Where can you get this?

Where can you get this?

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here you go user, scanned the QR code and it gave me this, patchdynamics.net/

is that jerk still sold out of those? I'm getting very impatient.

>Sup Forums

that looks retarded and you know it

it's almost as bad as

They generally don't like this but fuck them.
Find the sticker general.


Why on the car Board? Doesnt seem a bumper sticker

> sold out

Those are really high prices for products mate by chinece swetshops with manufacturing costs at 50 cents a piece

im quite bothered by the fact that some faggy graphic designer chose to make this other than beautiful holographic decals for my wr250

Most /o/ stickers and /k/ patches are actually made by the anons or somewhere locally. Most


Where would you even stick that sticker

If i saw anyone with a Sup Forums sticker I'd put their shitty thinkpad in the trash where it belongs

Real men use patches

Printing it out on shitty A4 just won't feel the same like those nice glossy stickers pc sellers give you

Not bad apart from the "official Sup Forums certified" which is cringy aaf.

>If i saw anyone with a Sup Forums sticker I'd put their shitty thinkpad in the trash where it belongs

I'd take that thinkpad out of the trash and jab you in the fucking neck with it

>that looks retarded and you know it
No, I agree with it's stupid.
The "Sup Forums" sticker templates actually exist and look far better.

>autism hat is sold out
current state of Sup Forums

correct lowercase
and never the twain shall meet

He'll get more, just be patient.

much better than with the reddit tier Sup Forums
there is no Sup Forums only Sup Forums, how come we have so much newfaggotry these days

that Sup Forums patch needs to be updated with the flat earth version

And Sonic's arms aren't blue, right? Us oldfags are here to save the day!

Thats concave though

I bought the sticker a few hours ago and now my savings account has been emptied by Romanians??!?

>broken Japanese

Sup Forums is just a bunch of poser weebs

AESTHETIC beyond all else

>announcing to the world you're a Sup Forumstard

That would imply I ever go outside.
The sticker is for myself.

How would you stitch a patch to a laptop you fucking retard?

2 way velcro


Who's with me?

The Japanese text ruins it because its not in line with the rest of the sticker

Fuck that, patches are for clothes not for laptops.

oh jesus christ, of course that exists. someones autismo isnt being monitored

Right now I'm doing a vector version of the sticker, can anyone give me the japanese characters or something funny in weaboonese?

I like this one.
シットボックス is shitbox

sit box?

shitto bokusu


40 years in mspaint

you cant invert barcode colors dumbfucks


Made in non-free software, using non-free fonts. Enjoy it
