Password manager

What password manager do you use?


I am a proud slave to the botnet.


What are you, Simple?
Who the fuck uses a password manager

>relying on human brain for true random string generation

Have fun with that kiddo

I utilize the Trezor and/or pen with paper combination.


>caring about anything


is it wrong to keep all my passwords in one encrypted text file?

Keepass of course

this is like the 5th time this was posted today. make up your fucking mind

A plain text file kept on an encrypted LUKS USB.

Brainlet virgin detected.

>KeePass 2.37

I, for one, love my 256-digit passwords and drag&drop mechanics.

My head


a deterministic password generator based on a master password and a domain

my brain.

op is brainlet and most guys here too

I have my passwords written on a piece of paper. Majority of them I remember by heart. My passwords difficulty depends of importance of the service I'm using.

It was always a surprise to me, how people can use Password manager where forgetting master password is the same as forgetting ever password you ever had.

the type of people who will want to steal your passwords will check for password managers first.

i just memorize really long strings that relate to very specific personal memories.

Keepassx, soon moving to KeepassXC

Give us an example of such password, not a one you are using, but if you were to come up with another one

post-it notes in a notation only I understand

sss-split tied to a running hash. Each succesive hash a password. Mostly for encrypted containers. Sha512(Sha512(sss-combine [secrets], filename))


My password for majority of sites is literally

Never been compromised

not him, but take phrase thats easy to remember for you and select the first letter of each word in that phrase or last letter etc. Thats your PW. Throw in some numbers (never at the start of the end of the PW) and a few symbols and youre done

>password manager
i guess im not a fucking brainlet who needs a ((((password manager)))))

the one between my ears

What is your email user

enjoy your rootkit

Not him but this is pretty stupid.
Just use a password like "I like to eat big pizzas" and that's pretty hard to brute force while being pretty easy to remember

Kepassxc, but I'm thinking about making some libsodium-based on my own. The crypto is easy, no need for GPG clustercuck behind it. Some xclipboad integration, dmenu input and that should be it.

To be honest, LastPass.

>using random strings
>i.e. never actually knowing any of your own passwords
>relying 100% on the presence and operation of a piece of software and database to be able to access any of your things
Do the terms "single point of failure" and "monolithic design" mean anything to you?

If you can't remember your passwords and use a pw manager for that reason, you're not doing passwords right.

A combination of KeePassX, Dashlane, and just standard encrypted containers. My most important passwords aren't in password managers though. I'm just a curious person who likes to try out different software. Password managers are definitely convenient though, and are safe enough. My personal issue with them though is the potential event that something could happen to the software itself suddenly not working and then you can access anything.

the VM makes it look a little slow but it runs fast natively. it's a stupid simple hasher using SHA256. remembers your settings per-domain but they aren't difficult to remember. also have an Android app so I can generate all my passwords on my phone, too



Are any of password manager program able to import saved passwords from browsers such as Vivaldi?

My brain

if you can't remember a string of 9 random words, how do you even remember to dress yourself in the morning


thinking of using keepass on NFS share connected trough dropbox folder.
does anyone know:
if I Open my keepass DB an a Dropbox folder, any cached data is writed on the Dropbox?
I'm asking for a enterprise company. would be fucking interesting to know!
private usage woulöd be the same. I know you can store KeePass with AES but cache would be interesting. Especially if I would use KeePass on AWS, used for other things as well. Provate would be on Dropbox.
- thanks