Jewgle is now deleting any of your own personal documents from Google Docs if they "violate their TOS"
Stallman was right! These mother fuckers want full control of our own computers.
Jewgle is now deleting any of your own personal documents from Google Docs if they "violate their TOS"
Stallman was right! These mother fuckers want full control of our own computers.
>your own personal documents
This is what cloudfags unironically believe
>These mother fuckers want full control of our own computers.
Those documents are on their computers you fucking retard.
Is it wrong that I've always used mega and nothing else?
>they push for cloud based operating systems for years
>i-its on their computers you retard! they dont want full control of your computer!
are you new here, redditor?
If you don't like it then don't fucking use it.
>another reply which completely misses the point
you know how i can tell youre from reddit? you literally have brain damage.
And don't complain about it!
Communication and exchanging ideas is DEPRECATED
As if it wasn't obvious enough.
WTF would they give something storage for free?
>stallman was right again
I still don't trust him.
Many people can be right about many things. It does not indicate that they're right about all things in absolutes.
Extremism is never the answer.
Idealism < pragmatism
If you are too lazy to use encryption then you deserve what you get. The tools are free. Use them or cry elsewhere.
Stallman was right. Stallman is always right.
Then TEST his assertions instead of relying on your feels, you dumbfuck porch primate.
who would even read his paper
If you didn't see this coming years ago then I have zero sympathy for you. If you must use cloud storage for backups or whatever, encrypt locally before upload.
I test them. Sometimes is right, others he's fucking mental.
This. Warnings were loud, clear and ignored.
Cloud service's backups > your backups, so your most important files should go into encrypted containers into the Klaut. It is indeed the move, user. Even if your shit is ransomware'd, just download previous version of volume from cloud provider.
What tool / tools would you recommend for uploading to Google Drive bud? I'd love to use it but I can't justify it without muh privacy.
Shill for the butt plug industry detected.
he is right. The moment you thought cloud was a good thing and having your stuff on someone else computer was a bright idea you should have stopped using internet
Dropbox is better. Werks on Windows and Linux. Insert an encrypted volume into that sucker. Decrypt in RAM on any client machine. Don't even have to dismount before you shut off. HOWEVER
make sure to mount and dismount to touch the file and force Dropbox to reindex + upload it every now and then. Like dismount before you go to bed. Otherwise, updated versions of the container may never be uploaded.
>hey google support Nazis
> Google start enforce massive censor antinazi
> why censor me?
what if google will delete all encrypted files
They have no reason to.
What if Google will 'x' is surjective on the imagination.
Use another cloud service if you're worried.
Then you have zero reason to use Google. Remember the rule of 3 for backups. If it doesn't exist in at least 3 places then it doesn't exist. They delete your encrypted files find another cloud provider. Or get a VPS with Owncloud.
>he is right
>assumes OP thinks cloud computing is good or uses it just because he posted a thread saying it was bad
stop pretending youre not the same brain damaged redditor, you literally have no ability to think coherently
>If you are too lazy to use free software then you deserve what you get. The tools are free. Use them instead or cry elsewhere.
fixed it for you
>use someone else's software/platform/servers
>accept their terms and conditions
>act like a little bitch when you are in violation of the contract you agreed to
>"b-b-b-but my 500 word essay!"
can you be any more of millenial?
The eternal Sup Forums strikes again with another Google bait thread
>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
They should add "but muh Sup Forums" as a spam filter. It's as bad as when people used to announce their sage
>everyone communicates via the Internet in ${current_year}
>all social media platforms are privately-owned and DGAF about free speech
>all sites are hosted and DDoS-protected by privately-owned entities
Our governmental system never anticipated the Internet, so goodbye free speech in practice!
I'm okay with this because I'm based.
Its their computers, so it makes sense for them to look through what they own and cleaning house as desired. If you are hellbent on using the cloud and have something prone to delerion, just encrypt it so they can't tell if it violates TOS, obviously.
You good, senpai?
I'm skipping class and hitting F5 every 5 minutes to see when the in-class quiz is posted on the site so I can take it as if I was there, but instead of reading the material I'm on here in the meantime.
>Stallman is always right.
Apart from when he listed Breitbart as a "right wing extremist site."
yeah he should've listed it as a JIDF front instead
I don't think he comprehends the complexities of the Jewish menace. I agree with his philosophies about computer software though.
Maybe because he is a Jew himself?
Not a proper one. He's more of an atheist with a bit of the Jew about him.
I typically google all of the questions for online quizzes. I also download all the slides posted online and merge them into one pdf and search that file as I am taking the quiz
>no idea what the fuck class is about
>I get 80-100% on every quiz we take
>What are secular Jews?
The merit of that strategy is contingent on the rigor and nature of the class, user. His slides are useless; it's all textbook shit.
I am very scared. Still no quiz. Class ends in 7 minutes. HE ALWAYS POSTS THE QUIZZES IN THE LAST 15 MINUTES.
if there's someone who understand the jew menace it's jews themselves
He's got a conditional clause on the website where quiz files only show up if you are in the building and access from a closed IP range.
You dun goofed. Better crank up them SSH tunnels.
>using datamining cloud storage
>not using a secure, encrypted ftp server
Its like you don't even want to own any of your information.
>>Stallman is always right.
>Apart from when he listed Breitbart as a "right wing extremist site."
So he's always right
You don't even own those documents, once you upload anything to anyone's server it's theirs.
>trusting the jewish botnet with your data
Breitbart is about as extreme as a box of breakfast cereal you silly liberal.
how long until google's captcha doesn't allow your to post things like faggot, nigger, fuck, kike, and all the familiar words
It's funny how cuckservatives scared of Google's social policing are also the one fighting to the death for them to have massive tax breaks and have even more power over our lives by destroying NN.
>trusting the cloud for anything important
i do this with my password archive and sometimes i end up with conflicting copies in my dropbox
still worth it though
>filled with unabashed neo-nazis
>not extreme
This. I mean imagine if the precedent was set where people weren't allowed to delete files on their machines because those files were made by someone else. This would quickly spiral out of the cloud arena and become a discussion on if people should be allowed to delete files on their own home machines including pre-installed software, bullshit frinds and family might bring in via USB or what have you, viruses, etc.
That would be a terrible fucking can of worms to open.
I'm not a conservative. I'm a Nazi.
>Copies in Conflict
I haven't experienced this yet, but I actually never load or even use my volume on any other machines since it's 100 GB and my other devices are phones and laptops with smol mems, so maybe that's why.
Password archive is LastPass désú!
You call those "neo-nazis?" You ain't seen nothing yet.
I want tax cuts *so* Google can control everything. I'm ready to watch the right cannibalize itself with its own policies just like the left has.
You are confusing regular white males with neo-nazis because you are racist.
And how 'bout picrelated?
Google literally OCR's your images and makes them text-searchable.
Is it racist to l-like you?
Don't use google docs then?
i have roms and windows isos on mine.
This. There are people on Sup Forums who defend pedophilia simply because Stallman defended it.
>cloudcucks BTFO
Good. The "cloud" meme needs all the bad publicity it can get.
Stallman defended paedophilia?
I don't think Stallman defended harming children but rather the free distribution of 0s and 1s in whatever combination.
Did you know some combinations are illegal? It's because they depict heinous crimes, yet there are encodings of depiction of other heinous crimes, and those combinations *are* legal. Something about fueling certain crimes and not others.
Don't remember the other ones.
Stallman rather specifically said sex with minors was ok as long as you weren't coercing/forcing them and they wanted it.
He doesn't believe its a crime.
Wow Stallman be like
Wow mysterious. Whatever could it mean?
>Imagine you're working on a Google Doc when, seemingly out of nowhere, your ability to edit the online file gets revoked.
Wow, I am roped in. See, this is quality journalism: taking the facts and making *me* invested in them!
It's their service in the way they want, not the way YOU want.
Use/pay who wants to.
I agree, 18 as age of consent is totally out of touch with the reality of human instincts
They didn't read the TOS.
It's not like Google went out of their way to tell people that politically incorrect documents would be deleted user.
Shut the fuck up and go back to lurking. You are using Googles service, you are in their fucking house- you play by their rules. If the shits against the ToS it's against the ToS. Don't like it? Run your own cloud hosting. If you think that this is a reddit response you need to seriously lurk here more. These are the reasons I don't use cloud services. I have my own server that I can use, no worries about breaking anyones ToS with it.
Funny how the mongoloid is the one trying to claim everyone else has braindamage...
>If the shits against the ToS it's against the ToS.
>use google docs
>google changes tos every other week
>all of a sudden your previously compliant documents are now in violation
google fancies itself the thought police but this is going to bite them in the ass really hard
>OP pic
You fucking idiots this was due to some overzealous malware detection code that Google pushed to docs
They fixed this days ago
Sup moot? Did you invite your buddies at Google to shitpost ITT?
nobody believes you
>There's people right now actually defending Google
Lefties pls go
>always used mega
so you didnt have computer files for about a decade?
All he did was check a box, probably
That's kind of far fetched. Google is offering a cloud storage service, which is quite different from those examples.
If your friend copies stuff to your computer and you delete it, that's fine. If you offer your friend storage space on your computer and then delete their stuff, that's you being kind of a dick.
>people unironically using Google Docs or ANY FUCKING CLOUD SERVICE without encrypting your files
You fucks deserve it. Next time, use regular productivity software like LibreOffice or MS Office, encrypt your stupid essay or spreadsheet, and upload it if you really want to use the cloud.
poorfags who can't afford microcucks office
>android lollipop
>no more "music" app
>(((google play))) music is now default
end my life
No, YOU are a fucking faggot.
>Google said in a statement that it had "made a code push that incorrectly flagged a small percentage of Google Docs as abusive, which caused those documents to be automatically blocked. A fix is in place and all users should have full access to their docs."
>Although the error appeared to be a technical glitch, the fact that Google is capable of identifying "bad" Google Docs at all is a reminder: Much of what you upload, receive or type to Google is monitored. While many people may be aware that Gmail scans your emails — for instance, so that its smart-reply feature can figure out what responses to suggest — this policy extends to other Google products, too.
>haha his animal is so dumb, it went voluntarily into a trap, haha
This is what you faggots sound like. The people don't know that they are walking into a trap, and soon enough everyone will be trapped even you
>using gdocs
>using a chromebook
Do you dumb assholes know any google employee can see your shit?
Because you read the TOS, can you please recite the portion that states any content google doesn't agree with will be purged without notification? Thanks.
Because only Sup Forums wants to have control over their own fucking documents right
>literally google dox
>he's a kike
Two sides of the same coin
That has literally happened to me, I had all the Fappening files backed up on my Drive and one day I log in and they're all gone, no explanation.