Recently I gave it a try and installed it on my memepad. It seems good so far, even got the store working and all. Now I am thinking of installing it on my desktop.
But has anybody used it long-term? How is it holding up? Do you miss anything from the current branch?
I use it. It just works. The way Windows 10 should be but I heard 2015 LTSB cannot install the latest Nvidia drivers on the 10 series. 2016 LTSB can, however.
Joshua Reyes
>installs LTSB >gets the store to work what the fuck is wrong with this board
Jeremiah Mitchell
>got the store working and all but WHY?! the whole point of LTSB is to not have "windows as a service" bloat shoved down your throat on a daily basis.
I've been using it on my desktop for a few months. still needs some unbloating but it's manageable because it doesn't revert back into full bloat mode with unwanted updates.
Luke Walker
Windows 10 is a meme
Blake Cruz
Use education edition
Isaiah Bailey
>has LTSB installed >uses the store The absolute state of Sup Forums
Anthony Cook
How does telemetry look on that thing? I'm thinking about installing it on a vm and sniffing the traffic from it, to see whether it would be suitable for me
Anthony King
I just want to use some apps without having the default ones shoved down my throat, what's wrong with that?
Liam Brooks
Did you manage to get Edge or WSL working?
Luke Carter
Dont need didnt try
Hunter Wright
It's trash
Lincoln Gonzalez
Also LTSB2015 is already dead from a support POV. Both from Nvidia and Microsoft itself. Expect LTSB2016 to get shafted soo. Windows 7 will have longer support than these two.
Easton Taylor
I've never had that problem on any windows and I've been using it since the technical previews.
>"debloating" I never did that. It's a fresh install.
Juan Parker
Basically Windows 10 before the anniversary update and without all the bloat. You just need to remove skydrive and block the telemetry services. Best version of Windows right now.
Nathaniel Turner
"it is a fresh install"
sorry bud this image has been posted million times by now I don't buy that this is your "fresh install"
Aaron Rodriguez
even worse.
Brody Fisher
stop shilling that bullshit
Luke Brooks
Ofcourse, I did. It's the second time I posted it.
Grayson Cook
Never trust a modified windows
Austin Campbell
I've bee using this for half a year now and it's been nice for me. The Windows 10 to use if you want a lite Windows 10 with useless features removed.
Colton Bailey
Its nice, just werks, no complains from me
Luke Long
Not after 1709 It is now below Enterprise in terms of feature set. It like Pro got ReFS removed and also did not receive Application Guard, a new feature.
Charles Martin
>Not disabling indexing on your first boot >Not installing Everything
Choke on your own dick, my man.
Andrew Jones
Xavier Gomez
It's great but I run into some issues with gayming. Also the latest driver update fucked some things up visually. I'm on 2016.
Ethan Cox
it's the exact same thing as regular W10, christ this board it's not some experimental forbidden build someone stole from microshit's private server
fucking retard
Brayden Morris
>"It's a fresh install" >As a fuckton of programs and crapware on his pc
Brody Gomez
Stop pirating Windows, Jamal.
Kayden Miller
>long term support
Jason Ross
Stop fucking spamming this retarded gif. Just because it doesn't work on one machine doesn't mean it doesn't work at all.
Benjamin Gomez
No one said that.
I was just asking if people have long term expirience with it.
Your caution is reasonable, having others independently build AME and compare it to our images is the only way we can build trust.
Blake Jackson
Why use it?
Daniel Barnes
How so? >Windows 10 Image with ALL spyware deleted from the OS >Updates and hidden repair services deleted and disabled >Cortana, Edge, Apps, Windows Media Player deleted >Replaced with only basic FOSS apps, leaving most of the changes to the user >works with all modern games and productivity software
Honestly anything you can do with an "app" that you could do yourself with the minimal amount of googling and two braincells
Leo Barnes
Only useful app on the whole fucking windows store is the netflix app. Why, you ask? Because it's the only thing that can play 4k netflix on windows, the other being microsoft edge.
Caleb Taylor
The only way any kind of project like this would work would be to constantly update security package with each incremental update Microsoft rolls out. For that reason alone no one will use this unless that could be implemented (it can't) it honestly a very good idea but the fact is you can't release a new iso for every major security patch and that's the only way you'd get a userbase.
Luke Smith
It is complete and utter rubbish!
Joshua Gomez
I've been using LTSB for a month or so now. And I'm really happy with it, no complains and never had a crash or something. LTSB + tronscript = :)
Leo Cruz
wow what if i want to use a specific one though?
Caleb Young
So LTSB + tronscript turns me into an ironic emoji posting asshat?
Cameron Turner
I would ask what it is and what it doss and why you need an app for it when you shiirr as hell can do it yourself
Austin Price
>can't install security updates
fuck off my man
Eli Hall
>Expect LTSB2016 to get shafted soon next LTSB version is expected to get released in 2019
Ryan Torres
Well not him but I personally installed the store again since I play >games on my PC and I wanted Forza Horizon.
Elijah Rogers
Why do you care, I use the program i want thanks
Eli Ward
>replace some of botnet parts with useless bloat Well done, well done
Daniel Hughes
>Windows 10 LTSB >got the store working kek, you're an idiot.
William Allen
You can do all of that yourself on any installation of Windows 10. Why include the bloatware?
Adrian Hughes
Because the creator put all that work into making the image so he has to shill it on this board to pick up some uneducated users and hopefully make up for the catastrophic waste of time.
Angel Gray
Kinda, but also gives you a decent system.
Connor Russell
Don't be a lazy bastard do it yourself
Gayming makes sense I guess
Brayden Allen
install gentoo and kys faggot
Jaxson Edwards
I mean admittedly though I don't ever use it for anything else but the Store-only PC game section. If they released the game somewhere else I'd just use that instead.
Joshua Morales
Where do I get unmodified LTSB iso?
Nolan Parker
It still has all the telemetry.
Wyatt Nguyen
No one asked you to do anything idiot, learn to read. You were the one pissing on about how to "hurr you dont need the store you can find anything on google". Yeah no shit.
Brody Sanders
so whats the best win10 version ?
Jace Diaz
None. The last perfect OS was Windows 7, everything after, including various Linux distros, is fucking dogshit.
Hudson Walker
It's still a privacy nightmare and programmed by incompetent pooinloos, just like every other Windows 10 edition. You would do well to avoid it.
Ryan Ortiz
What isn't programmed by them? Linux distros?
Alexander Clark
Windows 7
Nathan Hall
well...ill stay in w7
Joseph Cox
And I'm still right. Hurr durr.
Jayden Harris
Everything? Whats the point of disabling indexing?
Nicholas Morgan
I put it on my gaming PC and one of my laptops and it works perfectly. No junk, but works like normal Win10.
Christian Moore
TronScript vs user debloat scrip which is better for a new lstb install?
Colton Allen
Just go with DWS. Its fine for LTSB 2016. If you need more than that just go for Linux.
Juan James
I gave up on the windows 10 LTSB autismo debloat script meme, shit always broke or didn't work right. Windows 10 works pretty damn nicely when you don't fuck with it
Ryan Russell
Works nice on my machine. Install LTSB -> get all updates -> KMS -> debloat with DWS. Works every time. You're probably getting a shitty iso.
Liam Carter
heres my experience > install ltsb > start menu doesn't work properly but its usable and still better then ordinary 10 > a month later, get a fullscreen popup to update, no close button > have to open windows update to get it go away > pops up every few hours > cave and update > takes an hour to update > finally get back in > start menu works even less > file manager doesn't work properly > vidya crashes
its shit, just like all windows 10 versions are. windows 9 is the only usable windows.
Jacob King
U have to turn that off in the administrator policy thingie
Sebastian Baker
I've used LTSB 2015 since it became available, the same installation without problems. It's actually rather good compared to any other edition/version of Windows from the current lineup and past.
Angel Cox
I have no problems with my Vega GPU. LTSB 2015 is still the best version of Windows in current existence.
Is it because you're a tech illiterate bitching ass slavslut? >ugh Nvidia scrweed me overrr!11 >I used to shill LTSB 2015 for years but now fuck itttt!!11 cry cry
Logan White
>2015 LTSB cannot install the latest Nvidia drivers on the 10 series Had to upgrade to LTSB 2016 for this reason but it was a quick painless 30min in-place upgrade.
>sims kys
Cooper Walker
Works on my machine though?
Leo Howard
LTSB is a waste of time. W10 needs its updates to be decent on new hardware and games, and using new hardware and games is the only reason you'd even use W10 over W7 or Linux.
Get enterprise or education.
Aaron Walker
Edge isn't built into LTSB?
Elijah Sanders
No. But I think you can get it with some powershell commands.
Ayden Kelly
just fucking download windows 10 pro directly from windows and fucking enable enterprise-only updates in the settings
then disable your privacy settings, done
Caleb Wright
You can do all of this yourself with powershell. Why get ANYTHING but an untouched iso?
Joseph Murphy
Why do these people feel the need to state they are female. Can they just be anonymous? Fucking attention whores
Brandon Lopez
Is there any way to make the updates on LTSB not retarded? I just want to be able to manually download and install them, not fully block updates.
Brandon Fisher
>anonymous is a pronoun now
where the fuck have you people been?
these options have been with creators update for months now... jesus fucking christ
Michael Fisher
Liam Campbell
I ran into that specific bug on my W10 PC. I think making a new user account would fix it, but I'm honestly too lazy to do that.
Oliver Ward
Just install any Windows, don't allow it internet access. and transfer files using a shared folder as needed. VMs are wonderful things.
Hunter Cruz
I've been using W10 LTSB 2016 for a year now and it works great. Never had any problems.
Michael Price
I'm not sure if it is the Nvidia thing, but I think some thing (some driver or software) requires version 1607 or up and so doesn't work in LTSB.
I'm not sure though. It could be the Nvidia issue and maybe I'm not remembering clearly.