>Mr Robot uses nano
Mr Robot uses nano
what a fucking fag
> t.too dumb to use vim
>falling for the vim meme
I assume anyone I see using nano to be a retard. I also force my co-workers to use vim if they are working in my vicinity and I see them using nano.
I'm pretty sure that in the episode in 2nd season where he was asked to do a website migration, he did use Vim.
When they gave him the PC and he wrote some malware for "pwning" FBI, pretty sure it was Vim.
I might be wrong.
Your coworkers think you're an annoying prick and you'll be the first to get laid off when the company starts doing purges.
I force my coworkers to use Code::Blocks
>I also force my co-workers to use vim
Tell more about this, how do you force your coworkers to do that? Are they your subordinates or something?
They are all faggots so who cares? They should be thanking me for making them use a superior editor.
And why would I want to stay if the company was going to shit.
Yes they are my juniors.
> imblyin that a obnoxious idiot like you can get a job
here's a (You)
>not using Jed
He's used vim in the second season.
Fuck your gay ass show
>using a lisp interpreter on unix
Why use lispers tools when the unix command line is superior?
>your command line tools are made by the same lisper who made emacs
When will dumb vi fags do anything themselves?
>your command line tools are made by the same lisper who made emacs
Sure about that champ?
I knew he was he was a total faggot after they revealed he used gnome, but this confirms it for everyone one now. How can anyone watch this trash?
True, he should've used Code::Blocks.
Ed is the only correct answer.
>posts a nigger
Typical ed-faggot reaction
>current state of (You)
I'm an emacs user personally, but Vim and Nano are also both fine editors.
Whatever lets you work smart and keeps the frustration levels down works for me!
nano haters BTFO
>he uses the CLI so infrequently that he needs his key shortcuts printed on the screen for him
mcedit is the superior nano
but we already know he's mentally unstable.
>mr robot
more like rm robot
>forcing co-workers to use a program that does the literal same thing as nano
pico is better
> not using Sandy
Never understood why people NEED to use vim or some gay shit to feel competent. Some of the best, most productive programmers in the world don't give a shit about how well you've optimized text editing
To be completely honest, with the caveat "as long as you're productive", because it's fun.
If you're going to be staring at chicken marks in broken english implementing broken logic while trying to avoid forgetting a colon or something, you should enjoy as much as possible in your work. True, not everyone is cut out for it to begin with, but every line of work has its boring and dull bits. If you managed to make your very work environment fun for you, then you benefit, your employer benefits, and your coworkers benefit.
>he doesn't use a heavily modified Ono-Sendai VII
>he uses stock silicon
Probably purely for filming purposes. Learning Vim takes a bit of time while nano can be learned in practically seconds and still runs in a shell, which is all normies care about.
nano is great for quickly editing config files, vim is great when you want to show off in front of virgins on the internet
I don't know man. I use Vim for pretty much everything. Being able to jump to the beginnings and ends of words, skip entire paragraphs and other more in-depth shortcuts make editing even little dotfiles really snappy.
I confirm your statement, not based on facts tho. I am such a perfect creature, I just remember
>using nano
>h-hey user? i uh could i ask y-you to use v..
>sorry what was that I had headphones in
>oh nothing i..uh..just thought your code was nice
>oh thanks!
>later that day...
>so i totally told my faggot coworkers to stop using jew cuck technology like nano and forced him to use the superior vim and called him a CIAnigger for being such a cuck. he totally cried shit was cash yo
What's wrong with nano? Serious question.
Mate haven't you ever worked before? Easily half of my colleagues have been obnoxious idiots, it's a sad fact of life. Thankfully most of my bosses / managers have been pretty cool.
nothing, just elitist linux users being stupid
His story was more believable to be honest, I yell at the pajeets at least once a day where I work about some stupid shit.
> dude keeps typing 'clear'in the terminal instead of Ctrl L
> he's got 10 Firefox windows with 10 tabs each, nothing pinned
> he's using win10 and putty with stock configs
> he's not using a pw manager to save his prod access pw
Shit goes on and on
Depends on what you want to do.
Autists like to complain about how people choose to put words on the screen over actually being productive themselves.
Kate is the number one on the notehandling and scripting
- automatic numberlining
- tab-modules
- better for making tux-racer.mods with the syntax highlighting
not an argument, bash is much superior to lips, its even superior to C if we discount the terrible performance.
Making a simple program that edits a json file or some type of data will take you at least 100 lines on what ever meme language and most of the code is just stupid prerequisites to make the thing work when on bash you pass what ever data to a command and the output is then passed to an other and so on.
So I see you're running gnome.
>Ctrl L
learned something new today
what is it, page-break control character?
>thinking mr robot was ever supposed to be an accurate representation of hacking and not just the commie writer mass projecting his hatred for capitalism
>dude keeps typing 'clear' in the terminal instead of Ctrl L
Haha y-yeah, what a silly pajeet.
Let me guess: you are a brainlet sysadmin that cant program except for writing a few (broken) bash scripts.
Can you give one example of some inaccuracy in the series?
>an executive using linux
Bc nano is comfy af
Will core.c break into my ex's fb?
Hit me up on irc dalnet bro!
it's just utterly simple compared to other text editors, it's like notepad from windows expect it works on a fucking terminal and what's the point to use such a limited text editor on a terminal? even gedit is a better option.
>not an argument, bash is much superior to lips, its even superior to C if we discount the terrible performance
>commie writer mass projecting his hatred for capitalism
seriously, Sup Forums needs to be shutdown
holy fuck a nigger with trigger discipline
>C-L is clear
The out of bounds IP address is like the fake phone number of hollywood. It's almost certainly done on purpose so that some poor lad doesn't get nmaped by thousands of wannabe hacker kids who watch Mr. Robot.
your asuka wallpaper is trash, you slut loving cuck
>he doesn't run his GPL stealth module on his Sino-Logic 16
>probably doesn't even have Sogo 7 datagloves
fucking dropped
first gnome
now nano
Even when you wrap that address around and get, it's just some device with firewalled Microsoft services running somewhere in Hangzhou, China.
Host is up (0.35s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
135/tcp filtered msrpc
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
593/tcp filtered http-rpc-epmap
1900/tcp filtered upnp
4444/tcp filtered krb524
I thought season 3 was just going to be a massive Trump hatefest, but Esmail seems to be subtle enough that Elliot blames himself for that shit. Given the Democrat party is probably the biggest reason he got elected it's pretty relevant.
Hell I actually like that the revolutionaries in the show are a bunch of dimwits who think they can change the world by making big waves and end up enabling the Chinese, becoming even more terrible people or outright dying.
Been a while since I watched it, but that time they were worried by a ddos attack when cloudflare exists
Probably what happened
>Elliot: wait, what was the command to be in insert mode
>producer: shit. Wait let me call the geeks
>geek: it's "i"
>Elliot: wtf it's not working
>geek: stop holding control!
>Elliot: aren't you supposed to hold control?
>geek: fuck it! Just use nano goddamn it
>but but but vim will always be available when you need it on any system
>actually logging into servers
>not using immutable infrastructure
>not using config management or containers
>treating your servers like pets and not cattle
Shiggy diggy
>I want my shit to be the least user friendly shit ever, so I use Void and a window manager only
>trashtalk people who go the extra mile of "making shit more difficult than it has to be"
There is no winning here.
I like this show
Yeah, Richard Stallman made gcc and he compiled a lot of the commandline tools for Linux using his compiler. It's the whole reason autists sperg out about "GNU/Linux", not "Linux" in the first place.
But I have no GNU tools since I run BSD and Openindiana/Illumos. So did he work for ATT or something too?
No, just for Linux and Hurd really. (BTW good choice picking actual Unix-based OS' over Linux)
Neither of those are certified UNIX. You only get bragging rights if you're using MacOS or AIX.
What no HP-UX?
Hockey Pucks is best UNIX!
>compiled with gcc means its made by RMS.
wew lad, thats next level mental gymnastics right there.
Also the GNU coreutils isn't the only existing set, and certainly not the best
Are you retarded? RMS started a whole operating system called GNU and he wrote certain programs himself for it. Scrape the manpages and look for "Richard Stallman". Take GNU, add the kernel called "Linux" to it and you have GNU/Linux.
I'm not a fan because it's slower to navigate, due to having to move your hands off the home row to the arrow keys.
It's fine if you are writing a few lines in a completely linear fashion, but most people don't have enough foresight to avoid having to go back and edit the code they wrote earlier
Ed is the best editor
if you are computing on a typewriter.
so ex then?
>he doesn't use Xfce mousepad exclusively
lmaoing @ ur life Tb. H
How is this different from ed? The commands look exactly the same.
>have no idea about subject
>post about subject
Oh you need to go into the visual mode of ex.
It's great!
that sounds right for his generation ?
should have been spacemacs regardless
>dude keeps typing 'clear'in the terminal instead of Ctrl L
holy fuck never knew this. amazing.
There is literally nothing wrong with nano and similar editors.
i can't figure that shit out. i use vi or vim
Using Linux as daily driver for 3 years now and haven't bothered learning vim keybindings beyond how to go in and out of insert mode, find shit, and save/exit.
Nano is completely fine and actually fantastic for small editing. Anything bigger than small edits, I'm sane enough to use sublime text. If it's on a server, I just do it locally then scp it up. To think that a Linux user HAS to use vim is just retarded.
How is void and a window manager NOT user-friendly. Void is significantly easier to install them something like Arch and there is absolutely nothing difficult about using a wm.
I assume anyone I see using vim to be a retard. I also force my co-workers to use ed if they are working in my vicinity and I see them using vim.
Seriously? you never read what all the control characters do?
curious, what's a small edit to you? like 3 lines of text? a paragraph? i'm not saying you NEED to use vim, but when i edit text, assuming vim is on that machine, I use it. editing text is editing text, and vim is quite proficient in that. using one text editor "for small changes" and another for "the rest" never made sense to me.
Wtf I love curry now
show implementation of unlikely.