Behold, the best cpu ever made

behold, the best cpu ever made.

That’s not an Athlon64
That’s not a Phenom 1100T
That’s not a 2500k
That’s not a 1700X
That’s not a Pentium 3

> not an alpha cpu

This CPU lasted me through 3 vid card replacements

Will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Q6600

>not an Baikal-T1

But that's not A64 3000+.

it was the catalyst for AMD's failure, that's for sure.

And totally not Intel's jewish tricks, right?

That was my most-sought CPU back then. Damn quad core.

>not a i5 3570k

a 1100t really?

>squeezes in a rypoo cpu in that list
0.002 rupees have been deposited to your account Rajeesh :)

>jewish cum

not a 3570K...

>STILL being butthurt over Zen
Whoa there Brian, how's Xeon sales?

Dunno, how's the 8 shit tier cores? Oh, you still are trying to get over 4 GHz? Okay then, I'll just sit here with my 6 god tier cores at 5 GHz.

How are the Xeon sales, Brian?

Better than your single thread performance & 2012 IPC.


pls stop bullying

How does it compare to my, currently still going strong, Q9550? Which has survived 3 videocard updates too (but, must admit, is heavily bottlenecking the current one).

Enough for Intel to have x15 the net worth of AMD.


That or 6502.

Yahoo also was worth much more than Google, once.

>not the 1700
why u do dis

>post proof of this IPC shit u inventing

If you wanna go retro.

>tfw upgrading p4 ht to q6600 9 years ago.

Godlike cpu desu, beside 5820 maybe I'm gonna in future for zen or whatever intel have, desu not doing heavy task or gaming anymore.

I'm impartial to the 2600k myself.

i did that as well. it really felt like stepping into the future especially when it was clocked at 3.6ghz.

Excuse me, sir?

I have one that I found in a PC that was on the street
What do I do with it

>not having a 2in1 CPU/space heater

Intel® Core™ i9™ Processors are the most advanced CPU/space heaters ever made.

How realistic is it to design a new processor? RISC, maybe not silicon?

Not entirely unrealistic

There are all sorts of people making hobby cpus, implementing it using an fpga, and making a gcc or llvm backend for it

That’s not Apple’s A7 Chip

that's not a 2700k, a cpu that still has the same gayming performance as the 8700k. which is why intel blacklist every single reviewer who still uses it

While intel was playing seriously dirty pool as usual, AMD dug their own grave with the previous gen.

Still got one running at 4.4ghz pegged at 100% for days on end. What a trooper

A7 is a SOC, not a cpu.

I would gladly sell them to anons here at a very low profit margin so we can work together on software development. What are some potential materials? I'm so tired of silicon.

Do you even have a goal that isn't being accomplished by riscv?

Probably not, but having a little competition in the RISC market might be good.


higher potential to hit 4ghz

It's good, I'm live in the North country.

I'm pretty sure the silicon lottery isn't relevant to this thread.

Being slightly affordable?

thats not a cyrix6x86

works breddy gud

Are there any modern processors that aren't shilltel/ayymd

>literally two Core2Duo dies glued together
>best CPU ever made

lol ok

Not any x86 ones, patents mean you could only create the feature equivalent of a Pentium Pro.

IBM Power. Various low-power ARM implementations.

>2 glued cores
Well well it seen amd can't do anything original. Zen is just a copy of an Intel cpu

Board and CPU are so old they're slowly starting to fall apart, so I'm just keeping it only mildly overclocked. Still does it's job really well for it's age and the little I paid for it back then.

1700x is aweful

That's not Celeron 300A.

Furthermore, Q6600 is useless nowadays when 45nm quad core Xeons fit the same socket and cost $5.


It's probably just about true given that Intel IPC hasn't improved since 2012.

>That or 6502.
Nostalgia is fine and all, but don't pretend that it's nice to program a CPU that has smaller words than addresses.

I have one of these too. I recently paired it with a GTX 1050ti and it just keep going. What a beast of a CPU.


What are the best ARM chips?

Who is this semen demon?

>What are the best ARM chips?
Unironically Apple's, unfortunately.

Haven't the base AMD64 patents expired by now?

So nothing strong enough for desktop workstations?

Still waiting for the K12.

NEVER EVER as long as x86 is relevant enough for Zen to be a money printer.


Besides, what's wrong with x86?

I wouldn't be too sure about that. AMD could see it as an opportunity to participate in a market where they don't directly compete with Intel. Also Keller did praise AArch64 and not having to "pay the x86 tax".


Mainly, inefficient decoding and memory model.

Among other reasons.

AArch64 is okay but since the ISA spec is defined by shitskin anglos at ARM you'd never know what to expect.

Have the same one, but with older 660 Ti - for 200$ pretty good deal (SSD, 1TB Raid 1,8 GB ram)

With both Keller and RWT praising the ISA, I'm allowing myself to be cautiously optimistic, at least.

Not quite I don't think, it's 20 years isn't it?

hey Sup Forums, what'd be some good buys for a cheap server ($400 max for used mobo+CPU) that supports:
- VT-d
- DDR3-1600 > 32GB
- 4-8 core

It is, but the patents were likely filed in advance of the actual release date. I'm not sure, I just think I read somewhere that AMD64 could be implemented without patent infringements.

What level of AVX?


The memory management is nice, the rest is okay.
Not exactly better than x86-64 (from the end user point of view, that is), but now with no software.

x86 is such a nightmarish patent minefield I wouldn't touch it with a hundred feet pole.

>Not exactly better than x86-64
Having 32 GPRs and not having to touch memory to do subroutine calls are pretty nice things in my reckoning.

make that 6-8 cores


is the E5-2665 a good CPU? how much power will it use? are the mobos for this one expensive?


*Blocks ur path*

>is the E5-2665 a good CPU?
Given the clock frequency, getting a Ryzen 1600/1600X is probably going to be faster and use less power, and it supports AVX2.

used my Q6600 for years. now it sits on my desk doing nothing

Better pic
+ a sexy GPU

so what'd you suggest?
I already have a ryzen 1600.. but only the CPU, haven't bought the mobo/RAM, and I'm thinking about selling it, because DDR4 RAM is stupidly expensive currently, I need >32GB, and I already have lots of 1600MHz DDR3 RAM waiting for a server

>from the end user point of view
It means no software.
No matter how good or elegant ISA is it will die a horrible death without the software.
Even Itanic was nice on paper and we know how well it ended.

Please tell us by what metric this CPU is best other than "the one I'm most nostalgic for".

>It means no software.
No it doesn't. There's probably no program that I'm currently using that wouldn't run on AArch64.


>tfw I still use it in my desktop