Retro Thread?

I haven't seen one on Sup Forums for awhile now.

HD screens were a mistake.

Not when you're actually using your computer.


There was one here at least a few days ago, but of course shitposters had to butt in and ruin the fun.

One thing I like about old UIs is how much they squeeze things into little spaces.

Just imagine how much simpler our worries about botnets and spying would be if we stuck with simple computers dealing with plaintext, with personal- and community-based networks.

Yes, but then we couldn't shit post half a world away.

We would, with Usenet and Fidonet. It would just be a lot slower.

>ur a fgt
>*one week passes*
>no u

Yeah, because nu-/retro/ is a cringefest of underages and retards like jerking off about the "good old days" and reposting the same shitty screenshots/marketing/muh battelstation pics over and over again. Of course people want to shit on you.

But look at the blazing fast speeds that I can say
>no u
with right now!

You do have a point about things becoming more vulnerable though. I remember when blue screen nuking was a thing, but AOL 2.5 couldn't get nuked because it didn't allow certain ports to open (probably because not needed). It was fun being 14 and going in the "hackers" channel and shit posting and people raging that they couldn't nuke me. Good times.

Your post is exactly what I'm talking about.


I'm just worried about the layers upon layers of abstraction is going to bite us in the ass one day, as well as the ever increasing quantity of devices always phoning home, whether across the web or mobile networks.

But on the complexity issue, I worry about stories I hear from Microsoft devs that say things like "No one knows how it works or what it does, but if we don't do it this think wont work." This is not a good foundation on which to build something as important as an increasingly computerised and automated world.

If you can't see the obvious advantages, in terms of censorship, of networks maintained by users and not by a list of shadowy and unknowable corporations and government bodies, I don't know what to say to you.

No shit.
I'm not saying anything about advantages or disadvantages, just how retarded it is to jerk off and lament about something that's never, ever coming back and never had a chance of sticking around to begin with.

>But on the complexity issue, I worry about stories I hear from Microsoft devs that say things like "No one knows how it works or what it does, but if we don't do it this think wont work." This is not a good foundation on which to build something as important as an increasingly computerised and automated world.
That's literally just Microsoft being retarded. The Free Software world only has a few corners like that, and the OpenBSD guys in particular get their rocks off by replacing those corners with simpler, more robust, easier to use alternatives.

they are only needed because uis and fonts are much bigger now.

do they really know how all code of the program works or just how the part they are responsible for works?

You say that but I'd like to see one person explain SystemD

And part of the reason for Wayland is that no one know what half the code in X does.

Half of Free software, as well as with Windows, is code designed to work with 20 year old devices two people ever owned.

IIRC Xterm can emulate terminals that were never released.

>tfw when i have the pic related pc but it is in very bad condition (hard drive dead, maybe the floppy drive needs cleaning) and without a keyboard.
It's bad because i don't have money to burn, in order to fix it

OP here, I had an Amstrad PC1640 that I had to dump about 7 years ago. It was working, had both the Keyboard and Mouse for it + Disks for GEM Desktop and MS DOS. It had 1 5.25 Floppy Drive and a 50 Meg H/drive.

People sell PC1640's on EBay UK for stupid money now...... are sick to your stomach.

Could you use an IDE to compact flash adapter for the hard drive like you can with Amigas?

well this requires a bit of investement. Also the PC HD1640 has a weird thing with the ISA slots being 16 bit but the CPU working on 8 bits or something like that (take it with a grain of salt because it may be bulshit).

I know your feeling... I think i am a bit lucky because the pc was on the balcony of my grandparents flat for almost a decade and the motherboard despite the corrosion was still working. (the shielding though was completly messed up). I still have the 4 original floppies and the user manual.

Someone say retro?

I know it's an ad, but goddamn it's a comfy one.

I miss when computers had a character, as frustrating as that character could be sometimes. Like, something on the Amiga would look and sound like the Amiga itself, same with games consoles.

Now everything is becoming increasingly uniform.

I am annoyed that I had to dump it. I have seen them on EBay UK going for about £200. If I still had it I would sell it for no more than £75 simply because you can't do very much with those.

I have looked for old Macintosh's on EBay but the CRT's in them are known to have problems. With any old Computer it can have bulging capacitors etc. which are difficult to find replacements for.

There are plenty of Amiga's on EBay that go for about £100 and most of the time still are boxed.

You can still get Commodore 64's on EBay boxed for less than £100.

There is plenty of nu retro PowerMac G4 and G5's and iBooks on EBay too that can be picked up for a reasonable price too.

Something you don't see much of is Pentium 3 Desktops. Tons of original Pentium 4's which are junk.

A few months back I bought an IBM P4 3 GHz Thinkcentre for about £30 that I will use as Windows 98 gaming rig at some point.

I still need to get an IBM 4:3 LCD Monitor for it and an IBM PS/2 Mouse for it. For whatever reason IBM Mouses cost about £30 now.

This Retro collecting can be damned expensive.

That feel is as depressing as no gf.


>Now everything is becoming increasingly uniform.

Digital globalization.

>screens get bigger
>display resolutions get larger
>they show less content than UIs from the 90s
What went wrong?

Graphic designers were paid more than programmers.

Also we stopped having standard screen sizes.

I like when people get massive 1440p/4K screens for "screen real estate" when the real improver of screen real estate is good UI design.

Why even make a post like that?

Why even reply, you came for /reto/ didn't you? Not to reply to people shitting on it?


>just how retarded it is to jerk off and lament about something that's never, ever coming back
I usually ignore shitty bait, but this is replay worthy.
Your analogy would mean, if you where the only man left on Earth, you won't jerk off to women.

>and never had a chance of sticking around to begin with.
But some they did.
Those who weren't a commercial success, still have people enjoying them.

>Like, something on the Amiga would look and sound like the Amiga itself, same with games consoles.
Totally, even games not originally made for Amiga, like Quake or Quake 2 with software rendering on an AGA machine look really like Amigas own FPS did.

I think that sense of identity and character at a design and display level is what made people stick with them for so long. It's why people born long after they became obsolete argue about the SNES and the Genesis.

It's why people love their shitty cars more than they have any right to.



>0 found



this one kind of reminds me of TARS and CASE in interstellar


can anyone tell if they're using a virtual machine or accessing windows through vnc?


Testing some older Wintel shit out of boredom.




>entire C: drive is less than 500 files

Most basic installation of DOS only has 3 files.


resolution is too shit but it looks like a VNC because I don't know how well Win2k would run in a PC emulator and there are a few icons in the Win2k tray that could be VNC servers.

the former two are normally hidden to prevent you from accidentally deleting them

Hey there's my keyboard. My first personal computer was a IIsi. Fucking awesome machine.
I miss fun Apple.
I always wanted one of these. Executive AF. Feels like it belongs in Patrick Bateman's apartment.
I wasn't a huge fan of the Performa style Macs, but man, they were pretty comfy.



Peripheral driver
and Command interpreter


What is this?

if third one had windows 2000 instead of XP classic interface, he could have named it "the ages of windows"

I didn't even notice that



senpai-itt b4 vlobby drive

old pix
flubber drive OK now

A lot of stuff with computers these days begins and ends with the web browser, this takes away a lot of the identity as well. Also, files that play absolute sound and video rather than hardware interpretation.

darn wordfilter
f-a-m after


>dat Compaq part

Windows Vista+ don't even have the proper settings menu to change MIDI synth away from Microsoft's shit-tier wavetable.

f-a-m katze

f-a-m femme?

Looks like I got myself quite the following


>that bezel on the monitor

I lost the webm with the girl at the typewriter though (if it was yours that was)

Didn't even know that. I know that Vista didn't know what to do with my serial port controller.

Only if you have a shitty soundcard. If you want your MIDI to sound good get an external synth or a card that supports soundfont.


That's a rare one, you better keep it safe.
This one?


100% subjective

ah, yes! thank you. will add it to my folder

>i love you more than anything in the world
great now i want to kill myself

The built-in wavetable synth on Windows is objectively shit. It's a bastardized SC55 sound set that barely sounds like the real thing.


James is that you?


no, just reposting

not arguing that. I'm saying that preferring external midi synths over sound card HW synth (internal synth) is pure preference.

no problem m8
And so did I back when we distanced ourselves. Then I got a gf and everything went good. No gf now, but s'all still good.
Here, have a pic of my cat. Her name is "Chispa", which means "Spark" in Spanish. Taken with a 50 year old Werlisa Color.



A chunk of my retro shit

magical. mirin hard.

>monkey island
>affectionate cat

what else does a nigga need?