PSA: Switch to 5ghz Wifi if you haven't already

I did this thread a couple days ago too, I recently switched to 5ghz from 2.4ghz and I have had a drastic speed and responsiveness boost in my wifi.

This would be most noticeable for people who use their Android on their wifi, 2.4ghz probably is too shit to take full advantage of Android hardware properly.

End of PSA

Depends on location relative to the router.

It works at about the same relative distance for me

i've known this for years now. most people have.

i went from 2.4ghz wireless g to cat5

massive difference mates

i reccomend it

>android hardware
what the fuck are you on about OP

>what is a wall

>2.4ghz probably is too shit to take full advantage of Android hardware properly
more like android is too shit to work properly on 2.4 ghz

5g is shit if you have walls

Is Sup Forums really this regressive? I switched to 5GHz years ago.

or 2.4ghz is just shit because it's on the same frequency as literal fucking microwave ovens

More a case of everything being on it. Newer stuff can use 5ghz but still default to 2.4. End result is that 2.4 is crowded as fuck compared to 5.

>5ghz is better guise I'm 18 trust me
>I haven't the slightest clue how it works and it may as well be magic but trust my advice

Welcome to 2012

You'd be surprised how many people who come here don't know the basic optimal setup for tech.

Most of us get that we should be using Ganoo Lonox but that's as far as most people go.

Did you manage to connect your Android with cat5 also?

>this regressive
It's worse than you can imagine. People actually recommend Macs here.

how does age come into this? people discover new stuff all the time, trust me. And I wish I was 18 again.

most devices cant use 5ghz, and will only work on 2.4

the few out there that do work on 5 are high end and expensive.

the average man's device is going to be on 2.4.

True enough, anything after 2014 should have support. I have a Dell laptop from 2010 that connects to 5ghz probably because it was a premium version for the time.


>Sup Forums will defend this

Depends on where you live. If you're in the middle of nowhere, without any neighbors nearby, and have a 20mbit/sec connection, it's not gonna matter either way, so long as you don't have a microwave running or something.

I should have known there would be a special thing for faggots just like you
I live in a fairly quiet town but I have neighbors who have also have wifi and changing channel doesn't always help

>I live in a fairly quiet town but I have neighbors who have also have wifi and changing channel doesn't always help

I didn't say "few neighbors nearby." I said ZERO neighbors nearby. Like you open up the connections list, and it's completely empty, excepting your own wifi.

it's not 5ghz, it's using AC over N


I switched a long time ago just so I can get that sweet 200mbps minimum between my NAS and all my devices. It also helps responsiveness for Steam streaming to my TV or handheld device.

i've used 5ghz for years but only got an AC router recently. doesn't make any difference most of the time unless transferring large files

I only use it for my media pc, 5ghz is utter shit through walls and the range is meh.

i purposely only give people the password to my 2.4ghz network and use the 5ghz one exclusively for myself.

you need direct line of sight to the router, preferably within 5 meters.

signal drops immediately if you go upstairs up to zero on a second floor due to walls and short wavelength and some other shit. not even using multiple antennas shall prevent this.

you can get about 300 Mpbs over 2,4 ghz with MIMO so 5ghz is virtually useless

>yfw my 10 year old macbook connects to 5ghz wifi