/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player

/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player


Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts (including opengl shaders):

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):
Stable: profile=opengl-hq
Git: profile=gpu-hq

Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Stable Portable: mpv.srsfckn.biz/
Stable Installer: bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mingw-w64-cmake/downloads/
Dev Snapshots: sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/
WIP d3d11/VulkanR2: sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/experimental/
WIP d3d11/VulkanR2 Installer: bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mingw-w64-cmake/downloads/
Vapoursynth: jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/mpv/

Config for D3D11/Vulkan:
gpu-api=d3d11 |..or..| gpu-api=vulkan

Other urls found in this thread:


Anything I can add/remove (while keeping FSRCNN) to my config file to properly run 1080@60 videos from youtube on my machine? I can run 1080@24 videos without dropping any frames with my current config but I am dropping like 6 or so fps with 60 fps videos.

Specs are:
1400p Screen
mpv 10-14 exp build

# General

# Audio

# Colors

# High quality video rendering for fast computer.







# Language
slang=enm,en,eng # automatically select these subtitles (decreasing priority)
alang=ja,jp,jpn,en,eng,de,deu,ger # automatically select these audio tracks (decreasing priority)

# Screenshots


Where do I put mpv.conf file on Windows 7?

spline36 for cscale

Read the OP, link is there.

Just use SSSR for those. Not worth to double then downscale back to 1440p.


is pretty neat. If you seek to a spot where a sub line started but hasn't finished, they get properly displayed instead of waiting for the next line to start showing up.

Nice, thanks

Please help make the OP brainlet-proof.

Did you choose to not read the OP? Did you read the section called "configuration files" but didn't know that meant where to put mpv.conf? Did you see the configuration files section but decided it was easier to have someone spoonfeed you?

Post your tier list

Not him but I'd consider the OP to be pretty great, if you want "brainlet-proof" you're going to have to look at mpv itself.
mpv has a pretty high barrier to entry when it comes to config, to us, that have been using mpv for ages, it seems quite straight forward and (extremely) well documented, but for someone just taking a look at mpv it's going to be quite daunting.

>[vo/gpu/d3d11] Failed to create Tex2D: The parameter is incorrect.
>[vo/gpu] Error: texture could not be created.
Why am I getting this error while playing 60 fps videos with gpu-api=d3d11 and video-sync=display-resample on Shinchiro's rev2 build?

Interesting. I'm not sure why it would only do that for some videos. Does the video play after that error?

Could you post a debug log? --msg-level=vo=debug --log-file=file.log

I wanna fuck that girl (male).


>Does the video play after that error?
Yes, it works fine.

Rossy build with the same settings does not have this problem.

Thanks for the log, but I can't find that error (grepped for Tex2D.) mpv can sometimes gracefully recover if a certain texture format isn't supported, but i wouldn't expect errors like that with your hardware/OS.

Sorry, I'm retarded. I posted a log from the Rossy build.
Here's from Shinchiro:

Thanks. I can see the error, but I'm still not sure what's causing it. The weird bit is you have pretty similar hardware to me, but I can't repro. It could be a difference on the vulkan-rev2 branch.

that's it! i'm uninstalling this amateurish shitty ass software

The error happens only when I use gpu-api=d3d11 with video-sync=display-resample on 60 fps videos.
If I disable video-sync=display-resample or use gpu-api=vulkan there's no error.
Here's my config if it helps:

Thanks again. Still no error with those options. This could be an interaction with some of the generic RA changes in vulkan-rev2. I might test with both branches merged tomorrow.

Thanks for the help. I hope it would be fixed eventually.

Is there a way to make Vulkan resize and switch between window and full-screen smoothly? Is it a driver-level limitation? Does it work correctly on things that aren't Windows (mainly Linux)?

Also is there any way to make it stop crashing half the time on startup with AMD now?

nigga why your mpv is in system32 folder???

Windows Media Player.

It could be in his PATH, and have command prompt open in administrator mode. His mpv may be somewhere else, but its stupid nonetheless.

Because I'm dead inside.

Someone mind posting the config that autonames screenshots? I've seen images with the file name, current date, time of screenshot etc


Anyone else getting 100% GPU usage with fsrcnn-hq ? 980ti here playing pretty much any file

My RX 470 gets r**ed by it too!

post screenshot with stats 2nd page

I'm getting about 38% on my 1080, so that's really high for a 980ti

Scratch that, I opened a 1080p file and hit 94%

Someone please respond :^(


why this over mpc?

because you installed gentoo



I get heavy coil whine and 100% too. Im on AMD GPU.

is d3d11 and vulkan already on shinchiros actual builds


Felt bored while waiting for stable Vulkan builds.

can i get a quick rundown on all these demux commits

as wm4 put it, "fuck up everything and vomit ponies and rainbows"

igv, new HQ FSRCNN doesn't work with pictures for me for some reason. New MQ works.

so what's the best shader right now for 720p anime on 1080 monitor?


Actually it doesn't work (result in a blue screen) with everything as long as it surpasses monitors resolution (FSRCNN > Mitchell, for example).

Is it normal that FSRCNN makes image brighter?

Works for me.

Im using dxinterop and AMD. Also if youre not igv then you need to update your FSRCNN since he updated it today.

Did you read the instructions?


anyone else getting pretty high vsync jitter on winvk? Latest AMD drivers, win10 1709

Which one?

Thanks! Managed to make it stable by disabling scale, dscale, and changing cscale to spline36 while keeping FSRCNN. Dunno if worth it tho.

At very least HQ r2.

It doesn't make image brighter for me. Except in dark regions with ringing artifacts, fsrcnn removes them and it becomes a bit brighter.

Youre using FSRCNN for 1080p videos. It doubles 1080p to 4K. Then it downscales to your monitor's resolution (1440p). scale doesn't matter in that case. You also cant disable downscale. What affected performance for you is cscale since it works with pretty much everything. IMO try SSSR as i already suggested earlier. ctrl+q on some video, make screenshots and compare.


>It doesn't make image brighter for me.
Ill post some screenshots later.

I also noticed that FSRCNN makes light reflection on eyes pop extra hard. Its pretty annoying but probably unavoidable without losing sharpness.

Disabling gpu-hq and adding most of it manually except for dscale disabled dscale but activated scale on >1440 videos, which decreased performance further (ewa_lanczossharp for scale). So, I defaulted scale to bilinear + with the previous change of cscale to spline36 made 1080@60 + FSRCNN watchable on my specs.

Before doing all of this using cscale=spline36 would still lag, but changing it to bilinear would make it watchable. I am using the stats to check all of this so maybe there is more to it, plus I havent done any ss comparison so I dont know if all of this was worth it yet.

Displaying stats decreases performance. And I'm not talking about a few %, it's like... 1/3 of your real performance when you're displaying stats (anything in the OSD actually).

I am running Lubuntu. When I play videos in mpv I never experience screen tearing (Fullscreen or not doesn't matter). When I play videos in a web browser (Chromium, Firefox, Tor Browser Bundle), I almost always get tearing in full screen. Last night I noticed that Netflix is causing tearing outside of fullscreen mode (just moving through the menus causes tearing).

I am running a distro without a "compositor" (I am somewhat ignorant about what exactly a compositor is, other than something you have to install in linux to eliminate tearing). So I expect to see tearing. I am curious as to what MPV is doing to overcome the tearing even though I don't have a compositor.

>1/3 of your real performance
Bullshit. I mean you lose quiet a bit in haasn's test mode but in more realistic scenario the loss is not even near that.