
What is a good resource for shell commands/using the Unix terminal?
I know how to navigate directories and basic file manipulation but that's it.
What are good online resources on the bash shell and stuff like grep/sed/awk? inb4 man pages

Other urls found in this thread: to the Bash Shell.rar Scripting with Bash.rar


Linux pocket guide o Reilly
For more they have a sed/awk book. Install in a vm ls /usr/bin or ls /usr/sbin pick a command and google

Bash is almost exclusively Linux-related, not Unix-related. There is a difference.

Learn to use a real shell, like csh, tcsh, zsh, or even the original Korn shell, sh. Or use Perl. Fuck bash. Bash sucks.

1. open terminal
2. info bash

You will never find a better resource.

I want to drink coffee with Mio in the morning.
> tfw ywn


> bash sucks
> list other harmful shells

The GNU org has online manuals (which I guess are copies of the info files, but potentially in html) for bash, sed, grep, awk, and all their other tools.

alias rando-slash='while [ 1 ]; do printf \\u$[2571+RANDOM%2]; sleep 0.2; done' to the Bash Shell.rar Scripting with Bash.rar

>inb4 man pages
rtfm, that's why it exists for a reason. so you don't have to ask people. stop being a lazy faggot and learn to use man pages or just stop because you will not accomplish anything with that attitude in this area

perl is fucking garbage and no sane person would use that piece of shit for anything. every bit of perl code i wrote or had to write makes me regret having ever touched this abomination.

Just find things you want to do in the shell and look up how to do it. Then understand what the commands to do what you wanted to do did using man pages and search engines.

For sed/awk, read the GNU manuals(not the man pages). For bash use wooledge.

> ksh isn't an option


Unix Power Tools is great for learning both beginner and advanced shell stuff. It's a big O'Reilly book.
Also, Apple has a surprisingly good tutorial on shell scripting. But man pages are also great, and once you understand shell scripting to some extent, please read them.
dunno about BASH but it should be a nice starting piont

More like TRASH lmfao.

That's entirely unrelated to what the OP wants. You linked some ricer shit.

OP here, thanks this is exactly what I was looking for

You're not OP you fucking faggot, I am.

>muh sekrit club obscure shells that no one uses

>no one uses korn shell or csh

Why use something else than bash? Aren't the syntaxes similar anyway?
If you want to "improve" on bash why not just go all the way and use Perl

Man pages

>Aren't the syntaxes similar anyway?
Yeah, most stuff is based on the bourne shell syntax, since it came with Unix version 7.
>If you want to "improve" on bash
It's not improving on bash, it's going a different direction from bash.
>why not just go all the way and use Perl
Make Perl your login shell and tell us how it goes.

>it's going a different direction from bash.
Could you elaborate?
My default shell is bash. Why should I choose to change to csh, ksh, fish or zsh?

Google for whatever you need whenever you need it, then look at man pages. You'll pick it up naturally.

You'd perhaps try ksh93 rather than bash for floating point mathematics, or associative arrays, if you didn't need a bash-only feature. ksh has some features bash doesn't, and bash has some features ksh doesn't. But they both improve upon the original Bourne sh.

man bash
Some features are in bash, some aren't.