What does Sup Forums drink while programming?
What does Sup Forums drink while programming?
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For me, it's the McChicken
Monster makes it taste fucking bitter tho
carbonated water
unironically this
Coffee with lactose-free milk
>lactose-free milk
Why? I didn't know that was a thing.
- carbonated water
- tea
- water
- milk + chocolate (hot or cold)
- fruit juice
> drink ?
i absorb coffee enemas to be productive and morphine to relax
enjoy your sugar jew cancers and milk hormones
t. get less flouride than a green tea fag... lol
Not him, but lactose intolerance is a thing. Some people develop that over time, I got it in my mid 20s. I can't drink a glass of pure milk anymore without getting diarrhea.
I'm cracking open two red bulls. Looks like someone isn't going to sleep tonight.
Java with some lite milk
Milk in the morning
Coffee, tea, warm water, energy drinks.
Depending on mood, ranging from water to coffee to beer
Hot chocolate in cold weather, sports drinks in the summer cause I get off my chair
Water, aloe juice, or chocolate almond milk.
My digestive system is fucking garbage.
Coffee in the morning and carbonated water throughout the rest of the day.
Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee. All black. A bit of cheap sports drink to make sure my electrolyte balance doesn't get fucked, then more black coffees.
Water, coffee, absinthe when I feel like dying.
nice corporate shill attempt faggot. are you part of the Monster viral marketing team? fuck off
I'm just another S I P B O Y spreading the good word.
Water with a 200mg modafinil pill.
Chai Tea
Coffee, green tea, powdered sports drink, coca-cola and good ol water.
/fit/ sipboys?
water, tea, coffee, energy drinks, soda but mostly water
Absinthe, if I have any. Whiskey if I don't, beer if I've been particularly broke, and tap water if I can't even afford that.
Isn't the later developed one more of a irritation than intolerance?
I know a gluten intolerant person and she looks like a dead person when she accidentally takes in gluten
I thought I was the only one, thanks user
Is this good or is it a meme?
>tfw the first sip of the day
I drink V - an energy drink similar to monster
mostly meme, doesnt taste that good imo
>Isn't the later developed one more of a irritation than intolerance?
I forgot the exact details, but the body loses the ability to process (certain amounts of) lactose. They always call it intolerance, I dont know
I googled it.
lactose intolerance is caused by the lack of lactase, which means indeed you can't process lactose anymore.
It also mentions milk allergy as something different.
>she looks like a dead person when she accidentally takes in gluten
There's a guy i know, he is lactose intolerant and when he dribks milk or dairy in general, he farts like there's no tomorrow.
That's a superpower.
Bio-fuel supply
I lost 12lbs by stopping drinking Monsters.
That shit will kill you
I drink caffeinated Tea now
Keeps you up longer without a crash
Also 1/2 the price of a monster without suger.
Water and milk. I bought some Capri-sons on clearance and have been drinking those lately.
but the monster zero ultra has no calories or sugar
Balcony coffee
Lots of COFFEE !!!!!
All non-whites have it.
It's quite nice unless you're an underage faggot who can't handle things that are a teensy bit bitter.
Pepsi Max, Coffee, Water
I'm latino and drink 2L of milk a day.
There's also regular soymilk. The hipster focus is on almond milk atm, so soymilk is still cheaper.
tastes like shit though
I crack open a cold one with the boys
Go back to your containment board, Sippboi
Black tea
coffee, black
why t
I unironically eat my semen.
I'm one if the lucky few who can self suck and I just swallow when I finish.
your mom
Why do you have pictures of little negroes?
Ew. That's worse than urine.
>drinking the sugary jew
>thinks processed milk is anything near real raw milk
vete a tu casa pedro
I drink the patrician drink: Mentha pulegium.
lol chai means tea fucktard
>not calling it Chá Chai Tea
That's sugar free you tard
Good. I really like it.
I only buy it once in a while, though. Can't be healthy to use regularly. Has sugar.
>drinking the cancerous aspartame jew
Even worse, jump out of a window and end yourself cockmongling cripple
>falling for the sugary jew lies
>be lactose intolerant and obviously an immigrant
>vote for nazi party
nice try ahmed
Double filtered water
water, black tea (possibly with milk, possibly with ginger/cardamom/cinnamon/black pepper/star anise), green tea, mint tea with honey, coffee with milk and sugar, hot cocoa.
25+ club only.
Who /sip/ here?
Lemonade or iced tea
my girlfriend's semen.
>warm water
It's a meme. I like that it doesn't taste like sugar all the way but then again I might drink water.
That said, there are cheaper competitors that taste exactly the same.
Technically not, but a lot if not most replacements either taste like shit to half the population or are suspected of causing cancer, diabetes and overweight as well.
Stevia-based suplements seem to be an exception. For now.
>ja brand sprudel
cmon on man
>overpriced tea with fake lemon
are you rich or moron?
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
Why not? Never tasted differeces between water brands.
Water, generally. Soda if I need something bubbly on my dick.
these were 1€ for a 1L can back when i bought one the last time 2 years ago
My dudes, I've drank like 5 Monsters today after pulling an all-nighter and I'm feeling nauseous, I might throw up anytime.
What should I do? I still have two exams left today at college.
Constantly drinking fluids is a sign you've not matured beyond the oral stage.
The one and only beverage:
>reinventing mountain dew with even worse taste
>drink anything that has sucralose
>tastes like literal bleach
>sucralose is almost literally chlorinating sucrose
how the FUCK do people not toss this shit away?!