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Technology #631
You think ugly design trend on hardware is dead? Think again
Apple cares about security
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Can anyone explain the divide between Android and iOS users?
What torrent client does Sup Forums use and why?
He has more than 600 packages on his GNU/Linux install
Meet Sophia. The first ever robot citizen declared by Saudi Arabia
People are actually going to walk around with a le gaymer brand phone
The city of custom Vega lads
Why isn't technology making me happy
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Can't set up League of Legend on Linux
Designed by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
TECh CrInG3 7HrE4d
Ok Sup Forums, I know a lot of people love Windows 7 here. And that would be normal...
Of course this happened at my local mall
Which is the best one?
Tor is saf-
How many hours you waited in line?
What music do you listen to maximize programming potential?
What did he do, Sup Forumsentmlemen?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Here’s what we know about the Samsung S9:
White thievery
Women in STEM general
How much pr0n do you have?
Desktop bread
Any fags out there wanna help me jail break an iPhone 6 plus ?
Who the hell thinks to themselves "Hey Nvidia, i need a gpu thats better than a 1070, but i cant afford a 1080...
Why are package managers are pain in the necc?
Tfw the g602 would be objectively perfect if they didn't all break after a year
Guts bread - ryzen the bread edition
How does Sup Forums make money?
Now that Linux is corporate as fuck and Richard Stallman has failed to make a free and open source OS because of the...
Intels new 8th gen CPU looks quite promising. is there any reason that I have to choose Ryzen over this new Cpu?
Do you pronounce it "cute" or "cutie"?
Why dont """Europeans""" make any worthwhile technology?
Will AMD and Nvidia have drivers ready for fushia when it launches? How about games at launch...
You now have exclusive access to the fastest supercomputer in the world, the Sunway TaihuLight...
What's the best android app to listen to music?
What case do you use?
If someone obtains an image of your passport or drivers license and SSN they can take your life savings
He's not donating to Terry
DIY Bitcoin ASIC
What programming language should I learn first?
Hey Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
It sucks
What does Sup Forums think of Bitdefender?
No ones talking about this masterpiece of a phone. IPhone owners btow
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Vega Linux drivers WHEN?
Stenography general
Lets talk PC audio
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition ISO
ITT awful software
ITT: God tier browser extensions
New Captcha System
Why is macOS so fucking comfy bros?
I just BSOD again, I uploaded my BSOD dump. Can anyone tell me what the fuck this means?
You want to empower strong young women in #STEM, right Sup Forums?
Forth is great because it gives you a fast and friendly prompt without alot of headache
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General, Little Witch Academia edition
/pcbg/ - PC building general
Does Sup Forums approve my app?
LTT isn't fucking awesome
"hello my friends today I will show..."
Linux has no gam-
At least it wasn't hentai
Got a free xeon phi. What to do with it?
IPhone X
My brother is building a new PC. He bought all the parts but forgot to buy windows...
What is your reason for not using a candybar, user?
How long until this eternal conman is exposed for what he truly is?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Greasemonkey WebExtension released
Accidentaly installed 32 bit debian cause im a retrard
/imeg/ - Intel Management Engine General
Sup Forums I can no longer slide my torso under my desk, what do?
Good cheap routers?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Razer Phone Edition
Why does my keyboard not have the € on it?
Text Files
Winfag here. I want into Linux. Ubuntu seems like the way to go for non-autists. Problem is...
Why do you still worry about botnet software when all modern CPUs are botnet?
What is the best DE: XFCE or KDE?
Client development
ITT we share images that can be printed and made into laptop stickers
Solution to Captcha
How does one actually develop for windows natively?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Adblock browser
IPhone X has the best screen in phone history
Measuring FPS in games and 3D applications
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Need a sim unlock code for this samsung
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Literally using Cuck OS X
Big fucking bezels
Nvidia botnet
Admit it Sup Forums, if you were a millionaire you'd buy one of these in a heartbeat
KDE is just so comfy
Computer randomly shutting off
Would it be physically possible for a smartphone to be as durable as pic related?
WinRAR is on sale, so let's play a game
What are some good bluetooth headphones? It seems like there are hundreds of generic brands out there...
These are literally some of the best monitors I think I've ever heard. Can anything actually beat these for under $300?
Guys th____________/hat bad
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
How do you generate a truly random number?
Is there a glut of Cisgender Straight White Men in IT jobs?
PSA: unlock any iPhone on iOS 11
Windows 7 Appreciation Thread
Pajets btfo
Google Docs
Holy fucking shit it worked...
If you invent anything during your employment, the intellectual property belongs to the employer
Holy shit Amazon just started selling cars
This is what people gonna play on that 120hz display and 8gb ram gaymen razor phone
Tech negroes
What walkie-talkie has the best range in the city? I want to talk with friends in my district without being spied on
MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Gaming Review
What podcasts does Sup Forums listen to?
How often do you backup your PC? Which program do you use?
Is it worth buying? Money isn't an issue, but I'm just wondering if the quality is what it's hyped up to be
Qualcomm dead
What does Sup Forums think of Always On displays?
What do you guys think
/pcbg/ - PC building general
Best Hard-drives
Chink phones build quality
*takes far too long to start even with only the defaults*
*blocks your path*
BSD and Other Things
Aplul "security" in a nutshell
So which is really best 4k or 144hz?
Isn't Lua perfect for kids?
Apple hates fatties
Handheld for SSH and serial
F-Droid 1.0.1 Update
Just saw a coworker browsing Sup Forums. He's my boss. I have work with him tomorrow. What do Sup Forums¿
Predict how present day would be like if Apple never unveiled the iPhone in 2007
How long til i can upload my brain?
Let's face it. No matter what you think of them, Apple's products always radiate an air of superiority and affluence
Breaking the law
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
*middle-click to open in new tab*
Post your phone and battery capacity
He still pirates with torrents
Removable then lasting
Time to stop browsing Sup Forums and start practicing. Have fun!
I forget how comfy mouse is compared to touchpad on a laptop. What do you prefer more Sup Forums?
Windows Tablets
What does Sup Forums think of the new wooden tower trend...
The Australia Challenge
Im fucking buying it. Idc about the headphone jack
No bezels actually taking off
7 > 10
What is the fastest Linux distribution??
Why is there no company (like Spacex or another) actively going after making a Martian landing...
So tell me Sup Forums, are you poor at your 35? Why? Can you change your situation?
Get hired by a startup
It's OK for me to steal this meat, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway
Razer just randomly released a great android phone for a good price
Thoughts on using a Linux Distro such as Kali Linux as a main OS? How does it compare to using mint or arch?
I am a recluse who has spent most of his life behind a computer monitor. I spent my entire 20s on the internet
Should i get the xbox1 X scorpio edition...
What are you eating right now, Sup Forums?
Hi! I'm Gary and I'd like to introduce you to Ubuntu! It's Linux for human beings! It's not for robots or elephants or...
/hsg/ Home Server General
"welcome home user your dinner is ready"
How is this fucking possible?
Besides saving $0.45 on manufacturing costs, what's the reason for removing the headphone jack?
Brand new antergos install on my x220, what browser should I install and why?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Where do you prefer your fingerprint sensor? Front or back?
Tfw still using 2500k
I began using Linux when Ubuntu 10.04 was first released
Hey guys so I found an iPhone at my local club
Let's say my drive A is transferring several TBs to a drive B...
Why all the Apple hate around here?
Here is why Windows is superior than Ubuntu
I got a iPhone a year ago and it sucks. What Android phone can I get that has an SD card slot...
Why would you need these kinds if specs for your phone?
What's Sup Forums's favourite architecture?
Alright Sup Forums, Hiro finally acknowledged the issue with the captcha...
Apple vs Qualcomm
Vega a shi-
Why aren't you hiding shit in images you post?
Average Sup Forums user is a university educated programmer making 150k starting at fortune 500 companies in silicon...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Post your mobile home screens and rate
How to become a better programmer?
Apple botnet spying exposed
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Am I maximum tinfoil yet?
#include <stdio.h>
/pcbg/ PC building
Is it actually feasible to take class notes with latex or would doing that be way too autistic...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Overclock gone wrong . PC knocked out
Razer products
What happened Sup Forums?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
CIA Releases Files Recovered in 2011 Raid on Usama Bin Ladin’s Compound
/spg/ - Smartphone General
So I have a 240, and have been trying to post on Sup Forums for the last hour with it. What is the lightest browser...
Obscure OS thread
Gaming on a tiny screen
ITT: We help Terry get a job at the DNC by writing his resume one word at a time
What is the best anti-virus these days? I was using avast for a long time but it became cancer...
How do I respond?
China has successfully emancipated itself from Digital Colonialism
Get in here fags
Guts Sup Forums thread - ryzen hard edition
What am I doing wrong guys? I'd tried all these modern meme editors like Atom...
Let's be honest here
What's the best alternative to pic related?
How TF is the idea of "free" software compatible with "secure software"????
Brainlet programmer
Linux installer cant mount cd-rom because im installing in a usb drive
What is best English-speaking city to live in as software developer?
How come almost no GNU distribution mentions GNU anywhere on their website?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Owlet Wifi reading
Corelets BTFO
Have some free spookies user!
Software Defined Radio
Im about to fall into the hackintosh meme
KDE is the best DE
Is the 13" macbook good enough for coding?
Be babbys web developer who knows a little bit about php and sql
Tell me a Sup Forums redpill
Sup Sup Forums
Which one is actually better in the end? (head replacement cost, shaving efficiency/quality, etc)
Is Void Linux the meme distro I've been looking for?
/vrg/ Virtual Reality General
Pimax 8K
Lol bro just install windows 10 on your parents' old laptop, it works great
Root access in 10 minutes
Heat -> Electricity. It's fucking primative how much energy we waste as heat
Developer starter pack
What did Intel mean by this?
Say you just got diagnosed with penis cancer and the doctor told you that in 1 week your wee-wee will rot and fall off...
This shitty app needs to die
Why is Ubuntu not considered safe here? im running a Bitcoin node there which I use as a wallet
I have never seen an android use who wasn’t a manlet. Like the tallest I’ve ever seen was probably 5’8”
Fellow Sup Forumsentlemen, can we please have a brief moment of pity for those too poor to afford an iPhone?
Can we all agree that qBittorrent is the purest, fastest and most favored torrent-client among the patrician?
I have my sisters S8 for a few days...
Purposely nerfing your ability compared to what you'd get with Visual Studio and IntelliJ
Best advice for an Tech interview?
Git is shit
I keep of hear how good Libreboot is because muh freedoms and shit
Redpill me on Manjaro
ITT: Tech devs/journalists/entrepreneurs/celebs who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life...
So, is this 15w ryzen shit getting a desktop version or wat?
What is the best android music player
Have you converted all your drives to GPT Sup Forums?
How hard did he fuck up ? His new site has almost no traffic...
IPhone X - Best video reviews
Apple is sh-
Ultimate fight android 2017 flagships
This is the current state of Applel features
So, broke accidentally ESC key from my chinkpad T420. Is it possible to repair? (broke little tabs from the white part)
What is the best case under $100?
Done - at work and I just successfully blocked all Windows devices from joining our guest network
What kind of tech Youtube channels do you watch?
/bst/ - Battlestation
Intel's Core i7-8700K is finally available in Sweden. It's got more cores than the previous i7, but is it worth it?
Sperg out at my mom today
When was the last time that scientific calculators were actually used by scientists/engineers for their work...
How many of you had a HDD die on you and take all your irreplaceable data to hell with it?
Spends $700s almost every year near tax returns upgrading PC
Is there a fucking version of linux that is somewhat stable?
Comp builds
How the fuck do I clear this?
Why do they call it IDLE?
Apple asks Verizon, Sprint to accelerate CDMA shutdown
State of the Linux *community* thread
The Apple watch
1440p Monitor Thread
Why is this so fucking expensive?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What chair do you guys use, do you any of you suffer from back pain? I swear my chair is giving me a hernia
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Deleting leftover files
It's just not fair lads. how come android can't have the best reddit browsing experience?
What's the best, most feature rich "dumbphone", flip or bar, doesn't matter
Who else is ryzen?
Do females tech youtubers exist? I've only seen dudes
Why didn't they just get rid of the front camera? honestly, when was the last time you used it?
What do do you use to write java code?
We're at a point where technology can't possible get thinner. What's next?
Iphone X dead pixels in MKBHD unboxing video
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
First time ever installing linux and I already have an error
Apple a Luxury Brand, Not a Tech Company
Are these unironically the beat wireless headsets for your phone?
When will Sup Forums get heif and hevc support?
Is this good for teaching yourself computer science?
Not need to upgrade
Is MS giving free Windows Home?
Best Temple OS distro?
Does such a device exist...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
He actually uses Linux in public
Memory Foam
All business-class laptops are turning into MacBook clones
Are you ready for the best Distro release in current history in just a few months?
Audio Questions and Reviews
Date this picture
Signal desktop client now available
So, what is the best "modern" winblows to run on a VM?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Who hyped for Intel Sapphire Rapids here?
What is this thing?
What do you drink when you're programming?
Youtube now places ads outside the videos or am I being cucked by the dns from my internet provider?
How do i make the internet give me a computer
Everything else than the iPhone X just feels like 2012-tier design now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
Battery life is great
Nightly/Firefox Quantum
Hey Sup Forums
You're still using google services, aren't you user?
Do you use an improved theme for Winrar UI and icons?
What are my options for running Linux permanently off a USB?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Seeing this sexy bitch cuss people out on makes my dick hard
Buy Ryzen R7 1700
Emacs or Vim?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Linux is the future of gaming
I'm a free software autist, but I still like gaymes
Give me 3 reasons you aren't using Brave as your daily driver web browser! NOW!
20 Year Cisco Veteran
Post cute technology
Is there any real difference between 320kbs mp3 and FLAC?
Decided to look into how much my CPU would bottleneck my GPU when playing "MUH GAMES"
Watching a movie on your new $1,000 iPhone X
Debian IS better than Arch Linux
Explain yourself Microsoft fags
What does Sup Forums do to prep for interviews?
Ayymd is finished and bankrupt
Tfw 8700k trades blows with a Ryzen with fucking HALF the amount of cores
Any good music / podcast to listen to while programming?
The absolute state of mainstream Android phones
If Sony made an OS, would you buy it?
Alright Sup Forums, recommend W7 to W10 users without using these arguments:
Homescreen/Phone etc
/hsg/ Home Server General /hsg/
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Why havent you joined the whatsapp group user? and i cant find you on facebook either
Wow... they did it again. Lightyears ahead of the competition!
Ur setup
The absolute state of Android
What's the best WM and why is it i3?
For $5000 will this do everything I want?
/edc/ Every Day Carry
Too good to be true
FaceID confirmed shit
What is the best free (or pirateable) .gif editor?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
*makes piracy impossible*
I have got more BSOD with Windows 10 than any other OS. I just BSOD again. I did BlueScreenView...
How much to web developers in Poland and Hungary make?
What needs replacing here? I'm out of ideas
Can the police force you to decrypt your hard drives?
Moto G4 Play and why it is the perfect Sup Forums phone ?
So what's the ultimate windows 10 debotnet guide?
Look what i found
Transmission or Qb?
How do you deal with social norms Sup Forums?
Net neutrality
How do i extract the songs of the game in question? (YuGiOh Duel Links) on reddit i found someone who did it...
What is bsd for?
Why do you use Linux when it is harder to use?
Want to get a cheap phone
I honestly don't see what the big deal is
Says something self deprecating
Neofetch bread, all are welcome
B-But linux doesn't have any games!!!1!!!!1111
If you could obliterate a present-day tech company which would it be?
Why can't Samsung get it right yet? How can the best hardware have the shittiest software?
Best Windows Laptops
Just a reminder that if you own any laptop besides a Macbook, people WILL think you're poor...
Now that HTTPS Everywhere is a WebExtension, there's no excuse for you not to use it
Is firefox 58 going to make this irrelevant?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Screenfetch thread
Turn computer off for the night or put it to sleep?
How do you think Intel fanboys are going to respond when in a few months the $800 they spent on a 8700K...
Left: when you pick up your iPhone X
Ok, can someone 'splain to me what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10?
Honest question:
Fuchsia - Google's new OS
Embrace Extend and Extinguish
Can I replace my mac keyboard or does it only with mac keys...
I've been working for several hours now, I may already have one. Sup Forumsood luck!
/aag/ - Android App General
Anyone else getting severe cpu usage from the halloween theme?
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
Is this still necessary? Most websites default to HTTPS now by default, no?
Post your Firefox Extensions and tell us if 57 is going to fuck you in the ass
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I need a linux distro that looks good and fucking works
What's your honest, unbiased opinion about this man and the content he provides on youtube?
Tfw you realize this ugly fat whale was actually one of the best phones ever made
Why Devuan has that so fucking old kernel?
When did you grow out of the "The more esoteric the programming language I use is, the better." phase?
Why aren't you using Chrome, Sup Forums?
What's your mousepad look like?
What is your server (or devices in general) naming convention?
Poorfags can't afford this
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Pop into goodwill for some slacks
Imagine paying for an OS that then shows you ads
What is the absolute fastest way to move 30 gigs of files to another computer...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How do I set this up properly? Like what filters should I use and stuff? Currently on ABP, but wanna switch
Windows on ARM thread
What software licenses do you guys find worth paying for?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I can get a Oculus rift and touch controllers and antennas for 400 euro's
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Come home arch boy!
What's the best screen ratio and why
The great debate
All graphical user interfaces stop existing and now you can only use command line interfaces. How fucked are you?
Would this work Sup Forums? If not, please explain why not
Complete binary search tree
How often do you turn off your phone?
Thinkpad Pizza
Write down the first 3 words that come to mind when you see these words. No shilling or fudding, just pure association
Stupid Questions Thread - /sqt/
So user, why do you think you'd be a good adition to the Linus Media Group team?
The state of apple
Is Bond007 a good password? Asking for a friend
Android users perform a security exploit on to their phones to disable security features just to get superuser access
Catching up with Terry Davis
How do you avoid the botnet while posting here?
Pic related will arrive tomorrow
Can't make a gmail account without phone number
Non-botnet Windows 10
Solder fumes
/dap/ - Formerly /pmp/
980 ti replacement
Previous thread: >>63127254 →
Why is it when you try to tell normalfags about how the government is actively spying on all of us all day every day...
Sup Forums how can I keep this dark theme with glowing text even after Halloween is over
ITT: All Your Subscriptions
Ooo spooky css Sup Forums. I've got some time on my hands while I look for a new job...
If you were spy but you only had access to commercially available tech...
Debian vs Arch Linux
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Am I just retarded for not understanding watches? They fucking tell time and some tell date. Like wtf?
I use Vim for productive purposes and have my 500 line .vimrc file on github
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
It is Google a real enemy??
Linux commands for trolling that don't require sudo...
Is this a good mouse to buy right now?
GnU pLuS LiNuX
Who here /GameDev/ ?
Should I buy an iPhone 7+ or go all in and buy the X?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Iphone X review
I have an interview to be an Apple genius coming up this week. Any advice?
Is this, dare I say it, the ThinkPad of smartphones!?
/hal/ - Halloween Sup Forumseneral
OWo what's this?
Is there a worse company in the tech industry than Jewtel?
Switched from uefi+gpt to bios+mbr, did I dun goof?
Drive death thread
ITT: Post your phone, judge what kind of person you think people are based on their phone
Does your sister go to you for tech advice and support?
Turn off javascript
Ubuntu Rage THread
What do you think will happen to passwords once technology advances to the point where even the longest and most...
Write a program in your favourite language that meets the following criteria. (No googling)
He still inserts his card for small purchases
I'm about to buy a GPU for an expresscard egpu setup...
Useless technology thread
Based Google trying to save us from the UEFI and the intel ME jew
Fast Learning C programming for an exam
Was there a bigger technology flop in the last 20 years than this? I can't think of one
If you reply to this post you become a little girl
Drink 2 cups of coffee
Is it overpriced?
Where would I start to learn C#
Am I autistic if my desktop background is plain black and I don't use a wallpaper?
Overclocked power hungry housefire
How do you block bluetooth to your dorm?
/hsg/ - Home Server General #5
I miss the days when the internet was decentralized and everything was more community driven...
Pillows are technology. Was the best pillow I can use to stop getting cow lick in the morning?
'show me your download folder please'
'user we noticed your low work performance so we need you to train one of your position replacement candidate, mr...
Is this TPB proxy mining in the background? How can I do this
Which one is better?
Would you spend $150 a month to own the best phone on the market goy....I mean guys?
How long is nvidia gonna keep milking pascal? the gtx1080 came out a year and a half ago
Who /comfy/ here?
A-apple btfo
Why haven't you made your desktop comfy?
See neckbeard on the train
Use dvorak for 2 months
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This is probably a dumb question. but HOW THE HELL do you edit HTML files, without having to revert it to a text file...
We're safe from Skynet
You would buy this
Office Chairs
People kept saying that MPC-HC was gonna die
Dinner with my mother and step-father
I have a thing for flashlights, specially inexpensive ones...
Do you love me?
Where can you get this?
Using 4k monitor with notebook
How degenerate is Sup Forums?
We need open source alternatives to all of these
Why is it that people who have better luck with the silicon lottery and tend to get better overclocks usually have more...
Why is chrome a different colour?
What are your thoughts about this new foxy?
What is Sup Forums's problem with KDE? It seems pretty good
Nigeria will land a man on the moon by 2020
This is Bill Gates, the invento of computer
Do all browsers just suck?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Do you own a powerPC machine Sup Forums? how's it like using it in <current year> ? Have you made any upgrades on it...
Friend makes fun of me because I type 50wpm while we writes 70wpm
My os windows 10 is so comfy
Text UI and low graphics
Windows 10 AME
Hey Sup Forums, 2nd day of 'computer science 101' here. We're learning the fundamentals with Python...
At what age did you outgrow linux...
Does Sup Forums buy Vivaldi's claims of being "open source"?
Whats up poorfags ? you allright? hehe ;))
'I use my PC mainly for gaming'
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
This isn't the international standard plug
Why are C++ books so fucking long? Am I really expected to at first read 1300 thousand pages long book...
Programming class
BSD And Other Things
Absolute state of ganoo/lunicks desktop
Upgrading a mac
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Learning programming from textbooks
Why doesn't microsoft offer a no bullshit version of windows that functions and behaves just like windows 7 and doesn't...
Your internet connection has been disabled, please remove these files from your device: "Inhumans Season 1 Episode 2"
I made a Website
Tfw you realise linus was only a year older than you when he released an entire fully functioning kernel
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forums can't agree on a secure, FOSS chat protocol
Sapphire Rapids
How can I make photos taken on my phone look grainy and old like this? Is there a filter?
/BST/ - Battlestations
What should we do when the firefox 57 update is released?
What kind of speakers do you have Sup Forums?
Company only accepts .docx resumes
He doesn't use a superior CRT
Can I play games from an external drive?
Encryption General
Why go full Linux on your PC when you can do Windows + Ubuntu subsystem?
I3 basic quality of life
Network engineering major > system administration major > web development major > computer science major
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Tfw time to reformat after running without stopping for 3 years
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Linux firewalls?
Disable ublock
*bloats your installation with oodles of development files you didn't need or ask for*
CRT is a much better technology than LCD
Uninstall Facebook app now!
Does Sup Forums dream in code?
Answer me quick: is it safe to download this
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Wood. Name me a better technology (if you say metal then fuck off)
Really? Where are the vegafags?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Managed to pre-order one of these bad boys
ITT: Technologies that were to smart for there time
How can someone be so stupid?
Why do people hate on minimalistic design? I love it, it looks slick fast and clean...
How to remove cortana windows 10?
Move folder by accident
Will VR ruin the future of humanity?
He doesn't own a terrorist watch
Join in the bright side
ITT say The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog while holding both shift buttons and name your keyboard
Is gray programming socks alright?
I bought a new smartphone, an one plus 3t midnight black edition
New Sup Forums project idea
Firefox Quantum
How can i become invisible to the dirty jews?
Be me
When did you realise Tesla is a meme company with no future...
WhatsApp is a facebook botnet and can only be used on phones
Hey Sup Forums, why are you not using Qwant instad of botnet search engines?
Imageboards are technology
/tng/ - Tech Nostalgia General
Give me 3 good reasons why I shouldnt buy this
Post home screens
User-kun, why are you still overclocking? You sacrifice efficiency and reliability, suffer from higher temps and noise...
Sniffing whatsapp traffic
Who else /CS dropout/ here?
Google returns localized search results, regardless of the used TLD
I am mad at you /g
Bash vs Zsh
Autocomplete for Vim
What does Sup Forums think about XMPP?
Gas the nu-males
GIF is pronounced /ˈdʒJf/, not /ˈɡJf/
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You enter in a room and you see this
Foldable 'Phones'
Is manjaro the ultimate distro?
Thank you based Intel!
Does having a secondary monochrome camera sensor really improve image quality in Smartphones?
Ryzen Mobile
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Windows will always win
Brave browser
I have an old AMD Sapphire HD 6950
What is the point even of having a high-paying tech job if at the end of the day you still have to go to work at a...
Previous: >>63096020
Stupid bitch gets her father fired from Apple after she posted a video of him using the iPhone X, which isn't out yet
Its been 10 years now since tv stations moved to "HD"
Slow usb drive
Why is CPython is so much slower than Node.js? this is fucking embarrassing
Anyone here have a supercomputer?
He thinks he can escape the botnet by using certain software
I once touched a girl's naked body, she let me touched everything (except vagina)...
Why are people in Sup Forums so obsessed with the IBM Model M?
RMS Bingo
Hackear facebook
Using advertisementOS
So I see you're running Gnome. I'm actually on KDE myself. I know this desktop environment is supposed to be better but...
SSDs are a botnet
0.2% of Android users have Oreo
What's the shortest domain you own?
Next apple prank
Should I?
Linux. Not even once
Guys... I'm not very smart about computer stuff
Were already at 8k
/wt/ - Watch Thread, title edition
Is there a worse brand? Especially for laptops and prebuilts? Maybe Lenovo?
So Sup Forums
/PTG/ - Penetration Testing General
Finally fall for the Linux mene
What is the quintessential digital watch?
Which Tablet should I buy?
Why does every edgy 13 year old use Arch Linux?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
We all know about the back doors in newer Intel processors, but the question is...
Get mail from uni
Radio - Amateur, CB, FRS, GMRS
Pens are technology. What are you scribbling with Sup Forums?
Yep, it's true: Android is the poor man's phone worldwide
Desktops are dead and outdated
Steaks are technology
PopSockets ?
720p laptop
/p2p/ - PeerToPeer General
PCIe ramdisks
The hardest question to answer on a job interview
Arch Linux Desktop Desktop environment
What's the best chair for someone that sits for hours in front of a computer?
Music folder structure
Firefox browser extensions
At the bar yesterday with my friend and his gf
This is on a job application pre-test. Is this a trick question...
What is the most overrated/pointless device and why is it the laptop?
So Sup Forums, is there a device that tracks hidden cameras? I think I'm being monitored by sitting in my own house...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What's with these paid Apple shills lately?
1070 mining
Explain again why you aren't posting from your upgraded t60?
Best Internet Browser for Android?
Python thread: I dont understand edition
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do we fix AI, Sup Forums?
Why do lagdroids find it so hard to compete?
Why aren't you using a Model M?
Updating calculator app
Is ubunto good now
/tng/ - Tech Nostalgia General
Tube headamps. Placebo or no?
I saved this pic on Friday May 21, 2010
The state of applel
Ran a kickstarter
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is the botnet literally unavoidable?
What Linux distro does Sup Forums approves for everyday use and a little programing?
IPhone X Leak Video gets Apple Engineer Fired!
Has somebody quit watching porn?
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
Why aren't you using a mechanical mice?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Screenfetch thread
If i apply myself and try getting a linux + cert will i be able to rice desktap like u
PSA: Switch to 5ghz Wifi if you haven't already
/wag/ - Windows 10 AME General
I search schematics and Manuals
Is KDE Plasma the comfiest DE?
I3 users, do you use alt or super as the default modifier?
Why haven't you deleted your facebook account yet, user?
The millennial generation seems to have been skipped regarding affiliation to technology...
Speccy thread?
Jesus fucking christ
Unused ram is wasted ram
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...