Apple cares about security

>Apple cares about security

Other urls found in this thread:

So what? When you have access to a physical machine, you can do the same thing on linux

>even easier

From the grub bootloader

>without even logging in


> Using the grub bootloader.

This does not work when you enable FileVault

OP. Out of the million legit issues one could have with macOS, you pick the single biggest non-issue?
Are you a retard?

Wasn't that fixed a month ago. Like, a day after it was publicized?

What more can a company that cares about security do than patch exploits immediately once they are found? "Never have bugs in your software" isn't a real answer.

so you're ruling out majority of an already tiny fraction of people?
what point are you even trying to make?

>doesn't encrypt his drive
>thinks that it's a security failure if someone with physical access to his machine gets access

And here I was thinking the summer was over.

Shilling is real.

>people pointing out just how stupid OP's argument is

>b-but linux has this "feature" too ;_;
lol. Film yourself resetting a Linux user's password so easily and link it.

You are probably an iliterate. You just need to use /bin/sh as the init option.

Linux users are supposed to be smarter and have more knowledge about operating systems. Stop disgracing them.

brainlet detected

>how stupid OP's argument is
how is it stupid?

Not as stupid as you posting an completely irrelevant video to the topic.

Let me be clear, Apple does NOT care about Mac OS. they make a fuck ton and a half of money off of iOS

Mac OS is for self obsessed mediocre people to feel special.

So you can't prove that OP is stupid.
gtfo kid

it's not shilling you're just retarded. I hate Apple but with physical access literally all you need to bypass the installed OS and access files is a linux live distro installed on a flash drive.

If someone has physical access to your computer and you don't have some form of full disk encryption enabled, you've already lost.

But he didn't use an USB device with linux to do it, did he? He used the same os which was locking him out. Even you can't do that in Windows because it asks for username and password on its "repair" screen.
But sure, if your drives aren't locked and someone has physical access to your device then sure, they can hack it by using a flash drive and linux.

You can however prevent that from happening full disk encryption which is available on every mainstream OS:

- OS X: Filevault
- Windows: Bitlocker
- Linux: LUKS or DM-Crypt
- OpenBSD: I think its embedded in the raid subsystem but I'm not sure.

Same thing for Linux based distros and Microsoft Windows.
If you don't specifically don't take countermeasures against things like that, then yes, you can do that with every major desktop OS.

It can and will be prevented if you put a password on the UEFI

it was actually patched though pajeet


Except that iOS development is generally done on macOS, is it not? If they were to screw up the desktop badly and force too many developers away, there would be no apps to drive hardware sales and make them their app store money.

iOS has the Swift Playground right now, obviously the developer tools *could* run on an iPad or even an iPhone.

if a nigger jacks your laptop, then youre fucked either way