They install rootkits on your devices!
Boycott SONY!
They install rootkits on your devices!
Boycott SONY!
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>b-but they did it once so they must still be doing it!
Go away Apple.
Subtle shill thread?
It's kinda sad that Sony has to shill here, because they make some good looking phones.
I guess they can't compete with Gooksung when it comes to pricing, though.
It was big news on digg
Everyone does this shit. Literally fucking everyone is doing this, they're just not being found out. Android does. Apple does it. Windows does it. Fuck, the rootkits are now on the hardware, so even if you're running Linux or completely stripped down Android versions, you probably still have fucking rootkits.
What fucking year do you think you're living in, 1980? Everything is monitored. Everything has backdoors. If you don't want to possibly be affected by one, don't use anything technology, at all, period.
>Literally fucking everyone is doing this, they're just not being found out.
I find that hard to believe.
systemd is literally a rootkit in itself
Maybe they aren't doing it but they are doing them bezels. #Violated
Good goy
>xbox hueg bezels
What the fuck is wrong with this imbecile?
That's a name I haven't seen in a long while
"the facts are wrong because I 'feel' they're wrong”
It's still eggsist.
How much does Samsung pay you for these posts?
shame the br0ken doesnt, and rootkits? Dont let starforce know
wow 2005 was so shit in terms of music
fucking hell.
at least nowadays we get gems like pic related
is this the new Xperia thread? What you guys expect from the new design language?
>t. I don't know what a rootkit is.
I don't know but i like xz's design