sennheiser HD650s the best headphones under $1000?
i'm not sure if Hifiman 560's or the 500's are the
best under a $1000 but I do know that they are better than the 650's. All 3 will give you hours of enjoyment though.
The 650s fit better a wide variety of music compared to the 600s. They slightly have better bass extesion while the 600 has an almost complete lack of it. Yes, they're more neutral but at the cost of bass extension which puts aside some genres. The 650s do have a mid bass bump but that can easily be "fixed" with a tiny ammount of EQ
Thanks for the reply, so in general 650's are more suitable. And how about a reasonably priced AMP? What is the best on the market for value?
Fulla 2 is great for the price
O2+ODAC or Schiit stack are considered the best price/performance if you can afford them
Probably AD1000x/2000x if they fit you right
You can but, you really need an amp since they're like 300 or 600 ohms.
But they're very sensitive so powerful amps are unnecessery
> tfw european
Well thanks you fucking useless video
Yes and yes.
650s have better sound stage than 600s.
600s and down are tinted to be warm (exaggerated midrange) ..
It will sounds better but once you experience the 650s you'll enjoy the accuracy, broader sound stage and overall delivery.
I own 650s .. had 600s and a host of other Senns. : 598s
650s are my most solid go to pair
and no you dont need an amp.. regulary jack in to my iphone
>650s have better sound stage than 600s.
Both have basically no soundstage so who cares.
no idea what i just read
650 is muddy. 600 is wet. I much prefer wet.
this a million times
never going back to cramped soundstage sennheisers from these
Get the HD600. It's more accurate.
never buy headphones over $500 what's wrong with you
That easily dips into "good" studio monitor prices
You're not tracking, mixing live or even likely recording yourself, there's no need to spend double the money for the same sound quality to not annoy your mom with your late night hentai
The 650s are more refined
they're within error close to each other with the main difference that the 650 have hand matched drivers, so even less tolerance from what you're seeing on graphs. absolutely worth the couple of bucks more, mate
Is that shill speak for darker?
HD600's are blown away by even a low-budget mackie monitor setup and placement
i prefer pink
you cannot compare headphones and speakers, both have totally different use cases and if you don't value both then you're probably a retard
Of course I value both and use all speakers/headphones at my disposal to mix like anybody should. My point is the top value of headphones plateaus far far below any $1000 price point, while good studio monitors begin under that price and are much better than any equivalently priced headphones
Neutrality isn't everything
completely irrelevant, the thread is about headphones
HD600 has matched drivers as well.
Specifically I'm saying that even my cheapest monitors give much better seperation and clarity than my HD600's
The best headphones under $1000 are the ones several feet away from you with large, multiple drivers
source on that? everything I head states the contrary and basically all the 600 measurements have bigger variance in between L&R than the 650
My 650s have a very audible variance around 8-9KHz. It's really annoying with doing sine sweeps to EQ.
>he EQs using sweeps
So cute
all my headphones have some sort of variance in the very high frequencies, can't really do much about the highest octaves in terms of matching
Sennheiser doesn't state it on their website any more but it is matched to a +/- 1dB tolerance. You don't have to believe me if you want.
HD580 = 3dB matching
HD600, HD650, HD660S = 1dB matching
Nope, these are.
what do you think has a better sound stage for under a G? I'm not picking a fight at all. I've never heard the 600's or 650's. I'm curious as hifiman, and akg fan.
600. I would say that the hifiman 400i has larger Soundstage tho. 600 just has a wet sound that's really pleasing. I don't know how to describe... Very euphoric. 650 is muddy. 600 great for vocals. Bass is good, but isn't as controlled as a planar magnetic would be. 650 is ass at controlling bass even tho it has more.