/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Previous thread
>Free resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
MDN web docs offer a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Roadmap
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other

jsfiddle.net/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your code
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

Other urls found in this thread:


Any tools or links for UI/UX design? Not necessarily looking for React/Vue/Angular stuff, more like design best practices, methodologies etc.
I've focused mostly on frontend for the pas few months, now I want to further hone my skills.

How to download Adobe XD?

my work uses PHP.

how do I stay relevant and not compete with pajeets?

Assert your dominance.

Are github pages a decent place to build a little website mostly dedicated to a FAQ?

So that it's easy for people to post issues with suggestions and feedback on things to add/edit too

Join discord.gg/wdg.

We have lots of web-dev resources.

You already have a job, you won't need to compete with pajeets. Your only worry about them is if your company outsources to India.

What's the /wdg/ version of this?

is Go comfy to write?

I see all the top web languages there


Don't die

/wdg/ is surprisingly slow compared to the other threads. Anywhere on Sup Forums.

Hell, I stay more on the programming thread cause here is boring.

What does everyone think of Elixir(with Phoenix specifically)?

Language doesn't matter when it comes to outsourcing, unless it's English

Completely new to the programming field and currently got an entry level job as a front end webdev.
Was told by my team lead to start reading up on object-oriented programming if I want to learn more and prepare for upcoming tasks.
Is this a good book on learning OOP? The examples looks a bit outdated but does it help in building a good foundation for the topic?

What can I make in node to become employable?

Yes, it's an industry standard.

Obligatory OOP is shit.

Thanks! What's so bad about OOP anyway?
I don't think I can escape from using it so the least I can do is try to avoid the problems it causes.

You can read shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596007126.do if you want something more newbie friendly

I wrote this site this summer:
Source is here and mostly PHP:

bother me in the IRC on the same domain when I'm awake

Are these considered reasonable prices for servers with root access? cba making a home server and I want to access this outside my house and I cba with my router or whatever it is I have to do.

>programming job
>don't know oop
How in the fuck?

That's because we webdevs work 24/7 and don't even have time to jack off.

what site is this? Looks pretty cheap

I wouldn't choose 1&1 for anything really.
Better go with Digitalocean or Vultr.

that 1.3MB font takes 41 seconds to load.
Elements inside leftframe are a bit weirdly positioned and it would be better imo for rightframe to cover the whole screen, so it's always scrollable with the rest of the nav elements in fixed positions ontop of it.

Your upload form has no consistency, why tf are you using material design for it lol; just build it yourself.

Wondering too, for free of course

Looking for a good "gold standard" project to help me learn react + redux.

I want to make a CRUD app basically - what's a good project to learn from?

People are afraid to try Elixir probably because they got burned trying to learn Haskell, Erlang or Clojure so they think functional languages are too difficult or complicated to use. Elixir goes a long way to abstract out the terseness of functional programming languages so it feels like a regular scripting language. It borrows a lot from Ruby and Clojure. Phoenix feels very Rails-like to use. It also feels like Node in the way you pipe together chains of middleware, but its not called middleware in Phoenix, its called plugs. Needless to say the function chaining syntax works very well with plugs.

/r/ a superior simplification of this,

case "EDIT_BOOK":
let newState= Object.assign({}, state, {
books: state.books.filter((b)=>
(b.id !== action.id)
let newBook = action.book
newBook.id =action.id
return newState

Make something like Dribbble. Im not sure if they use React, but their interface is seemingly heavily dependent on some kind of frontent framework.


Why will a TCP server not accept a UDP message?
Is it because it doesn't understand the UDP headers? Or some other reason?

I know the following does not fall under this thread title but it is still a programming-style question.
I keep recieving error messages when trying to run 'cli.py'

Attached is a copy of the error messages.

A little help/advice will go a long way.
Thanks (if you are able to help)

what abomination of a language is this? some shitt web script I bet

it doesn't get the UDP packets from the kernel in the first place. at least on proper operating systems.
if you want to handle UDP you need to create a UDP socket

Let in javascript is more scope control than mutability.

How are you going to write a crud app with no back end?

Fucking this. I transferred a domain name away from 1&1 like six years ago and they still badger me about it.

that's for Redux, right?
Why does it demand a completely new state object. Isn't that a pretty wasteful operation...
Anyway, I wouldn't filter the whole books array, just to re-add the book again, in case the id exists.
Might be wrong since I don't know what you want exactly but something like this?
let newState = Object.assign({},state)
let index = newState.books.findIndex((book) => book.id == action.id)
action.book.id = action.id
if(index != -1){
newState.books[index] = action.book
return newState

Here's the setup that my company has us working with to develop our web application:

Lenovo Thinkpad T450

VirtualBox Virtual machine (the VM is our dev environment)

ASP.Net Razor MVC

3 Visual Studio projects open simultaneously

Our fucking dev environments are cripplingly slow. I fucking hate how this company does anything. I'm convinced now that all Windows shops are run by retards

nah they don't seem to be using react, just jquery. pretty nice if there really isn't any react there though, the site looks fast despite being built with ruby on rails.

stackoverflow is trash nowadays, just a shitshow of huge egos. all the good questions have already been answered and are well documented, good luck if you need something more specific.

>just jquery
That's kinda surprising desu. I thought fore sure they'd be using one of Angular, React, or Vue.

>site looks fast despite being built with ruby on rails
I thought RoR was considered to be pretty fast, you know, given how much RoR devs shill it at every opportunity.

Larvel or Django for backend? I have a booking website and I need a backend. Multiple websites will use its REST API for adding bookings, geocoding etc.

890 folders in node_modules
with create-react-app
is this normal

>ASP.Net Razor MVC

Razor is the framework for the view user, did you mean MVC 5 or ASP.NET Core?

Having said that, why would you need to open 3 projects simultaneously?

Go With Django over Laravel. If you want ultimate speed and low resource usage, look into Phalcon, but be warned, there are no training wheels.

Welcome to node folder hell, supposedly there's a way to fetch only what you need without going full retard on the folders, but I've never bothered developing with node only projects so I can't help you.

99% of scaffolding utilities are bloated pieces of shit.
It's not the amount of folders that is a problem, but the amount of modules, that you don't actually 'really' need.
It's really not that complicated to add whatever you need yourself and put the loader into your webpack config.
NPM and node_modules is still a million times better than loading everything in 20 different script tags.
The one that isn't PHP

rate my meat

lorem with stock image / 10
font is nice

Looks like a standard product site I guess, take that as a compliment if that was your original intention

the RoR community has built some kind of cult around it. in reality it's been proven to be slower and not as scalable as node. people say it's just easier to use and doesn't seem to make much difference though unless the site is "facebook huge".

Thanks, took me a while to pick a decent font to be honest.

That's exactly what I was going for lol. Just making a html/css template for portfolio purposes.

I like it. You are using a grid, right? No way anything this good can be made without a grid.

>Isn't that a pretty wasteful operation...

Avoid mutability and imperative style.

case 'EDIT_BOOK':
return {
books: books.map(book => (
book.id === action.id ?
action.book :

I'm using the object spread operator here because it's the best thing in JS, but it's just the same as Object.assign. redux.js.org/docs/recipes/UsingObjectSpreadOperator.html

font is disgustingly thin
button icon is way too close to fond
cut off arms are disgusting use another image

overall hospital bland desu

How do detect zoom change on a browser?

When the window is resized i can do
window.onresize = function () {
// code

not sure how to handle it when the zoom changes


Not the user, you replied to, but my next bigger project will be a phoenix API with Vue frontend - am I hip yet, senpai?

Very cool. It seems like something to invest in for the future (ie hoping there are jobs) at the very least I've been having fun playing with it.

Definitely using stuff before it's cool is the hallmark of a hipster

I wanna open up a hooker website, what language should I learn?

I know C and Delphy for now.

Caching data in localStorage

the discord is fucking shit
kill yourselves

We have three web apps that make requests to each other. We write integrations for CRMs

Thanks. Yeah, using bootstrap.

Font actually looks better than in the screenshot.

Can see where you're coming from with the hands thing though, so I updated the pic and background color.

If I apply for a job and pretend I'm Trans, is there more chance of me getting the job? Do they ask for proof?


I've been using this to check my site, but i'm running out of free uses, any suggestions on what free alternatives i should use?

I'm trying to use this API here randomuser.me/api/ to create random users on my site, but the json I get once I decode it comes out with the keys out of order (always in a different order) so it's hard for me to parse it. Any help?

sometimes I get this:
[{'location': {'city': 'bournens', 'postcode': 1554, 'street': '9239 place du 8 février 1962', 'state': 'nidwalden'}, 'login': {'sha256': etc

and sometimes this:
[{'login': {'password': 'fruity', 'username': 'whitebird881', 'md5': etc

It's illegal for them to ask your sexual orientation or anything personal, even your marital status or if you have children

what are you doing, that the order of keys in the stringified JSON would even matter?

amazing picture choice
still not ok with that font though, the titles are fine but the actual text body is sketchy

Is it possible to write a web app with Lisp?



Ah thanks, will update the fonts senpai.

pip install requests

how? links plz

Any pro advice on how to keep track of all to-dos, wips, bugs, new features, etc etc.

I'm making branches w/ git and just writing everything I need to down in my journals - disorderly!

Make an app for that.

my team uses mantis

add a readme.md to your repos with your stuff, that's what every major repo does and what github recommends.

Is Vue great or just a meme?

Use github for issues and shit. For to-dos & new features write tests.

I've been working as a part time webdev for 3 years now, including a bunch of just for fun projects.

I'm about to get my first freelance job.

A friend's relative wants a static page made and I got asked for help, the layout is supposed to be at least similar to his old page. I thought about slapping some material design on there and call it a day, but how much money am I supposed to ask for? It's probably only a handful of hours, including a few tweaks after I'm done with it.

Is it only one page? If yes it shouldn't take you more than a day then a few hours after for tweaks.

I'd probably knock a few bucks off since you already have a good idea about how it's supposed to look and what content goes where on the site. You won't have to tap into your own creativity.

Charge him $150, if you really believe your skills are good enough and you can deliver an end product to warrant that price. Not bad for a days worth of work.

It's great, you should install it.

Oh! I remember that cunt. He replies to pretty much every single question posted on the github.

what's bad about the author replying to issues on github?

Ah sorry, with page I actually meant more than one page. It's a site for a business with the usual info on it, impressum, team, opening times, etc.

$150 for a day's work doesn't sound that great, honestly. Let's assume 8 hours for initial work, client back-and-forth, tweaks. That's $19/hr. I don't know, that doesn't feel like much, but maybe I'm too greedy.

I never said it's bad. He's just being too good.

Oh I assumed it was a onepage website so I priced it accordingly. Since it's multi-page you can charge more, like $350-400. It's better to start higher and scale it back a little if he heckles the price down.

It should still take you about a day or 1.5 days to do it, because once you have the flow of one page you can easily knock out the others in short order.

Had a Skype meeting with the CEO of a web/tech startup. Got stood up.
bless my soul

>but my next bigger project will be a phoenix API with Vue frontend - am I hip yet, senpai?
try Elm, Elm will actually help you learn Elixir. And using Elm means zero runtime errors.

It sounds like you've already got an idea of how much you want to get paid (i.e. more than $19 an hour.) Good for you, user. You no longer need our help because the answer was inside you all along.

So Elm is basically rusty javascript, right?

Well got an internship at a startup somehow and I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm a second year CS student whose only exposure to web development is CSS/HTML/JS (I do have programming knowledge from college though). The job is using Rails and the only thing I've done is start a udemy course on it.

How do I fake it till I make it? Will stackoverflow see me through? Granted, the CEO's expectations aren't very high...