What's Sup Forums's favourite architecture?

What's Sup Forums's favourite architecture?


i used to like sparc, but it ded nao :(




arm is for phones, power is for spreadsheets and mips and superh and obsolete. x86 is the only ISA that should be taken remotely seriously

x86 under arm

PowerPC, MIPS at a close second.


>x86 is the only ISA that should be taken remotely seriously
>x86 is a serious ISA

x86 is a glorified DOS extender


DEC Alpha. The arch that birthed the CPUs you all use today (for AMD cause they used one of their main engineers. Intel cause they flat out stole their tech and got caught.)

seconding this

Post modern


>still caring about CPU instruction sets as an end user
the war was over and done 20 years ago
(but PA-RISC shit is my fetish)

ARM assembly is the best assembly
fite me

Yeah, everyone here can fuck right off. This thread probably killed a GPU war or a cellphone thread, I can't stand technology discussion on my consumerism board.

>fite me
damn right I will
kill yourself phone cuck

good strawman


"Now you're playing with POWER." is the only true answer.


PPC had one of the nicest ISA's I've ever worked with

It was no strawman, just an example of how stupid you seem. You're shitting on people discussing technology on a technology board. Everyone knows x86 clearly won, that's not what this thread's about though.

The only Sup Forumsnu approved.
Royalty and patent free.

seeing my post you immediately became defensive and started whining about consumerism despite not knowing my actual stance on that subject or my interests in general
>people discussing technology on a technology board
can you people stop acting like being able to namedrop esoteric architectures and quote marketing slogans from ancient infoworld issues is any smarter or "technology related" than retards jerking off to the latest Ryzen R12000XZ Gamer Edition? nobody in here has actually said anything substantial and these threads are always just thinly veiled hipster circlejerks where people whine about how evil Intel is for killing all of the enlightened euphoric RISC vendors and how proprietary ARM SoCs are the future

I don't need to know the poster's stance on anything to point out that a stupid post is stupid. I was merely pointing out that this thread is a welcome change from the torrent of Intel v. AMD v. Nvidia threads, cellphone threads, etc. and that you felt compelled to state the obvious.

yeah it's pretty obvious that you were excited for this unordered list of dead microprocessor families you consider "technology discussion" given how angry you seem to be at your safe space being violated

did it occur to you that I was calling you retarded to begin with?

Not a single one of the architectures in the OP is dead.

who cares, you're either missing the point or purposefully ignoring it


Because muh threads. 1 core can have 8 threads in it iirc


The point that we should stick to cellphone threads? I'm happily ignoring it.

POWER can too


I enjoyed MIPS64v6 (the new version from Imagination Technologies) the most

Can anyone tell me the benefits of one arch over another?

I read that some of the newer AMD's support virtual cores as well. Is that what this thread is about?

>arm is for phones
Take a load of this guy.