Essential phone dropped to $499. Should I cancel my Pixel 2 pre-order?
Essential phone dropped to $499. Should I cancel my Pixel 2 pre-order?
Other urls found in this thread:
>pre ordering anything
Enjoy being manipulated like a good goy.
>buy prepaid phone
>use it until black friday/cyber monday or another time that prices may be lower
>new phone
>dropping price on black friday
>notch in screen
>no headphone jack
>small non replaceable battery
>manufacturer is already dealing with legal issues
Why would anybody buy this? I mean I could understand why the open source crowd is getting a hard on over the librem5, but why are people into this specific phone? it just seems like run of the mill android phone.
It's better spec-wise.
- Camera can be fixed with another app that you should probably use instead anyway
- My phone doesn't need to have a stereo system attached
- Never dropped a phone even near water because I'm careful with my shit
I just don't see why this phone gets shit on so much
Convince me that this phone is worth $499.99. Out of all the phones out there right now why should I pick the essential phone?
The silence is pretty convincing isn't it.
>not many people have replied to this new thread
>must mean the phone is shit
Even the people ITT defending the phone couldn't come up with anything in 20 minutes
It is a good looking phone desu. Maybe I'll pick one up to tinker with
It has all around garbage reviews. Also,
>paying more than 300 for a phone
you should have canceled it regardless
>complaining about a notch smaller that the iphone's (which isnt a problem to begin with)
>STILL complain about no headphone jack
>STILL complaining about non replaceable battery
Like it or not Apple dictates what happens in the smartphone industry. get over it jewgle boy
>Like it or not Apple dictates what happens in the smartphone industry. get over it jewgle boy
Apple can't dictate my hardware, because I don't buy the ones that copy apple's retardation.
I'll pass on apple, and this apple-esque piece of shit device.
Still couldn't provide a convince argument to
I'm now convinced that there is no reason to purchase this piece of shit when there are better cheaper pieces of shit available elsewhere.
The trips speak the truth.
If OP was smart he'd get an Iphone 8.
I bought an SE about 4 months ago, and having a phone that actually works without me having to tweak settings and think about it is liberating.
It's also got nearly 2x the battery life of my previous LG G4 which I bought on release day.
It's fucking nice having applecare and not worrying if the phone breaks.
I dunno what Sup Forums's hatred for apple is.. I mean I kinda get it, walled garden, etc... But most of the people here have never owned an Iphone and they aren't even doing anything that would require leaving the walled garden.
It's a nice garden honestly.
>owned iphone 4, still have an ipod 5
The moment you just want to do something as simple as cleaning the cache, have a cleaner homescreen (without having more tabs or folders), different icons or download music, images or videos until space is full and realize you either buy a new iphone or start deleting stuff (through itunes or an app dedicated for the format), is when I decided I wanted an android phone.
Now that being said, I hate the bloat manufacturers install on the phones, so I currently have lineage installed totally ungoogled.
Most of that stuff is autism, though. Normal people don't put that much care into a part of the system you only occasionally look at. Why the fuck do you even want to clear cache? Having to do that is a mark of something being broken.
The Pixel 2 is out, I'm holding it in my hands, that's not a pre-order.
You forgot impossible to ever repair.
I agree with some points. It'd be nice to be able to change the icons or have 5 items on the dock.
Thats what I miss most about android.
I'd love a totally degoogled phone.
That said, literally why do you need to clear the cache? Why would that ever be necessary?
Why would anyone get that shitty phone?
No headphone jack
IP 54! Why the fuck is it not IP 68 or even IP 67?
No SD card
No stabilization
I wouldn't even get this if it dropped another 100
this is the most retarded phone design ever
there's a notch in the screen but it still has a bezel
what the actual fuck were they thinking
Still $499 more than it's worth
And bottom bezel matters so much more than top bezel, since it changes how much of the phone you can reach in one-handed pinkie-balance grip.
I have one, and it's a good phone but I wouldn't recommend it unless you want a QHD phone that you want to use with one hand. The camera app sucks even after it's been updated a few times.
Have you tried a camera app that isn't stock? Heard GCam fixes it completely.