Why doesn't Sup Forums have threads about mining anymore?

Why doesn't Sup Forums have threads about mining anymore?

I made $15,000 in BTC after Sup Forums told me to mine dogecoins in 2013.

Can we do it again?

because was created

But they don't mine, they just trade

>mining profitably

bitcoin is pretty much a stock at this point

Plenty of altcoins are still GPU-minable, and they're profitable if you live somewhere with below-average electricity costs.

I used to use reaper and cgminer
I can't really find any nice tutorial for how to even start, don't remember anything

Got any tips?

>I made $15,000 in BTC

Did you really? Did you then go and purchase $15k of (legal) goods with that?

No I diversified and bought alt coins which are earning me even more money.

>spend valid money to "buy" invalid money
>because it's invalid money all you can buy is even more invalid money worth less

So this is the power of ButtCum?

>not having Bitcoin ATMs around town for lifting out money from your wallet

I know of 4 atms near me. Idk how reliable they are are though.

>buttcoin boom
>overnight Sup Forums was completely overwhelmed by flood of idiot normalfag profiteers
>containment board /biz/ created
>actually took care of all the buttcoin threads but the idiot normalfag profiteers stuck around for some reason
you people ruined this board
fuck off

Mining has fucked us all. Unless you're a Chinese fucker with lots of money to spend on GPUs.

you can buy a buncha drugs with it


>Đoge coin
Is this thing worth anything nowadays?

Dogecoin mining in 2013 was the golden age of Sup Forums

Why do altcoins have any value?
The people who launder money, buy CP and drugs online can simply use bitcoin and I dont think they have a reason to switch to some of tbe hundreds of obscure new currencies.

Who keeps buying them and why?
Is it simply goldrush of the miners that just keep making a new one after the old one gets difficult?

They have value because people are willing to buy them for real money mostly because they think they'll be smart or lucky enough to make some nice returns off how fast the market is growing and pull back out before it crumbles.

Not technology.

Crypto currency is technology
Graphic cards are technology
Mining is technology

Ever since I made 1+btc from fedora tips I realized, life is a joke, the economy is a joke, just yolo it up

>tfw still mining doge

Jealous, fun dogecoin was using as joke on reddit as fedora coin, until chines start buy dogecoin as crazy, people start to demand dogecoin as legit money.

Im going to be frank with you and tell you the real reason behind all these memecoin craze: to eventually eliminate cash and allow the NWO to track every, and I mean literally every single fucking economical transaction (and probably much more with blockchain potential) made.

You think Sup Forums privacy nuts have it bad? Oh boy you're in for a ride.

>inb4 buttcoing apologists trying to defend the indefensible with muh open sores
Yeah nah, call me when we have fully open source hardware (and widely adopted ofc), when the NSA stops meddling in tech to monitor as much as they can, basically when we can actually TRUST OUR COMPUTERS.

Altcoins have a legit use

Should have said endgame rather than reason but whatever, speculators play a big role right now but the endgame is what matters and why you don't want it to progress.

Picture related. It is Sup Forums destroying bitcoin

Pick a coin you believe will be worth a lot more in the future and mine that.

If you mined XMR last year you would have been making $1000+/day in today's market

some have meme tier "usage"
others are pure speculation

Is there any way to get the number of searches performed for a given keyword over a specific interval? Preferable with google.

>tfw in 2010 you had hundreds of bitcoins but spent it all on killing your brain cells.

fuck man.



Theyre just like penny stocks.

People who own massive mining farms "invent" a new altcoin. Mine a few million, shill them everywhere, plebs fall for it, drum up interest, the value of the coins go up, the inventor people dump their shit and start over.