Any good music / podcast to listen to while programming?

Any good music / podcast to listen to while programming?

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Mostly listen to vaporware -

>I watch LGR

What's wrong with LGR?

suburbs of goa on soma fm, god tier pajeet tunes

Black metal is my favorite. Pretty much saturates all sensory input. No distractions, thoughts only.

More extreme genres in general will probably accomplish this, I think.

>music with vocals of any sort

Slightly less tech illiterate then the average person.
Makes videos about stolen nostalgia, talks about things like he was actually there (i.e. talking about games and hardware that where popular before he was even born but like he was actually there at the time.)
Makes such stupid mistakes it's not even amusing to watch for anyone with a brain.

Let's see your channel

>Black metal
Yeah, these metal "vocals" to me sound just like another instrument. Also my first language isn't English so if I'm not actively parsing the lyrics I'm not distracted by them.

>screaming into a microphone

Not an argument.
But if you're interesting in channels that deal with old hardware and software, there are plenty who aren't 28 year olds talking about 80's technology they only found out about a few years ago.

My point was that I don't fit this screaming into the 'vocals' category because it's like modulated noise comparable that of a distorted guitar. We probably agree on this matter.

Guy does the research, puts ton of effort into making a video that popularizes an obscure / unknown thing. Doesn't matter if he lived through it as long as he can make a coherent and interesting video about it. I can't imagine why that would bother you, except maybe if you're envious of his success. If you find inaccuracies in his videos, email him about it and don't be a dick about it. We all make mistakes and if you were to do the same you'd make plenty too. Stop acting all holier than though, it's transparent as fuck.

I'm okay with other people who do exactly that, but LGR puts too much stolen nostalgia in it.
He talks about IBM ATs like he actually worked in a office somewhere in '85. It's weird as fuck and that was only an example.

Also that bassboosted voice screams of low self esteem.

>Also that bassboosted voice screams of low self esteem.
after getting cucked by PUR
no wonder

White noise, water waves, lounge music - it's all good for self-diagnosed ADHD.

At least I'm not the one getting mad on a online imageboard at another user because they don't like what I do.
Clint is generally disliked here, because it's "normie" and "reddit" tier content. You can white knight as much as you want.


Personally I like his videos a lot. Especially the oddware series. I like his kind of humor, maybe you just don't.

>No fun allowed
Yeah fuck off


try some drone or ambient, this is pretty swell too:

Check out Fla.mingo and Birocratic.
Several Lo-Fi streams on YouTube if you want.

The sound of silence