How to get low thermals on your delided Intel Coffee Lake CPU

>How to get low thermals on your delided Intel Coffee Lake CPU

wouldn't the motor gets hot and blow in hot air?

So long as the hot air isn't as hot as the thing it's cooling, it will still cool it, but not as effectively. This can be offset by increasing air flow, which is why fans speed up when the thing they're cooling gets too hot.

Exact same principle here.

He's the hero we need but not the one we deserve.

so wait, for this project they went with that tiny ass air cooler and a blower style gpu?

>unironically linusposting

I want the LMG goons to leave.

>He thinks it's unironic

linus posting is the one of the biggest Sup Forums-memes, newfriend.

Sometimes I wanna pin him to a table, and rip out his earrings and shred his ear up and watch the faggot regret getting them. I like earrings but those ones are fugly.

It's not like it matters when the fans are blowing the entire case volume worth of air several times a second.

I just want him to continue writing kernels and he wastes his time with shit like this

I've never seen this guy before in my life, but would I be correct in my assumption that he is, or shall become, a total cuck?

- earrings
- apple watch
- doesn't know what stupid idea to implement to create buzz
- retards from Sup Forums jump in

the absolute state of vanuatuians pearls diving forums

anyone else thought it was fake because they didn't show the back of the shroud? Like it was blowing air, but they have it opened up in the back to blow less air?

coffee lake? fuck that. too much caffeine

Got earrings too :(

>vanuatuians pearls diving forums

That's a new one, not bad

Use a pull configuration. Solved.

>asian wife
>adopted black child

Technically a 1 horse power fan is a 1 horse power heater but the air gets hot when it stops due to viscosity, its still cool while its moving.

This is coming from a NEET on Sup Forums. He's done more for carrying white genes to a new generation then you've done your entire life. Stay mad.

It always amazes me that he isn't gay

He sounds a lot like Steve Carell. In that video especially, the way he shouts is amazingly similar.

I used to be his black boyfriend.
He is bi or gay.


Technigger is that you?

HAHHAAH GOOd one damn you're funny.

>Linus Cuck Tips is so out of ideas he is now copying dank old memes for content
That's sad.
No wonder all of the YouTube creators with any skill are making fun of him.

But it wasn't his idea. I'm not defending the guy because hes a fucking idiot but in the video the employee even said it was one of the ideas he put on his resume. Linus didn't even know what was going on. I don't think he knows what majority of the content gets started for him to do till he does it.