Hi guys, I just got a gov't grant for my small IT business allowing me to spend 100k. Most of it is going towards developing software and I'm getting us new fleet vehicles, but my "office" is still a janky desk my parents got me when I was 13, that shit is old and torn.
Let's play a game: If you had 30k to spend on a battlestation, starting from an empty home office room, how much would you blow and on what? This includes chairs, desks, anything from top to bottom. Blow some dosh! (I really don't know how to anymore at this point) BTW I will actually post results in about 2-3 weeks.
>gets 100K >wants to spend 30K on homosex designer furniture this is why most small businesses fail.
Ian Adams
Why lie? Why not just say you live at home with your parents, you're underage and you want to start a thread about what peoples dream battlestations would be.
Ethan Baker
>>wants to spend 30K on homosex designer furniture
And fleet vehicles....
Ryan Barnes
man, I'm so glad I pay taxes. so the government can take that money and give it to my competition who wouldn't survive on their own. wew, this whole taxes thing really rocks!
Blake Martinez
I'm service oriented, and I'm already running stable. I could put that money towards marketing, but marketing stops being efficient after a certain amount of spending, I have reached that point, especially because I'm B2B as opposed to consumer oriented, and I have one full time account manager and one contracted account manager.
I've moved to a new office where I actually have to have meetings with people, and thus I'd like the place to look nice.
Your criticisms aside, 30k is nothing, I take home a reasonable amount at the end of the year and reinvest most of my gains, and this is merely a business expense.
I will stop addressing people who want me to validate my claims, you have just as much reason to doubt me as you have reason to believe me, none.
The other 70k can easily buy you 3 Mercedes Sprinter vans you dip.
Jaxon Fisher
The fuck you need three sprinters for?
Jonathan Harris
Installation equipment? You try fitting an entire garage worth of equipment into a Passat or a CR-V.
Luis Baker
>Your criticisms aside, 30k is nothing
Check out fucking money bags here. It's nothing when it's a government hand out you welfare queen.
Isaiah Lopez
>Hi guys, I just got a gov't grant for my small IT business allowing me to spend 100k.
Bet you're the kind of cunt reads the Daily Mail and blames the poor for draining the welfare system.
Jordan Lee
>If you had 30k to spend on a battlestation, starting from an empty home office room, how much would you blow and on what? Well I know what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't ask for advice on a chinese hubcap trading forum.
Jose Flores
>meet goals that increase the amount of jobs in the local region >support the economy by getting foreigners to move here (we have a skilled labour shortage) >somehow I'm just "getting" money rather than doing something the government wants to increase financial stability in the area and they're getting me funds to help me grow.
Jesus christ it's like you're all children who don't understand the most simple things about the economy.
Grayson Russell
I can already tell your company is going to shit. But good luck!
Nathaniel Carter
You made a mistake in coming here, tripfaganon.
Mason Torres
>Underpay people. >Import foreign labour to further drop what you have to pay. >It's still a fucking government hand out. You're a welfare queen. Doesn't matter what you say. You're a fucking leech on tax payers.
If your business was good and successful, you wouldn't need a fucking government hand out. You're everything that's wrong with a capitalist society.
Brody Lee
Colton Bailey
Just buy a bunch of modern looking IKEA stuff, you can make it nice looking for cheap. Also why do you call your office setup a "battlestation" ? I hope you dont plan on building an RGB setup to "impress" your customers...
Kayden Young
Where should I go to find out this kinda stuff? I thought people here went to battlestation threads when they knew what kinda stuff was available, I'm not hiring an interior designer or some shit I hate that.
I honestly don't know what to do in order to make my office seem decent enough for when I'm having people over from companies that are 10 times my size.
>underpay people citation needed, I'd have to pay MORE for them to come here because these skilled workers are a limited resource anywhere
>import foreign labour Yes, when there's a lack of skilled people living in a region, you need foreign labour, right now 35% of the positions on the market are unfilled, this makes us internationally non-competetive because we simply can't provide the work output. So we hire foreigners who graduate university in my country to fill these positions, and they do just fine thank you.
>government hand out, leech on taxpayers Except I'm increasing the country's international trade power, which in turn creates economic streams that come in from other countries, thus creating more incentives for foreign companies to form ties with local companies here, increasing revenue and tax streams.
>capitalist society We have healthcare, nearly free education and welfare that covers you if you need it, yet we run perfectly fine.
Jaxon Reed
Ignore the communists. believe it or not some of the best desks and chairs I have ever used are from ikea's cheaper catalogue of stuff. They're modern, bright, stylish, and best of all cheap; that's expenses you can say you spent on furniture but really buy yourself a 20" long dragon dildo with super suction and cum tube with piss flavoured lube and you can claim it back on tax. As for computers, just get an all in one. An all in one PC looks more clean and professional than a SUPER EPIK RYZEN(TM) GAYMING (C)(R) MACHINE, you dig me?
Noah Turner
Keep telling yourself how much you're doing for the country when all you're doing is filling it full of cheap poo in loo labour.
Austin King
Typical middle class self employed business owner doesn't understand that he and the upper class are the biggest welfare queens in the country.
Oh, just to add on that if you've ever visited modern display homes you'll get an idea on the colour palette to use. People wanna feel at home even when in an office, so a homey palette and a open office will really make things more enjoyable. Throw in a couch and a TV that plays cooking shows on it or something.
Connor Thomas
And those in the military. And police.
Bentley Morales
>30K to spend Buy cheap good looking furniture from IKEA/local alternatives >vehicle fleet buy them used and slap your corporate logo on them you dont need 2017 mercedes models for that transfer your remaining funds to the reserves if you want to survive for more than one year
Hunter Rivera
>Throw in a couch and a TV that plays cooking shows on it or something. Fucking Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Don't forget throw cushions.
Jacob Walker
Yeah... I've got an RGB setup right now that I bought 8 years ago in my teens, it's really gotta get upgraded. My whole home office has got that kind of styling, and since I'm moving to a real office building I need to get my shit together on the presentation bit, the whole reason why I'm making this thread. I've already ordered some nice plain looking mice and keyboards, I also got a white Fractal Design R5 case (windowless) that I will just plop my new stuff in.
Ikea would already be a step up, I'm on a Walmart desk right now. What's your opinion on glass desks?
Alright, whenever I try to visualize a dream home I feel like I always visualize Case Study House #22 (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stahl_House). But that's really not modern at all.
This is helpful! Thanks!
Don't worry, I have reserves and am up and running already, and this is an investment grant, I have to invest it into equity for the business and anything I don't use goes back to the gub. I'm running the Merc vans because they're about the same price as the competition but they have more headroom in the back of the van, allowing people to stand up straight while walking to the parts bins. I know I could've gone cheaper on the Mercs (gotten VW instead?) but I know the people I was just contracted care a lot about appearances (also secondhand is not purchasable with the grant unless dealer who will gouge me.)
Dylan Martin
>What's your opinion on glass desks? Depends on the desk. I've seen some real hit and miss glass desks, too big of a risk. Nobody likes staring into their consultants crotch accidentally. This is pretty stylish and cheap: ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/S79217493/ with ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/20280679/ on each desk, you can offer your customers a complimentary wireless charge to keep their phone battery topped up, very satisfying caring touch to add on top of your expert experience.
> I always visualize Case Study House #22 Try and envision Fallingwater
Justin Harris
Zachary Williams
>I honestly don't know what to do in order to make my office seem decent enough for when I'm having people over from companies that are 10 times my size.
Uh hire an interior decorater you idiot. you think a Sup Forums battlestation is going to impress other businesses? If you really want to bust your ass, wait for a battlestation thread, and print out some of your favorites to show the decorater. Idk why the gov't is paying an incompetent idiot like you 100K. TO DECORATE.
Kayden Roberts
stickley furniture - 1-2 desks depending on , 3 chairs, maybe a bookcase $2.5K computer best monitor possible whatever your keyboard+mouse of choice are miscellaneous floor mats depending on carpeted/hard flooring personal art, unless your office has some lying around about $100 in office supplies personal printer of your choice, you know what does or doesn't work 1 desk lamp per desk 1 standing lamp most of this is pretty broad but your office will vary, so so will appropriate decor
Isaiah Bailey
That moment when you get denied by gov because you posted the value at Sup Forums. kek,