When fagbook was in its beginning stages, this is what Mr. Zuckerberg had to say to his thousands of users

When fagbook was in its beginning stages, this is what Mr. Zuckerberg had to say to his thousands of users

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks"

Why are you still using fagbook?

Other urls found in this thread:


wow op I wish I was as cool as you

citation needed

delet this

If you don't have a facebook you are either
1. Trying too hard to be a special snowflake.
2. Have no friends anyway so it doesn't matter.

No exceptions.

I'm 2 one, but can't delete my acc, I have brother and sister, also my mom sometimes contacts me there...

>what is google

>being this dumb
literally google
this is an actual zuck statement

>making me google your dumbass fucking post
what year did you drop out of college

Hello, alphabet soup!
I see you are still trying to herd everyone into your international social spying project, how is that going for you?

>actual zuck statement

Check out these losers hahaha

how about you fucking try google you fucking dipshit before you deny or non sequiter.

digital friends are acquaintances


“The more data I collect the more I know what it is to be human”


Wow this guy let his mouth slip... Def an alien....

Whoever drew that picture is my hero


yeah that's totally not fake/photoshopped

my hero too

Are you honestly not aware of that quote? Even Zuck has admitted to it on interviews

>Even Zuck has admitted to it on interviews
link? btw yes, I've heard this """quote"""" before

Is zuck Mary Stewart Queen of the Scots ?

You must be hiding under a rock if you are this retarded...

riding the zucki-cucki dick hard, eh

Wtf is an "SNS"?

Since apparently you can't Google

Wtf is an "Google"?

>ZUCK: yea i'm going to fuck them
ZUCK: probably in the year
ZUCK: *ear

Jesus this guy is fucked... I would never trust him with my info.... But apparently 1 billion people don't give a shit about thier privacy and they are "dumbfucks" who "trust him"

a fucking jew

>Jesus this guy is fucked... I would never trust him with my info.... But apparently 1 billion people don't give a shit about thier privacy and they are "dumbfucks" who "trust him"

Do you think normies care about this stuff?
I unironically think facebook is the worst thing to happen to the internet since its inception. It has ruined countless marriages. It has become an outlet for every narcisisstic person on Earth. It made Chad even more accessible to every cunt on this planet.
Why do you think China has banned it? They understand the social and political implications obviously.

Stallman does not endorse Gentoo. "Gentoo includes installation recipes for a number of nonfree programs in its primary package system."

True that... Fb has gotten people fired, doxxed, murdered, and crated a social need for Chads and ugly bitches to make themselves appear more hapoy/successful than they are

>crated a social need for Chads and ugly bitches to make themselves appear more hapoy/successful than they are

Thank you for the reminder, I had almost forgotten all that shittiness.

he apologized for making that comment dumbass

But I'm not.


>he apologized for making that comment dumbass

Trust me goy, I'm deeply sorry

wew i'm both

user implied that the quote is not real. He apologized for it, so he has obviously said it in the past. Whether or not the apology is genuine is an entirely different matter.





>The Virgin Zuck vs the Chad Julian

>Free thought project
Nice to see someone else is mentally retarded and has poor taste in "journalism." Free thought project is almost as bad as anonnews.co.