Gentoo for a newfag

newfag here. what makes gentoo so Sup Forumsood?

it's probably the highest level of customizability one can have, before diving into LFS. portage is great (but a bit slow), USE flags are really powerful.

the "compiling is slow" memesters need not apply. clang is fast and even my potato bulldozer could manage reasonable compile times.

all distros are the same. gentoo is a newfag meme

Increases e-peen.

What do you consider reasonable. Recently bought thinkpad x60, and gave up on compiling the kernel after 4 hours. Should I try again, a little longer?

Install CloverOS

This is gentoo with build scripts? What's the difference between clover, and gentoo?

the build scripts, use-flags, and binary repo.

This. Had Gentoo on my desktop when I was a NEET, had to get a life and work. So between the 8 - 5 (sometimes 7 - 7:30) I never got on my desktop for about 3 months. It would not update for shit. I had to somehow update portage first well that's left in a loop so I said fuck it and reformatted and installed Ubuntu. Did the same thing but 3 months later I was still able to update.

oh, i think laptops do have a harder time running gentoo. but you shouldn't compile the entire kernel, only the support for the hardware you need, and filesystems etc - it's a thinkpad, so you can probably find the right flags to set somewhere, and you should have at least a bootable system if you don't mess up big time.

on my fx-6300 i managed to compile the kernel in 2-3 minutes at most. on a laptop it could probably take around 20 minutes, i don't know.

Sorry, been an archfag for far too long, how exactly do you just compile parts of the kernel, where could I download a premade gentoo kernel? Any good links to read up on this?

Gentoo wiki

Cool, time to reread that whole thing again. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy, but god-damn there's a lot to learn

I use Gentoo because I can have some unstable packages without an unstable system. You can also do that on Debian, but apt-get is annoying as hell and Debian Sid doesn't have up to date Wine.
Gentoo also lets you do weird configs, like a fully hardened system with some kernel hardening, SELinux, x32, etc. I like Firefox with JACK; it's as easy as adding jack to your make.conf. On another distro, you'd have to go figure out how to enable it and compile Firefox yourself.

Its true, if you really want to learn then you need to spend a lot of time on the wiki's trying things out and figuring out how to do various things. Its true of many distros. Also the arch will is really the best around, so it may be helpful to you.

It only takes you 3 hours more to do anything, timesink/10

>the build scripts, use-flags, and binary repo.
Thanks. I'll give it a try since it seems like how i would want to set up gentoo anyways. Are you using it? If, so how is it?

>sudo emerge dragon-dildos
>go to sleep
>wake up
>have dragon-dildos

I've had the occasional package fail to build once in a while, but upgrading to testing fixes the issue.

meant to reply to

Nothing. "Install gentoo" is a meme. A response to stupid threads or shitpoating.
Apparently some anons misunderstood what it means, took it for real and did installed it.

You should install Source Mage, though.

Fucking go read their god damn faq you subhuman waste of air.

you are a meme, gentoo isn't.

too bad there is almost no sourcemage documentation.

You just have to read the kernel article..

Gentoo is not a meme m8

> it's probably the highest level of customizability one can have, before diving into LFS
You can still do basically anything you would with LFS, but with portage saving you so much time if you are not doing something extremely exotic.

> su
> emerge whateverthefuck
> unless it's the largest packages, it's installed in a minute or so
SSD+modern gaymen-tier desktop CPU crunch through compiles no problem.

Now for the remaining ones you could either use -bin packages, or just compile them while you do whatever it is that you're doing (modern gaymen CPU also easily have enough power & cores to run your desktop while the compile gets crunched with the "leftover" resources).

Don't forget to have Portage use a tmpfs from ram for compiles. Will be even faster than ssd. There are a lot of writes that happen during this.

Gentoo is nice but in the long run is a pain in the ass.

It took me ~15hours to compile the (generic) Kernel on my Samsung NC10. Forgot to use -q option tho".
Having the compiler being VERBOSE boost the compilation by a huge ammount, or may be it's just a myth. I think it's not.

The absolute newfag.

3 million lightyears is not a reasonable compile time

It depends on hardware and software packages you like but it should only be a few hours tops to have a base install along with whatever de/wm you like. A few hour setup time on something you do once to not have tons of extra bloat is easily worth it in my eyes. It's nice to boot into a GUI and have 200mb ram usage knowing only shit that you want is installed.

Gentoo maintenence is simple and the only time consuming part of using Gentoo is the initial install. It is also the most stable distro I've used. Portage is the best package manager around. Updates might take 5 to 10 min a week. And it's not like that impacts your ability to shitpost. pcs can compile while browsing the web.

The only people who think gentoo is a meme are newfags and tech illiterates. People that rather reinstall Debian, Manjaro, or whatever for 8th time after apt shit or yaour fucks up their system. Have fun with that.

tfw i have 200mb memory usage on boot with ubuntu-minimal
checkmate gentoo

Because it's mad fast, make it do whatever you want to and configure however you want to. It's just not in the same level as many Debian derivative

>everyone uses the same packages I use so this comparison is meaningful

yeah thats right, nice work user

It's 100% a meme but it's a good meme, like ThinkPads.

My CloverOS install uses like 40.

post you are make.conf



post your make.conf for portage

desu I'm distrohopping but it was basically a stock install with LibreOffice added, using X with no DE. Used between 37 and 60 MiB on launch, around 100MiB with LibreOffice open.

you use gentoo without even customising it? baka

Of course it's not a myth. The framebuffer driver of the default minimal install disk is slow as shit.

You're not supposed to compile Chromium on your Gen 1 Raspberry Pi

CloverOS is all the customization you'll ever need :^)

Honestly not having any time to customize it is part of why I'm distrohopping. I'll get back to Gentoo later, I swear.

The answer is: literally fucking nothing. Especially since more than once gentoo has been specifically targeted by asshole pajeets and their ransomware and malware.

comfy as fuck. Please hit up /cosg/ whenever the dev makes a thread and talk to us. We don't get enough bumps anymore.

this, and also you never have to worry about updates breaking shit or distro upgrades every few years.

Takes a while to install and set up, but once it's done, you're set for life. I know two guys online who have been using the same Gentoo setup for 10 years. They just clone their installation when they get a new computer and recompile everything with different CPU flags.

Clover has Russian bitcoin miners hidden in

prove your claims