Finally out.
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It has been this way for weeks, months if you were on alpha.
I don't know. Tell me what I should think of it.
just keep using 0.102.3
What's fdroid even good for? Everything is on the play store.
not everything is on the playstore because google blocks things that goes against their policies
Try looking for xposed, adaway, clover. Magisk's not on play store anymore too.
>gets 10 replies
>someone posts something meaningful, 10+ lines and even adds sources of information
>gets 0 replies
>>someone posts something meaningful, 10+ lines and even adds sources of information
>>gets 0 replies
Jesus, you're really butthurt.
The fuck do you expect me to reply with you dumb fuck nugget? Of course I'm fucking butthurt, how is it retards get (You)'s but I don't?
getting really tired of this Material meme
thanks for the aids
it's a place where people can upload their apps if they're open source, some apps aren't entirely open source but it still allows it for some extent
Why isn't still signal on fdroid?
Fcking autistic dev
>Everything is on the play store.
Even some regular normie stuff is missing on the Play store (Newpipe, for example).
Because signal is a botnet that relies on google services. Use telegram instead.
russian botnet
>thinks he's posted """something meaningful"""
>but also believes that (you)s are what's important
>for normalfags
Nobody cares about that junk, ESPECIALLY normies who use the preloaded youtube app
>normies who use the preloaded youtube app
They use it because it's the only Youtube app they know (because Play store doesn't allow any others).
A youtube app is a normie app by definition.
>downloads update
>asks you before installing
>comfy design
Based. the icons take a fuck load of time to load, though. Still, best app store.
They did need to spruce up their UI... But I hate what they did with it.
Oh no, I liked it just being fucking lists. This screenshot looks kinda annoying.
I think they fixed it a bit now when it comes to load icons.
telegram relies on closed source encryption. Use silence or riot instead.
What's the reason some icons are bigger than others? Popularity? Or is it just random sized squares for no reason
So you non-ironically recommend the only messaging system that send data in plain text by default, does not encrypt group conversations, and even when it's encrypted it uses a meme closed source crypto they invented and when asked about how lame it is they answer "trust us cause one of us has a maths degree!".
On the other hand Signal's TextSecure encryption has been mathematically proven to be unbreakable, and thus does not rely on hiding the source to not show how it sucks. It's relying on Google Play Services is a meme too as it doesn't share any plain text data with it, if you worry about that you should also worry about all the networks you send your encrypted data on (tip: you don't need to).
Telegram is only for sexual maniacs who don't want to give their number when they join on random chats trying to hook up someone to lure.
I guess it's just the design.
Looks like a pajeet material design app, the old UI just worked fine
>Telegram is only for sexual maniacs who don't want to give their number when they join on random chats trying to hook up someone to lure.
dat projection
they ruined a perfectly good interface to appeal a "wider audience"
Looks pretty neat at least with dark theme.
You have to enter their repo into fdroid in order to get the version without google play services dependency.
You right now
>It's relying on Google Play Services is a meme too as it doesn't share any plain text data with it,
I use it on CopperheadOS, which does not have GooglePlay Services. About 6 months ago they merged an updated libresignal fork with mainline and it works perfectly now. No Google fuckery necessary (the problem was never them transmitting data via Google servers or using their push/wakeup but rather having to use literal botnet software on your phone)
Are you retarded by any chance?
I'm liking it so far
did they add a fuck ton of padding and call it material?
(you)s are not a currency you retard
You know the new age designers, that's their thing.
Do u have to give ur number on signal?
Use SMS. Secure messaging apps are a placebo anyways
95% of my apps come from f-droid
I'm glad they're updating the appearance to appeal to braindead normalfags, it looks better than the old version, albeit a bit less functional
You shouldn't be using google play unless you need apps for retards coz you're a retard
kindle fires
i liked the old design better.
i could check more easily what is new and what is updated.
i hoped 1.0.0 will get rid of new faggy design but I didn't upgrade because I doubted they would.
Download version 0.102.3 if you want to revert back to the non-retarded design
>add new repo
>update repos
>didn't work for new repo
it's the libretro repo btw
how 2 fix thanks
Looks fucking disgusting.
Downloading it now.
Haven't installed it yet.
I hate it.
>try and roll back update
>doesn't work
>try again
>says remove previous version and try again
>uninstall fdroid
>update menu gone
>go to their website and download again
>replace file ???
>click no
>go to downloads folder and install 1.0.10
Pure shit
Download 0.102.3 from
Meanwhile my expenses and twidere caused bootloop on my cm
Holy shit I did not know about this and have been using piece of shit closed source paid app for activity tracking.
>can press update on notification
I love it
good posts
post ur shit
From which repo did you get mpv?
I think this one
>privacy friendly sudoku
>not open sudoku
>yalp store
Why are you so concerned about it user? The entire source code of Android isn't open, two apps or three doesn't matter.
What uses does xposed even have now days
Not there.
Thank you.
Can't really blame them. It takes energy to think and post thoughtful replies and your typical teen or low twenty something hanging out on Sup Forums doesn't care about that, just little easy-to-get dopamine hits.