Is my neighbourhood going to black out when I plug this in?

Is my neighbourhood going to black out when I plug this in?

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try it


What 3rd world country do you live in?


What was the question?


The greatest on earth

No but you'll set your house on fire


No, retard.

Is it true that you can flash the 56 to be practically identical?

Just bought one. Really like it, but you don't need to heat the room when you have that thing running.

crypto miner?

yes and no.

right now you can flash to 64 and it will work almost as well. future drivers will sort out any differences in performance.

Then the answer is unequivocally going to be: Yes!

Voltlets on suicide watch

>tfw Australia 'officially' in the stnadard moved to shitty euro-compatibility 230v in 2003
>tfw if you check an outlet with a multimeter it's still 240v
Fucking euro voltlets trying to scum us Aussies out of 10v.

10v difference is a 200w difference in most households who get 20 amps. it's a shame you aussie cucks can't tell the eurofags to fuck off.
also amerilards, how does it feel not being able to have any meaningful appliance running from your outlet?

go prep the bull, excuse me emu to your wife

>run 3phase press machine at home
Feels good to live in this third world shithole

You can take me 10v in the standard that you can't read unless you pay a private corporation since we sold the publication rights to Australian Standards, but you'll never take ME FREEDOM!


Crypto mining is dead, waifu AI is the new hype.

Dumb faggot. The nominal voltage in Australia has always been 230V +/- 5% since 1972.

t. Electrician

No it wasn't moran

-t Electrical Engineer
AS:3001 was pretty clear.
Victorians and their shitty state standards need not apply, you aren't Australian.

>sparky runt thinks his opinion has value
comical as ever

Just bought a Vega 64. What am I in for?

Meh GPU right now, good GPU in the future.
Don't forget to undervolt.

Hasn't arrived yet, shipping will take a week.
I'm really hyped. I won't even need to turn up the heating in my room this winter.

>I won't even need to turn up the heating in my room this winter.
Ye, just like every flagship since godforsaken times.

No, he just owns 6 GPU's for playing The Sims 4 on max settings.

Just wait

1080 performance in 2020

We have higher voltage plugs dude. Do you think or washing machines are hard wired into the house?

Better lock your doors because by the looks of it, your neighborhood is already black

You are crazy or stupid

normal outlets in aus are only 10W

Not if you adjust voltages and clock speeds yourself.
I have mine running with 1620 MHz at 1060 mV. HBM is at 1100 MHz stock voltage. It consumes around 230W of power.

only if you live in america

when could I get my AI waifu?