Neofetch bread, all are welcome

Neofetch bread, all are welcome.

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For real though why even have that image open for the sceenshot.
All the other screen/neofetch images at least have some semblance of utilization instead of just a random image of your shit waifu.

anime website

Why isn't the DE in that info


pick one


umm i dont use a de



>Not playing df in terminal mode.



how did you get squared corners? is that windows 7?

Yes it is. Not sure if it's that one:

Looks weird but fucking neato

Hi Sup Forums!


Am I doing this right?

I mean AJ is best pone so I suppose you got that right.

Kill yourself.

Well good morning everyone


t. barneyfag

How is term borderless?

Mods, I honestly don't get it. Why if I have literal pedophilia as my desktop environment everything's alright, but if I'm using cartoon horses as my wallpaper, my post gets deleted? It's not like I'm intentionally posting ponies - I'm just sharing my desktop and my screenfetch - it isn't a case of GR15 violation. What the fuck?

And what the fuck specifically with a global ban? Did you have a bad day, mod? Who gave Lee moderator privileges?

The thing is that pedohpilia actually quite illigal and zoophila is actually legal in some states

Hey Sup Forums

You belong to me, I believe

why education edition?

am I stupid or do you have 1TB of Ram? I guess this is some server?

Magic. It's in preferences, just unclick on show border.

It is a server, but it has 1GB of ram, no clue why screenfetch reports it as a TB.

post wp my man

The RPis are running HypriotOS.

How do I make KDE look retro? Chicago95 is awesome for Xfce4 but I prefer KDE.


yeah I know, sue me