/wag/ - Windows 10 AME General

>Windows 10 Image with ALL spyware deleted from the OS
>Updates and hidden repair services deleted and disabled
>Cortana, Edge, Apps, Windows Media Player deleted
>Replaced with only basic FOSS apps, leaving most of the changes to the user
>works with all modern games and productivity software

Try it out: actrons.info/ame.html

Other urls found in this thread:


Free wallpaper ^^

How do you get the internet?

>spending this much time shining a turd

>Update services deleted/disabled
Have fun with your hundreds of unpatched security vulns in the next 6 months

>he is a faggot on the internet
>he recodes Windows for free

>Try it out: actrons.info/ame.html

This is pretty cool, will test it out in a VM.

This user has a good point, how do you get security updates? Presumably they will be updating the image, but users are not gonna want to have to re-isntall and re-configure the OS as the only option to get security patches.

Yeah seriously. autistic update haters are so retarded

>security is exactly the same as the 2015 build it's based on
>doing this when LTSB exists and Win7 still has security updates
>doing this all so you can run win32 applications as if most of them don't work in wine, or even a GPU passthrough/virtualization setup

nice website though.

please stop shilling this here

Upon reading the article, this is actually worse. This is literally just a hacked up beta build of Windows 10 from two years ago, and the developers can't even by arsed to attempt to patch the major security hole they openly acknowledge in their own article, instead just saying
>Don't use SMB because its dangerous

According to the site, there ARE no security updates. You just have to run with no admin privileges (good luck customizing shit that matters without opening security holes) and not use features that can be exploited by malware. So basically this version of Windows will be a nightmare in about a year

You posted this yesterday and everyone shat on it then too. Just install linux if you're worried about spyware.

Can you start using a name so I can hide you posts?

This is utterly dumb, you cannot claim to have remved ALL spyware from a company that planed to have botnet in compiled binaries FROM YOUR FUCKING SOURCE.

Win10 and even the updates to Win7 that came out after Win10 was released have fucktons of spyware that you can't disable, even with enterprise edition, etc..

was that just from wireshark?

>Just Install Linux
I use Ubuntu and Arch, however AME certainly has it's place, as the east amount of software is created for Windows.

>Can you start using a name so I can hide you posts?
That's not nice, I am just trying to share something my friends and I have been working on

I have yet to find someone who has done this, and distributes it accordingly.
People seem to not really care about what happens to their data.

Valid concerns.
In terms of security: While we will likely focus on implementing measures the lock down the system more, consider this: There are millions of people, who, while still using Windows XP, were not affected by WannaCry, or any other major security concern. There is a majority of the Sup Forums userbase which sticks to an unpatched Windows 7 installation. These are platforms much more vulnerable than Windows 10, even when using build 1511 (btw, we have very specific reasons for using that build).

94% of critical Microsoft vulnerabilities mitigated by removing admin rights

>it's spyware when it's legally facilitated per industrial law
>deletes repair services
>doesn't come with the browser that's equipped with Norton Web

yeah hey kids don't download this

Op here, I fail to understand what you are trying to say...

>he wants anything to do with norton
lmao3D KappaCry Kiddo.

Cool. I now have an OS just for my gaymes. I use Linux for real-world stuff.

it's a meme you dip

Op here, that was the idea ^^
We will be making updates in the near future, so keep an eye on the site if you are interested.

This post was meant for you

your and meme you dp

bumping because this needs to b called out and closed down for once and for all

waiting for the image to be downloaded and show how easy it is to escalate privs even from non-admin users on that build, oh boy this will me fun..
Also as I had my suspicions(yes,this had to be dont yesterday but im lazy as fuck) so I had to do a good ol scan but seems like a fellow user here did it for me. Will be prividing as much evidence on video as possible.
awesome user

Can we not at least have an up to date version?

I respect your bitcoin miner Windows shilling, but if anyone wants the same it takes 10 minutes and a bunch of reboots

go there, and chose your software. it will install it automatically

now onto the """"""""hacking"""""""" part
>go download winaero.com/download.php?view.1895
it is a script that delete the windows screen connect feature
use the script as root, changing the package desired
Usual suspects:

deleting this list, you still get updates and defender

if you go too overboard and delete too much stuff, the startmenu will get borked, so you can use Classic Start Menu or something like that

Fuck off you Antifa Nigger weeb.

Looks like this spic is trying way too hard to shill his miner here.

No, updated versions are impossible to de-botnet this good. Pay attention.

Wtf is wrong with you

Op here, I replied to you yesterday, and my questions are the same.

Spyware has been severely reduced, and windows 10's ability for it to regenerate itself has been removed. I doubt it is sending anything of value at this point, if what you claim is true, it probably just some rudimentary ping still left in there from service.

>escalate privs
No shit sherlock, it's windows. Regardless if you are using AME or the newest build of windows 10, you will get an insecure piece of garbage.

>making a video
Wow you don't have time for anything else in your life do you

>Wow you don't have time for anything else in your life do you
living the neet life friendo

We have experemented with such approaches before, and this doesn't not remotely do the job. Windows 10 SIH (system initiated healing) among other services, will automatically re-download nearly all of those services (if not all of them, given enough time).

>miner meme
If you don't trust it, which is quite called for, since this is from Sup Forums, simply follow the documentation (on the link in the OP, scroll down) and re-create AME yourself. Then compare it with the images we provide, it's identical.

It's the only way for us to build trust.

well, I am 6 months in
and the answer is no

just did the same 'fix' for the falls creator, and it is working the same way

the miner meme is just a joke (but who knows anyway)
the thing is, people believe uninstalling Cortana will bork your system, and that is not the case

Reasonable enough, (windows embedded repair tools seem to be about getting windows update to work more than anything), however you are aware that the sole purpose of Windows defender is to scan, categorize and upload metadata on your person, there are also many other spyware applications still present, making this quite a placebo attempt.

I know, that is why I don't use any antivirus solution
Not that i particularly need one, desu

I visit the same websites every day, using adblock
I rarely email anything
I play everything from steam
I don't download shady stuff...

In my experience, removing cortana, defender, and the media apps (groove, pictures, movies) achieves performance levels from the good old windows 7, with the benefits of windows 10 (mainly video related stuff)

now that you mention it
maybe it doesn't "heal" because i have used the black vipers script
who knows, but nice to know SIH exists
thank you for the info, lad

The thing is, before creating AME, I made a script, which did similar work to Windows' spyware applications, and also used Group Policy, Registry tweaks... the usual hackjob to reduce/remove the spyware effort on win10.
This worked great for quite some time, but eventually the system decided to re enable many of those services.

The ONLY way seems to be to lock it down as is the case in AME

after installing the falls creator trash, all the privacy stuff went back in mine too
i ran the script again and they are gone again
I just set it to no updates because I am tired of this stuff

>meet life
Then it would be great if you could help us (AME project or similar). We have worked with Windows 10 on the topic of privacy for quite some time, and this seems to be the only approach that remains stable.

Also, there are various pragmatic reasons, not including security for a moment, to using a frozen build of windows without updates. You system becomes extremely stable and predictable, and userscripts, software deployment benefit from this.

As I mentioned in my claims here
the security concerns are a somewhat non-issue if you are in any way tech literate and have a safe network at some.
The 94% figure is derived from automated attacks from scripts and basic malware distributed on the internet. Stuff that one may actually encounter, which is mitigated.

If you require security, DO NOT USE WINDOWS, ANY build.

Op here, this is what I eventually did with my script (disabling updates). However, if you only used registry hacks and group policy settings, updates WILL eventually start working again :(

Feel free to try out AME and give us some feedback.

meh, i already use linux/bsd for all my laptops/servers. honestly, yea it might be fun to help yall a bit instead of bitching around on my ass. ill just do a full system audit and let yall know which things need fixing. also something i noticed, you were correct about your disable admin privs thing which i prev said, many of the privescs were blocked leaving out only 2 methods that worked

>which i prev said

If you could help us, that would be awesome!
thank you