Javascript in frontend

> Javascript in frontend
> Javascript in backend (Node.js)
> Javascript in mobile (React Native)
> Javascript in Desktop (Electron)
> Javascript in prototyping embedded systems

This is what happens when you let retards program.

This is the result of "coding bootcamps"

There is javascript in your CPU too

Bet u didnt even kno that.

better stick too good ol' c because "m-muh performance", right grandpa?

> tfw all I care is muh performance, manual memory management, etc...
this is why I will never be employed

Actually yes. JavaScript is resource intensive outside of a browser

JavaScript is to the 10s what Java was to the 00s.

Stable, ubiquitous, and the provider of gainful employment?

What's going to be the 20s programming meme?
Fingers crossed for 6502 assembly

Heroin is to the 10s as crack was in the 80s. But I am still alive smoking my crack. Get what I'm saying?

How's college? I like your big words and shit

Why does that upset you?
Javascript has legit flaws, but 90% of the time I see people criticize it on Sup Forums, it's for meme reasons that are irrelevant to real world, actual production considerations.
If you have some legit criticisms of JS, I'd love to hear them.

Everywhere it shouldn't be, used by dropouts who couldn't fizzbuzz their way out of a paper data structure, and riddled with security flaws. Enjoy mediocrity.

Shitty programmers will program shit in any language. Not an argument.

>security flaws

Nobody writes java for the web plugin anymore.

no stdlib
no types
cryptic error dumps
no canonical import system

Probably some overcomplicated blockchain native garbage.

You really are smoking crack if you think what you just said made any sense.

Can't tell if you're actually this stupid or trolling.

>Brought "associative arrays as the basic data structure", a great concept, to the mainstream
>Ended the reign of FactoryConstructorFactoryAssemblerFactory OOP and helped permanently establish that composition is superior to inheritance (as the gang of four themselves wrote but many didn't listen to it)
>Brought bunch of stuff previously thought of as "functional" to the mainstream: closures, map/reduce, etc.
>Helped establish first-class functions as pretty much a mandatory part of a modern high-level language
>Small core language, and actually elegant if you do as I do and avoid "this", "new", and prototypes unless maximum performance is a must
>Gigantic ecosystem. Heck, if you don't like JS just hook your preferred language up to it and use its ecosystem.

well of course there's gonna be some overhead but it's not too bad at all. vscode runs great, node.js is quite fast. this "javascript everywhere" thing is gonna be around for a while.

fuck right off with your reasons and your logic this is Sup Forums

Well, at least those are not meme criticisms.
>no stdlib
Small core language in exchange
>no types
What language has a type system that you like?
>cryptic error dumps
What's a language that handles this better, in your opinion?
>no canonical import system
It's on the way

You're smoking crack like if you think js was responsible for any of those things or even does any of it in a good way. The language is a sprawling mess and there's a reason why a million frameworks exist for it. It's impossible to get work done in a reasonable time frame without them. The js ecosystem is just a massive hack built around literally our only choice for frontend web dev.

>if you think js was responsible for any of those things
Are you suggesting that some language popularized those things before JS? That's simply not the case, to my knowledge.
>or even does any of it in a good way
What are your specific criticisms of how JS does those things?
>The language is a sprawling mess
It's a compact language. And if you avoid using new/this/prototypes, as I do, it's even smaller.

kill yourself

Some of the latest JS features help made code a lot more elegant. I'm thinking specifically of arrow functions, destructuring, default function parameters, and async/await. JS haters might want to give the language another look. Now, the core hasn't changed, so if you hate the core you'll still hate it. But most people on Sup Forums can't even really articulate why they hate JS, they just parrot it like a meme.

Oh yeah, and spread syntax is nice too.

the other user brought good points, you're the one smoking crack. who cares if the ecosystem is massive? you just use what you need. did you even take a look at es6? it added so much good stuff to javascript that it's almost like a new language now, the biggest update in its history.

lol I did. fuck intel.


JavaScript everywhere

is that stefan molynew?

Nice like lipstick on a pig face

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Not a single language migrates tooling as often as JS.

Vscode has had bug after bug after bug of randomly using 15-20% cpu on high performance systems and it still shits the bed with giant files, just like Atom.
Node.js runs like absolute dogshit compared to literally every alternative.
Javascript is horrifyingly fucking slow outside of its intended glue purpose, and retards like you are what keep promoting this JS everywhere bloat.

Associative arrays have been used since the 70s dipshit.
It didnt end any OOP practices, and introduced its own awful prototyping system.
Literally adopted that shit last out of every modern language.
>small core language
Thats not an inherent benefit
>giant ecosystem
Yes let me make slow as fuck cross language calls to an even slower language that needs 800 library imports to do its job. Great idea.

Youre fucking retarded.

How nice, instead of using the standard library you have to import lodash into every project.

>>Brought bunch of stuff previously thought of as "functional" to the mainstream: closures, map/reduce, etc.

Functional was already mainstream

How nice of you, conveniently forgetting Python had "functional" constructs since before JS was a thing.

>new language
function isClass(v) {
return typeof v === 'function' && /^\s*class\s+/.test(v.toString());

This is the power of es6, someone make a npm fast

Vscode is the only electron application that isn't complete garbage.

I still think it is way too sluggish for a text editor, but I guess it is probably useful if you're using dotnet core.

What's your specific issue with JS?

>Associative arrays have been used since the 70s dipshit.
Sure, but JS popularized using them as the core data structure.
>It didnt end any OOP practices, and introduced its own awful prototyping system.
You have JS to thank for the fact that Java is no longer the most popular language.
I agree that the prototyping system is cruddy, which is why I never use it unless I want to absolutely maximize performance.
>Yes let me make slow as fuck cross language...
No-one is suggesting you should use pure JS for applications in which high speed is of the essence. 90% of software doesn't fall into that category.
>How nice, instead of using the standard library you have to import lodash into every project.
I agree that the standard library would benefit from a rewrite, but I don't consider that to be a core problem with the language itself.
>Functional was already mainstream
In what language? What apps were being written with it?
>How nice of you, conveniently forgetting Python had "functional" constructs since before JS was a thing.
How popular was Python in the early 90s?

>but I don't consider that to be a core problem with the language itself.
It is when everything in the standard library depends on implicit conversions. There's a shitton of gotchas due to implicit toString calls.
>In what language? What apps were being written with it?
Before the JS boom there were plenty of banking applications on F# and friends. The sad part is now that functional programming concepts are being taught with the abortion that is JS.
>How popular was Python in the early 90s?
Enough for the JS spec to inherit some ideas. Nothing bad.

kek, never thought of this until now

cancer always wins