When will GPUs stop improving?
When will GPUs stop improving?
*might* plateau when they have enough power for ridiculously complex virtual reality scenes at both insanely high resolutions and framerates to the point where we can't distinguish the rendered world from the real one, even then we will probably figure out reasons to keep making them more powerful because why the fuck not
Consumer GPU for gaming and simple task will stop improving because it will be useless for everyday use but we will always try to get more power for AI, research, simulation and so on, imagine if it was possible to simulate every atoms of the universe in a single GPU, it could be amazing for science.
There aren't even multi core GPUs out yet, those radeons with two GPUS on one board don't count. Improvement has hardly begun. Right now there's simply no need for better hardware than the current range topping models cause consoles are limiting progress with graphics
Nop, after all they have to do is increase cores.
>There aren't even multi core GPUs out yet
>There aren't even multi core GPUs out yet
>some thousands cores aren't considered multi core
Probably would improve for efficiency
>imagine if it was possible to simulate every atom of the universe in a single GPU
this way you can predict future
>There aren't even multi core GPUs out yet
wrong, GPUs have cores in the powers of 10s. Are you simple? You're confusing multiple chips with multiple cores...
> those radeons with two GPUS on one board don't count.
That's multiple chips, so there are now GPUs with both multiple cores and multiple chips
>Improvement has hardly begun.
Have you seen any benchmarks? computation/dollar in the GPU market is essentially doubling every generation. This is incredible.GPU market is more alive in the past 5 years than it was in the previous 15. In terms of research, performance, market cap, and investment activity.
>right now there's simply no need for better hardware than the current range topping models cause consoles are limiting progress with graphics
Is your brain this simple that you only think of graphics in games?
1. There are plenty of PC games that require better GPUs.
2. PC gaming is moving towards 4k and high refresh rates, there is VERY strong demand for better GPUs in the gaming sector
3. High end GPU demand comes from enterprise/research requirements for AI/bulk parallelized computation, they don't care about your silly console wars, they buy these cards by the thousands.
> but we will always try to get more power for AI, research, simulation and so on
correct, although I'm sure game engine developers will adapt and develop far more complex algorithms to utilize that graphical power.
>imagine if it was possible to simulate every atoms of the universe in a single GPU
There is a physical limit stopping us far, far, far before this.
>*might* plateau when they have enough power for ridiculously complex virtual reality scenes at both insanely high resolutions and framerates to the point where we can't distinguish the rendered world from the real one
What a silly hypothesis, stop reading science fiction.
Improvement is related to breakthroughs in engineering, demand, and physical limits of the real world
>Simulating all the atoms in the universe...
>As more transistors are added to simulate the atoms, more are required to simulate the atoms added from the transistors needed to simulate them
>GPU increases exponentially
>Universe is soon just one large GPU simulating itself
>Pointless existence
Once Nvidia has the whole market and competition is dead
Tomorrow at 3 pm Eastern
If GPUs are so fast, why don't they make everything out of them?
Yeah I want a GPU steak and GPU mushrooms and a GPU spackle bucket up drop a log in sitting in a GPU van because I'm GPU Anthony Cumia .
That's not a good idea, unless you eat them while sitting in the toilet.
Until a physical limit is reached. From that point only software optimization can improve rendering, which is about fucking time because every 3D engine is a hack.
> GPUs have cores in the powers of 10s.
go back to Sup Forums
> Are you simple?
no bully fgt
>Sup Forums argues with itself on the wrong board
No end in sight. They might start getting bigger and more niche someday, but the nature of 3D rendering is that you can throw as many cores at it as you want and you never really hit a point of diminishing returns.
They already have
to represent the state of every atom in the observable universe the card would need to contain every atom in the observable universe and collapse into a black hole
This. Will go on with gains long after CPU stagnates.