Got diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, t-thanks Sup Forums

got diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, t-thanks Sup Forums

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Why the hell are you blaming Sup Forums idiot?

How did you know to seek help?

because he's insane but sane enough to know it?

they wanna put me on some schizophrenia meds for major depression feelsbadman

This is what free software does to your brain

the side effects has a whole page on its own. i just want to die

because he's schizophrenic

Schizophrenia is not technology you cockmongler.

you guys are my only friends

When is your operating system coming out?

your probably not schizophrenic bro.


Lucky you, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2005 (symptoms started in 2004 when I fasted for just over a month).

Try asking the voices about aliens, they know some stuff. They can also be knowledgeable about spiritual subjects.
See you on /x/

You honestly expect a schizophrenic to realize that 1. They're blaming the wrong thing for the problem and 2. They're saying something irrelevant to the conversation?

I wish I had schizo

>fixed hard probe instead of a tentacle like thing
Those aliens just can't into proper probing, can they?

we know, Terry

psychs are normie fucks who get scared when you unleash red pills on them. they're trying to hold you back from realizing your true potential. take the meds to stabilize but don't stay on em

Psychiatry is bullshit.

at least you'll get neetbux, i am just sane enough that I have to work like a slave nigger for the rest of my life, and the inside of my head is basically hell

Delete this thread before the Jews find out.


>symptoms started in 2004 when I fasted for just over a month
Is there a correlation?

im schizoaffective and got denied neetbux.


Don't let them put you on them, anti-psychotics are a nightmare, I was prescribed them for bipolar and they actually GAVE me hallucinations, I had never had anything like that previously.

Listen man, so far we've put up with you, but don't get too comfortable.

Me and the boys have been talking and we feel like it isn't working out and we can't hang out any more.

Please don't post here again.

>i without a period on top

I wanna know
I might fast for a month to test my brain to see if it's wired correctly

I wish I didn't believe you.

>I might fast for a month to test my brain to see if it's wired correctly
if you're dumb enough to do this it's probably not wired correctly

Sup Forums - Freetard Schizophrenics

At least you won't have to fap so much anymore user, the meds will nuke your libido, also will probably cause weight gain.

gecmis olsun moruk


im not sure if i want to try them. problem is i haven't had any success with years of trying SSRIs and shit so they want to do that. just feels like im talking to a flow chart when they prescribe me something new.

> they wanna put me on some schizophrenia meds
they want those bucks, you're being jewed, are you allowing this to happen? do you want to be cucked or what?

Geçmiş olsun kardeş, Allah kurtarsın.


all the medications ive been recommended and tried only cost around $5

>taking psych meds

I went to the doctor complaining about anxiety/depression during my NEET period and he gave me ssri's, I came home researched the medicine and threw it straight into the bin, my life eventually got better and I got over it without meds.

hemen o haplari cope at, yoksa hayatin sikilecek..

Try and trick another doctor into giving you ADD meds or just buy some meth, I find stimulants to treat depression FAR better.

Jokes aside, I've been through the whole gamut of meds too, at one point I was taking an anti-psychotic, anti-seizure (which for some reason are used for bipolar), lithium AND an SSRI at the same time.

Hayali arkadaşın falan var mı bari? Varsa olaya iyi yönünden bak, benim bi tane gerçek arkadaşım bile yok.

well your fellow countrymen are probably incurring the rest of the charges. pills aren't going to change your life from being bad.

yok moruq sürekli polis evi basıcak gibi hissediyorum dedim bütün günüm camda caddeyi izlemekle geçiyor polis arabası varsa ellerim terliyor kalbim çarpıyor

im also in therapy what else do you want from me?

sebebli dusunce mi? yoksa tek hastaligin yuzunden mi? baska birisiyim bu arada

hiçbir sebebi yok

cocuk pornosu download yapma

>download yapma
Google translate detected

or foreign kebab

Should've bought INPASCAL instead

What symptoms do you have?

"They" weren't real doctors, and what you took wasn't antipsychotics.


i constantly think police is about to raid our house

they know about your CP, you're not even paranoid, you're just getting what you deserve

Are you my business partner.

>i constantly think police is about to raid our house
What for retard?

OP is a turk

any sane person would be afraid to live under Erdocunt's regime desu

Team up with Terry

Fasting reduces the amount of MAO in your system. MAO is basically the tripkiller. It removes serotonin and its agonists from the synapses iirc.
Fasting will definitely put you on some kind of a trip and will amplify the effects of psulocybin, LSD and also DMT. However, a change in brain chemistry can induce a psychosis, including schizophrenia in weak faggots likr you.

Pretty sure they were, I'm not paranoid, just occasionally manic


Lmao this

>windows 10

am I missing something here?

Do you have periods where u talk non stop, u are overconfident and maybe think u are divine or godlike ?

>turkroach blaming the west for everything wrong in his life
What else is new?

Yes, and I fuck everything

>manic depression
u'll live. can be controlled with correct prescription

Turks on MY Sup Forums?

And even we aren't real

M8 we're all a little paranoid
Keeping my PERSONAL MEDIA locked away in a closed shell system that's physically locked in a Faraday cage hidden somewhere, all encrypted with aes-256 and a password long enough to resist quantum computers is just something I've learned to deal with

I only transfer PERSONAL MEDIA from tails that's tunneled through a logless VPN (sha-256, rsa-4096, and aes-256) by a cheap flash drive that's only ever used once then destroyed (sandpaper)
(Look up CIA air gap hacks)

if anyone can help me encrypt with someone stronger, I'd appreciate it


>being a t*rk
pills aren't going to do shit buddy you need to commit suicide immediately

remember the spiders cannot hurt you

Satan loves you

welcome to the higher reality

Who would let a child read that deranged faggot's work?

fazla kafaya takma

>Satan loves you
Satan once called me their friend, the Devil. I've never been entirely comfortable with it.

you are nothing; nothing is part of everything. Satan is part of everything. you see where this is going. we are one. you have pleased Satan greatly with your life and yes he likes you

consider becoming a digital shaman

its gonna be a long road to debug yourself OP
and even then you're gonna need constant updates, patches.
might even have to start over a few times from a fresh install.
but once you have got the program down packed,
and have become keenly aware of the algorithms,
consider helping others to debug themselves.

how old are you OP?

Is satan the pajeet god?

I bet 2005 was when he was 18-24

usually when first psychotic episodes happen

Watch out for individuals that glow in the dark

Time to start your youtube channel, bug. Don't be too harsh with your parents.

t. Terry


Have you proven to have suicidal or otherwise violent tendencies toward yourself or others?

>turk roach

Living in Turkey must be difficult if you have actual disabilities. Don't take meds, seek rehabilitation. I'm a sand nigger with a cousin who has slight autism and his parents refused to help him, now he's completely unemployed and useless. If you live with your parents, get away from them because most sand nigger parents don't know anything and act oblivious.

i am working on custom block chipper for long term data storage 8192 bit key
chiper is based on continuous dynamical systems. I will make it publicly available when its done.
You can use that to encrypt aes ciphertext

probably in 14 years

When are you going to make a freedom respecting 64bit only ring 0 OS with its own compiler and programming language like Terry?


You should have installed gentoo, asshole.

Salamaleikum, brother. Soon...

No, no you don't

goodluck with it, meds fucked me so i stopped, im lucid enough to know its just crazy, intrusive thoughts, so I just tune them out or use the reasonable ones as my conscience

So you're like John Nash?

>OP runs windows
>This is what free software does to your brain OP
Maybe you should take an eye check or do an iq test.