Tech Zen Thread

How to achieve tech zen? No distractions, minimal spying/botnet lifestyle

1. Dumbphone
2. Media Player/Tablet
3. Notepad/Organizer
4. Ereader

What else?

Other urls found in this thread: mic


libreboot thinkpad

This, desu

I though you just bought AMD

>1. Dumbphone
I thought the point of a dumbphone was that they were cheap, not that they are somehow not traceable (as they are)

Dumbphones are near impossible to be hotmiced, and they can't be rootkitted as they are embedded systems. They also can't leak GPS information, or be infiltrated via the internet.

please explain user, google doesnt help

So be a fucking neo-luddite piece of shit?

Tech "zen" is being able to buy new tech without being a scared little pussy and turning into your grandma. mic

Your dumb phone pings every cell tower to keep your signal going, your location can be judged by the distance from the tower at all times.

I think he means when botnets activate your mic for you.

Hotmicing something sounds like when you install XFCE and rice the shit out of it...

Or when a mouse is stuck in your PC so you run Furmark and Prime95

>libreboot Thinkpad
Zen Buddhist here. Do this, OP. Then find a remote mountain monastery, devote yourself to zazen; and rarely, if ever, use any technology ever again.

Samadhi awaits. Do not distract your own self.

You know nothing of Zen. You know nothing of new technology, either, if you suggest people just casually abandon their reservations about malicious functionality and buy it. This will not do at all. You should be greatly ashamed.

I can tell by the accusations that you don't know all that much about it either.. You've got a long way to go grasshopper.

I can tell by the accusations that you don't know all that much about it either. You've got a long way to go grasshopper.

What did your face look like before your parents were born?

mfw i have no face

Although after contemplating a bit more, it'd look the same as it does now. I wasn't around before my parents were born, by definition my face is still mine no matter what time we're in. Nobody will ever have the same one.

I suppose the best answer is that my face before they were born looked like my face from 0-70 or however old I eventually get to be.

Who is it questioning and speculating right now about what his face looked like before his parents were born? Don't use your mind.

>how can I be a consumer whore but more autistically

Don't carry a cellphone at all if you're really paranoid, your location can be triangulated from the towers.

Check email on a schedule.
Ditch Slack and cut distractions.
Use a mechanical keyboard and a text editor that can keep up with your thoughts (Emacs/Vim).
Noise cancelling headphones without music.
Learn a new programming language every year.
And have a Zen attitude.