Stupid questions thread
Use a search engine before posting faggot
Stupid questions sometimes get stupid answers
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So my Audio USB card used to just work as soon as i plugged it in. Now i updated the realtek drivers and it keeps showing up as an "unknown" device when i try update the drive the only driver option s Unknown Device... So when i try uninstall the driver and plug the usb back in, it installs unknown driver
so, i like trying new OSs and today i'm trying Tails
and i see it use the tor network, i got the rough idea of how tor work
but can someone give me a quick explanation of what it does to get a ''new identity'' in tor and what the option ''open onion circuits'' in tails do
any Tails stuff welcome
Does anyone have the "Common trolls and copypasta" folder of Sup Forums? The link given in the wiki isn't working anymore.
Google for "Known Driver", maybe it works.
What? Thanks for the help pajeet
Best OS for a 7 year old computer with 4GiB ram?
Try Lubuntu
>What's the best method of applying paste?
You do it exactly as the guy in this webm does.
haven't been back in a while, what happened to netrunner?
Retarded question time:
I want to replace a mechanical push button on a chip with an arduino. The button works by grounding a pin.
Can I use a digital pin, give a "high" signal to the pin and "LOW" to simulate a button press? Or do I need to use transistors?
(I'd run a dfplayer mini at 5V and the digital pins at 5V high. )
That's absolutely fucking horrible jesus christ why
>What's the best method of applying paste?
7:45 tl;dr
That webm is a troll one. This is the proper way.
I want off Mr bones wild ride
I run Ubuntu MATE on a 3GiB 8 year old laptop. It runs VSCode + youtube on chrome + other stuff quite decently. Lubuntu will obviously be faster but it looks like shit. Xubuntu is the best I think. I dual boot it with windows 10 on my PC but am too lazy to switch to it on my ancient laptop.
>Not evenly spreading that stuff with a credit card
Is it worth getting a Chromecast?
Is there a laptop that I can get for ~130 bucks that can browse the web and save basic document files well?
I have like 3TB of porn and I would love to seed it, but over the years and reinstalls, almost none of it is still seeding. I've changed a lot of file names over the years too. Is there some sort of batch process that can seed an entire library and match it to the links or is it a manual task?
It's so cheap. I'd say so. I love casting music and videos
>25 watt cpu
>more thermal paste than the volume of the whole chip
Thank you kindly!
Puppylinux will run on anything, so it will run. Probably can run something more powerful.
What is the hardware and graphics requirement to view a 4k video on my laptop? I tried to open one but crashed
so i use my phone as a speaker by using soundwire server, i use usb tethering so theres no loss on the sound cause wifi kinda away, but that also makes my net slower cause wifi kinda away, so how can i do it so i can use my nets pc to browse but usb tethering for speaker?
win 7 btw
I need to flash a GPU's bios, however the system it works in no longer has a hard drive, can I make one of those To Go windows run on it from a usb port or does that require the pc to already have a windows installation and work sort of like an alternate boot to that?
I already put windows and 500 gigs of backups on my new pc with the new motherboard and cpu, so I'd rather not have to format it again, plug it into old system, flash gpu, then format it again and stick it in new system again
How do you usually deal with the dust on the keyboard of your laptop(s)?
Need help with modem/Ethernet
Every time I boot my computer and after a couple off seconds of being on the internet, I have to unplug and plug in the Ethernet cable to get it to work.As long as I don't turn it off or restart the internet stays.Even after wake up from sleep.Also everyday after 2AM the I have to do the same and unplug/replug.I don't think its my computer or the cable its self.
I remember reading a forum or article that it had to do with the modems timer or something but I was to lazy at the time to save/do anything about it then and I lost it.
I'm just wondering where in the setting of the modem I have to change so I don't have to keep doing this every time I turn the computer on.I have an Arris modem and the IP for the modem if thats any help.
I take the keyboard out and smack the back of it with my hand while I hang upside down on my balcony.
4GiB is loads by linux standards, any modern distro will be happy there. i use solus, which has notoriously low idle ram usage, and it only goes over 50% (8gb ram) when i'm using firefox and playing a game
be the envy of desktop threads
How do I start up with NumLock always on?
I tried somethng from Google, to the registry (InitialKeyboardIndicators) but didn't work.
I want to start the PC from shutdown with numlock on.
can I share files via samba without altering file permissions? I mean sending a file to another pc via samba and getting it back with the same permissions
my disk usage is at 100% and my computer is slow.
I'm on win 8.1.
I tried a chkdisk repair but it just stays stuck at 11%.
I even blue screened what do I do?
Reboot into safe mode and turn off all your start up programs
ok uh, this has been happening since last night. sometimes when i load a page on Sup Forums an audio file plays, it's some guy yelling "OHHHHHH" and then it stops. it's randomly happening...wtf?
Why do I have to do multiple captchas all of a sudden? This just started for me today. Basically, when I fill out a captcha and hit Verify, sometimes it will say "You miss typed the captcha." I posted on /vg/ earlier, but I had to do 12 fucking captchas in order for the post to go through. What the fuck is this shit?
Use legacy captcha you fucking cuck
Does it happen in other browsers? Try clearing the cache to reset the extension
>Does it happen in other browsers? Try clearing the cache to reset the extension
haven't tried it in other browsers, im using chromium though. this is fucking weird, i just searched for like 10 minutes trying to find what is playing in the source but i can't find shit. maybe it's an ad?
Look in BIOS setup, there's often an option for it.
Use FreeDOS on a flash drive, you don't need Windows.
Depends what program you're using and what format the video is using.
ThinkPad/Elitebook/Inspiron/other used business grade machine from ~2011
Depends how the chip you're connecting to does the button. Safest way if you're not sure is use a mosfet to do the pull down, pushing a high signal can cause issues.
>Use FreeDOS on a flash drive, you don't need Windows.
windows supposedly makes it a lot easier though
the easier it is the less chance I have to fuck it up
So Im trying to learn the basics of C.
int array[3]; array[0] = 1; array[1] = 2;
array[2] = 3;
array[3] = 4;
array[4] = 5;
array[5] = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
printf("%i", array[i]); }
Output: 123456
This all still compiles and runs fine.. However I allocated 3 'slots' in my array right? And when I change the first line to int array[2], I DO get a segmentation fault.
Why does it still run even though I made my array too small?
Yes Im a brainlet.
Fuck formatting fucked it up, but you get the idea.
The first 3 lines are on 1 line.
as far as I understand basically it just allocates a spot in memory where that array would fit, if you allocate beyond it's size, you write onto memory that hasn't been checked
there could be shit there but it could be empty. Most likely what's happening is when you make it [3] it fits somewhere with atleast 6 int's worth of consecutive memory space, whereas when you try to make one with [2] there's only space for the amount until you get the error
I might be completely wrong though
Oooh that actually makes alot of sense, thanks bruv.
Install the drivers for the usb card, you don't need shitty realtek
Anyone experienced 0 download speed through youtube-dl like it's getting throttled to halt or something?
what vpn program is good for downloading steam games? German fag here, and want to download wolfenstein.
Unironically Gentoo
I really hope you didn't buy it
iirc steam can ban your account if they catch you with a proxy/vpn to access games you normally can't as well
well thinking about it, since I saw someone's workaround in playing it in offline mode and by adding the game as a non-steam-game.
and it's the first one so 6 euros or something?
how do i make sure my computer isn't being monitored by someone who knows everything i do on it
It is though.
first, what make you believe you are being monitored?
i dont i just want to know how i can make sure it doesnt happen
format every time you download something
CS pajeet here, is it possible to connect an associative entity with an aggregation in er diagrams? couldn't find any examples in google. Pic related
If you're on windows 10, they literally keep track of every key you press and when, every program you run and when, and every picture you click and when. And security is in such a shitty state in general that there's a good chance somebody will steal that info from them, or intercept the connection. So have fun!
Anybody have any useful perspective on Brave? Not 'Hur dur, they trak you with ads!'. Unless you actually understand what the browser does, feel free to not reply.
Hur dur, they trak you with ads!
They don't though, and that BS gets in the way of any useful conversations.
So I've been having trouble with win8.1 laptop.
It was at 100% disk usage.
I opened it up again and now i get this.
What do I do?
Trying to set up wireless drivers for Puppy-Slacko64.
These are the intel Linux drivers for my hardware, downloaded earlier.
They installed just fine, but this dosen't seem to have done anything. How do get this to "create a network interface"?
as far as I've seen 8.1 is always at 100% disk usage, it's some weird shit with task manager where it takes the current activity as maximum even if practically nothing is happening
I have an almost 10 year old laptop (win xp, ~2gb ram)
Want to install Linux (I'm a total noob) so what would be the best distro for it?
What is the best alternative to Libre Office?
there's a linux general on Sup Forums
is there a way to disable the shadow under the font when i hoover over an entry? i think it looks way to blurry. everywhere else my font rendering looks fine
Best is relative, I like Ubuntu Mate on my W500, but that one is actually a little newer than yours. Xubuntu would work better I reckon.
Wanted to rice again after a long time, but the laptop I was doing it on crashed completely, I remember I had debian on it (with gnome iirc) with some 3ish pixel border theme - but I can't find it, does anybody know a/that theme that does that? it also had the close, minimize and maximize buttons similar to pic related. (just small longish lines inside the border)
if you have a bunch of .torrent files
and a bunch of files you've renamed
you should be able to rename them back using a utility (can't remember the name, sorry, it's written in python, i found it in my debian distro)
Just bought my first laptop. Should I keep it plugged in while I'm using it, or will it fuck up the battery if it's always at 100%?
The battery will be fucked if you keep it at 100%. If you can just use the laptop while always having it plugged in, just take out the battery.
If on Linux, there are tools to monitor the charging and set thresholds for lower and upper limits.
Can you connect to your modem over wifi using your phone? Does the problem occur there?
Things to try.
>Reboot your modem.
>Plug into a different port on your modem.
>Plug into a different port on your computer.
>Press the renew lease button in some window on your computer if the connection stops working.
>Put another computer on your network and test whether access to that other computer stops at the same time as access to the internet.
If the other computer stores those permissions somewhere instead of just discarding them then it might be possible.
I remember reading that windows access control lists were slightly different from how things worked in the *nix world so I'd expect friction in getting it set up.
Can you avoid this method ?
Can you tar up your files ?
Anyone have any recommendations for a HDMI switch? intention of using 3, maybe 4 devices for a little future proofing.
Depends on where you live I got a x430 with 16gb of ram for 150€.
T61 could be enough (used one for one month enough for ffox libreoffice ncmpcpp and other stuff) BUT GET ENOUGH RAM
Try this.
int a[3];
int b[3];
int c[3];
a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 66;
c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 99;
b[0] = 1; b[1] = 2; b[2] = 3; b[3] = 4; b[4] = 5;
printf("a: %d %d %d\n", a[0], a[1], a[2]);
printf("c: %d %d %d\n", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
Get anything, install openbox
Is there a media player for Android (tablets specifically) that will let me sort and organize all my TV show episodes by series title, and without throwing all the episodes out of order?
Seems way too specific of a question to search engine.
I noticed the other day that the CPU socket of my old builds' motherboard seems to be slightly discolored, which is to say there's like brown spots or something but the pin holes themselves seem to be a-okay
Last i checked the motherboard still worked but should i be concerned? This is basically just optical right
Any caveats when building a Micro ATX desktop?
I'm looking at MSI's Z370M motherboard and it seems like it's just a normal ATX board but just cut off, distance between RAM and CPU socket seems to be the same as on normal-sized boards. Is it safe to assume that any average cooler will fit?
Realistically microATX is pretty much perfect for most people, a lot of people can even get away with building an ITX box.
I remember back with bitcoin and dogecoin there were clients that you'd download the whole blockchain on and then you could make transactions and whatnot. With ethereum what's the go? Same thing? Rather what's the best way to store my ethereum?
uTorrent is shit now, right? What's the best alternative?
can someone post that cool Windows 2000 gif with the animated waterfall as the background?
utorrent 2.2.1
What is the best app/software for project tracker and organization?
Is there something like nextcloud that i can keep as a background process on windows instead of having a VM always running?
Bunsenlab is pretty sweet
Pleasu respondu
Qbit and deluge. Ignore anyone telling you to use a depreciated web-facing program.
Someone help me with my database?
I don't have any experience with databases but I've picked up Access to create a statistic process control in my workplace. I can't figure out how to "build" the database with the functionality I need. I just need a direction and then I'll self-learn as usual, I can't bother going through hundreds of pages of tutorials just to find a fucking solution. I'll use a flower example to ilustrate my case:
>main data table: FLOWER || COLOR || PRICE
>duplicates in columns like "ROSE || RED || 3.90", "ROSE || WHITE || 5.30" or "TULIP || RED || 3.70"
>I need a form that lets me pick FLOWER and COLOR and display the price on the go (no button prefered), then let me do my stuff
All my previous attempts have been futile. Pls help. I tried asking on stack overflow but they told me to fuck off. I don't blame them. If you know a place where I could ask, do tell. Thanks.
Sup Forums's programming thread
Are you baiting me?