open-back or closed-back headphones? we're talking home use, of course. Justify your answer.
The great debate
There's a place on Sup Forums that's suitable to the conversation of these topics and it's called /hpg/, aka Headphone General. Anyways, for home use, open backs are better 9 times out of 10.
Closed-back, because I'm not some uneducated trash who doesn't mind disturbing everyone else with his music.
>the great debate
open back at home, and closed back if you want to use them in public.
The srh-1840s are sexy af
carry in pocket
I don't want to put my sound into my ears, as much as I want to keep everyone's elses noise out of my ears.
Open-back, because I'm not some nigger who needs a bass in his bass so he can bass while he bass.
you have lots of people around you when at home pc?
My ears get hot with my current closed-back headphones, so I'll say open
I'm partial to open for most usage. Listening to asmr or weeb audio is glorious on a nice set of open back headphones.
Open back at home, more natural sound and doesn't cook my ears as much in summer
Open, they're more comfortable and you can hear the outside world
closed back.
I don't want my parents listening to my weeb music.
>you can hear the outside world
How is that an advantage unless you're autistic enough to wear studio phones outside but still don't want to get run over?
Open. I use them mostly for gaming. They seem perfect for me, can hear things like footsteps from farther away in games, but it might be because it was an overall step up in headphone quality and not because they're open. Not sure.
Open at home. Wider soundstage and no one to bother with sound leakage.
Also I dont listen to anything super bass heavy.
Bet you have tinnitus too, you deaf fucking retard. No one should be listening to music so loudly it bleeds clearly out for others to hear.
What the fuck is there to debate you retarded fuck. Open back headphones are better, period, because sound is not reverberating (as much) inside of a cup.
Closed back headphones are used out of necessity, if you don't want to disturb others or if you do not want to be disturbed.
Delet this shit thread now.
Not that guy, but people who use open or semi open headphones in public are obnoxious as fuck, the leak is annoying even if they're listening at reasonable volume.
That being said I definitely prefer open for home use.
They already know you're gay, user.
I want to hear when other tenants of my house are nearby, as well as doorbell, the sound of my own mouse, anomalous noises, etc. It's convenient, and possibly paranoid.