/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
&& /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


install void

Uninstall Void, install GuixSD.

Okay, i'm fucked, i found an application i want to use on ubuntu, but it is not possible to install it with apt install, and the website also doesn't provide any .deb package.
All it gives me is a tar.gz file which is i am gusseing some sort of source file?
Is there some easy way to install it on ubuntu? I don't really want to do it if it's one of those #linuxthings that takes 18 hours of googling and begging on stackoverflow to finish

it would help if you told us what you want to install

Imagine having having a photo signing, but not because you are a Hollywood famous movie actor, or a respected book actor.. but simply because you are a whore who likes to get fucked on camera, so you don't even pose for photos with virgins gover handing your sholder.. nope .. you pose while giving pretent blow jobs and shit.. it's so degrading and humiliating... it must feel great, i envy her so much, i wish i was a grill, i would be such a massive slut ;_;


It's a compressed archive, could be a lot of things.
See what's inside.

It's like an application from apt depository but it's in a tar.gz instead
I fucking hate tar.gz so much. Every time i find some cool app and click on the download section i pray to fucking got it says "install by typing apt install shit" or by providing a .deb file
But by worst nightmare is seeing a fucking tar.gz because u know that means i ain't getting shit

Yes, you need to compile it.

First extract the tar.gz (it's an archive).
tar xf yourarchive.tar.gz
Inside, there should be a README or a INSTALL file with instructions how to compile it. You cann view these files via
Use "j" and "k" to scroll up and down.

what i wanted to know is the name of the application

Don't need help but just curious:

I have an AMD A series APU and a GTX 950 GPU.

I couldn't get them work with Debian and Trisquel. Can't change the resolution and shit. I know that Debian and Trisquel are completely free unless you go out of your way.

But both the APU and the GPU worked perfectly fine with Ubuntu, Mint and Manjaro, even when I stayed away from all proprietary software. Didn't install amd or nvidia's drivers.

What is the reason behind this? What do Ubuntu, Mint and Manjaro have that Debian and Trisquel don't?

Also an Xubuntu's manual it says that you can't play mp3s without proprietary codec. I haven't installed any, but I can play mp3 just fine, how is this possible? Not that I want to be unable to play mp3s, but what's the reason behind this?

Stick to two colors! I vote for magenta + blue.

I kinda like it this way

why not 1920 < 1080?

It's a photo, silly.

isn't squashfs for max compression?
how is it good for performance?

GNU is my userland.

>tfw you spend most of your time clicking the random button on distrowatch and trying ISOs
how do I quit distrohopping

What do you want, a headpat? You needy little shit.


install void. You will never want to distrohop again

stop hating yourself and get over whatever issues you have

what ever you do, don't isntall void. You will never stop distrohopping

/fglt/ IRC channel WHEN!!?

what's the best japanese ime for arch
what's a good font choice to display kanji as well
do i need to mess around with locale at all or just install font/ime?

We got one back in the days. Nobody cared so it was merged to #sqt.

does green tea go well with milk?

What are your most useful aliases?

yeah but I can't leave the country for the next 9 months


GNU Unifont

>Nobody cared
You mean it was taken down for being new and have as few users like any channel just starting?

Time to make one.

Thats not how you start a channel.
Create a channel.

b-but then everyone knows my ip and will hack me

Are there any usable wayland wms yet?

Use a bouncer/mask/cloak/etc you nigger

>GNU Unifont
how would you recommend i use that? just the default on everything in i3? i'm using dejavu for my current fonts. you use it yourself or it's just a free font choice that has unicode stuff

alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -F -X'
alias diff='colordiff'

# Set urxvt font
alias font="printf '\e]710;%s\007'"

# Show toilet fonts
alias showtoifonts='for i in ${TOILET_FONT_PATH:=/usr/share/figlet}/*.{t,f}lf; do j=${i##*/}; echo $j; toilet -d "${i%/*}" -f "$j" "${j%.*}"; done'

# Upload piped text to ix.io (pastebin alternative)
alias ix.io="curl -F 'f:1=

just install and use
I use it to display chineese workspace numbers in my bar



stallman is not for breeding


what's the best obscure meme distro

alias top='echo kek'

How do I go about creating a boot CD that loads a custom script and executes it? Lightweight live CD linux distro with a bash script on it to execute?

Also, is it possible to have Ubuntu live CD that will jump straight into the system when booting, and not present the installation choice?

How to stop following these threads?

buy a mac

commit sudoku

how do i verify sigs on win7

rm rf /

user pls
i want to linux
found a retard distro for retards
am too retard to check sig


It's fine, as long as it isn't Linux Mint you have basically no reason to worry.

Play the Linux Lottery, lads

Install the first distribution that pops up on distrowatch.com/random.php

No idea how to checksum on wendies, but why not verify later when you have it installed?

you can do that?

What do you think I've been doing all day?

does this help?

>play Linux lottery
>BSD distro shows up

Why is no one talking about Hyperbola Linux?

>Based on Arch/Parabola testing
>OpenRC (no systemd)
>Linux-Libre kernel, completely free, fsf endorsed(?)
>LTS stability and security of Debian packages

I think this is the distro we've been waiting for.

Your shilling worked, I'm curious now

it's sudo, not sudoku.

Isn't Sway fairly mature now?



Can you make Ubuntu live CD without GUI, just console?

use an arch live cd

pls no

sorry bro can't do it
costs 4 euros
free version is 5kb/s dl


Actually looks kinda neat.


How did you find this gem? I've been looking for something like this.

Got a spare laptop with Win 7 on it and looking to get into Linux. Where exactly should I start? I'm just gonna guess Mint for distro since I'm new but how should I go about it? Should I just VirtualBox it, or Live CD? Or should I figure out how to dual boot?

I was reading the Trisquel forums to see how the updates were going (they're not), and someone mentioned it there. Been using it for two days now and its comfy af.


>update my ubuntu installation
>everything breaks and/or feels slower and shittier
I thought this was just a meme

I can't get the i3blocks mediaplayer working. I've installed playerctl but it doesn't seem to find/see cmus?

>Hyperbola Linux
Hyperbola GNU/GNU Linux-libre*

#fgt at Rizon?

could someone make a distro that was actually a mod that worked in a fallout 4 terminal?


I've created an ipset list using
ipset create blocklist hash:net

and adding ips to it using
ipset add blocklist X.X.X.X

But when i go to add the ipset list to iptables with
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set blocklist src -j DROP

It says
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

Am i missing a command somewhere?

GNU/Linux* Lottery

forgive me Stallman for I have sinned

yeah :^)

did ya make sure your system was up to par before upgrading?

It's systemd's fault

werks on my machine. It's actually a lot snappier.

Happens *every* Ubuntu release. Honestly, it's the main reason why I don't recommend that people use *buntus, especially vanilla Ubuntu.

This is why the world needs declarative package managers

Mp3 patent expired ages ago.

Don't fucking worry about it. If you managed to install a .deb, you can definitely install whatever comes in that tar.gz as well. Do tar -xzf package.tar.gz and then see what's inside, most likely you're gonna have to compile it from source, which is as simple as "make && sudo make install".

If you're uncomfortable with a terminal you can easily find yourself a GUI program for dealing with tar archives.

What are the advantages of Qt or KDE programs (not DE's) over GTK?
Should I strive to install only one type of programs so the configs stay consistent?


They are not GTK programs

Pirates are now packing Windows games with Flatpak and spreading them that way.
Those nasty pirates let you play those games just by downloading a single file and running it with Flatpak, everything is already configured.


(Make sure you have the latest Flatpak installed for this to work, the version avaliable in Ubuntu is outdated and gives you a GPG error. Just install the latest one from flatpak.org/getting.html)


>Pirates are now packing Windows games with Flatpak and spreading them that way.
It has begun

>arch based
>systemd free
>comes in 13wm or lxqt flavors.
It's like it's custom made for Sup Forumstards.