Windows Tablets

Got myself one of these as an early Christmas gift. Gonna use it for school and some pron. What are you guys using them for?

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Nothing. There's no reason to own one. I could use an old 80 dollar laptop with an i3 and 4GB of RAM for porn and school.

I either hook mine up to my TV and use it as a media center with a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse or use team viewer to control my other computers. I also bring it to work and since it's small I can have it out more often than a full laptop. Also use it for uni classes

I broke mine's screen and only half of it works now. I found the pen and need to see if that digitizer still works but I have to get a AAAA battery first. For now I've just been using it to mine Monero

I was thinking of getting one to run Linux on it. Planning to use it to run KDE p i m to read the news and look through my schedule at the start of my day before heading out to work. Then when I get home, use it to stream media off of my Home Server.

Not sure what model is good to get for this. Anythings good as long as it can comfortably run Linux and is upgradable and serviceable.

> term viewer
I guess I can add remote desktop to my use case since I like to do nearly everything in the terminal.

good luck running linux on these pos

the worst thing is, if it was actually possible to install linux on those, they'd sell 10 times more

the bootloader are more or less blocked (uefi 32 and 64 bit os) and there are nearly never any drivers for wifi, sound, and video.
In other words, keep windows on it or don't get one.

If it has a powerful atom (like the lenovo thinkpad 10) you can still run a modest VM on it, but otherwise you're screwed.

>They'd sell 10 times more
You must be delusional

You must be not knowing Androids marketshare

>nonfree software

I use mine for field work. Instead of a backpack, I can carry everything in a small shoulder bag. I can get 10+ hours of runtime, and if I run out, I got battery chargers.

I have a Surface Pro

Its pretty comfy with a GNOME desktop

Different user, waiting on pic related to ship so I can test my luck installing arch and slapping a 2TB 960 pro on it.
Don't think its got a mod key/home key in tablet mode to make life easier with i3wm, wanted to try something similar to this guy.
will have to think up another solution, like have a dedicated button on a panel to popup i3 helper menu in tablet mode and figure out how to hide/popup the main panel when not in use to maximise screen real estate.

Granted the OS installs properly and drivers are recognised, It would take a fair while to customise the tablet/laptop transition and display auto-rotate to my liking but If this works it is going to be fucking insane.

Android tablet are pretty dead, it's jut a toy at this point and not the real linux. So you are delusional in the end

I use mine to shill on Sup Forums

You actually can. Not every distro has compatibility but some have.

I think I'll have to go back to a similar two in one laptop to get a Linux tablet. I was going to get a model like that but ThinkPad General says all yogas or cheap junk too Swindle money out of normies and schools. when it arrives, woud love to hear what you think of it Particularly as a tablet. Knowing my luck though, I'll probably miss whatever thread or post you make about it.

I've seen it work on some windows tablets but it usually works poorly. Purism should come out with one soon but it's very expensive.

On another topic, what you think would work better on a tablet? Gnome 3 or KDE?

I have an Acer one of these. Seemed like a great idea at the time but it's junk. Way heavier than a "real" tablet, Win 10 is shit for tablet use compared to iOS or Android, dearth of good tablet apps, shitty 1280x800 resolution, literally 1/4 of what's on my Nexus 9, keyboard is a chiclet piece of shit, trackpad sucks. Basically it is inferior in every way in laptop duty to a real laptop and inferior in every way in tablet duty to a real tablet. Don't waste your money.

Literally this. Either get an Ipad Pro or a retina Macbook, and fap to superior trap porn, than getting a device that is basically useless. Keep in mind that a fapping machine is the most core utility a NEET owns to meet his needs.

I have an older model. I leave it plugged in but every time i turn it on, its dead. There is an issue with the battery driver when the keyboard is attached that drains the battery even when turned off. Have fun getting to class with a useless paperweight.

I draw on mine

My fellow classmates/artists lug around massive cintiqs and they always whine about how heavy they are. They keep telling me if they knew my tablet existed they would've never gotten cintiqs.

Don't do this, unless you like broken hinges

I use mine for light browsing/catching up on news, take it along on trips for reading on the plane and to have a computer available and as an emergency backup computer if my desktop breaks and I need to replace something. I also use it for media consumption sometimes, but very rarely since I almost never have a reason to not to that on my desktop or HTPC/TV.

I'm glad I got a Windows tablet really, at least I have a fully functional, if slow, computer this way.

piss off wincuck shill
this post is nothing but an advertisement

I fell for it

>Don't do this, unless you like broken hinges
Yes the hinge mechanism and lifting keycaps are a reason for concern.
Don't know how many cycles they can manage before they fail, hard to tell the build quality when I haven't touched one for myself.
Only really messed around with a 13" HP spectre x360 at a local retail store with similar hinge design.
Just have to take good care of it and not be a brute. Wish they just went with the wristband watch design and multiple hinges to distribute the stress, similar to the yoga 910.

Well the 370 is the younger brother of the 14" thinkpad yoga X1, Lenovo's website claims in the description that the thinkpad yoga series (370, X1, X1 gen2) are built to be durable but I can't take their word for it.
I heard the original yoga X1 apparently underwent testing under certain military specifications for shock and dust but I haven't looked into it.

The alluring part is that it is a pretty versatile platform, the digital pen recharges when docked, keyboard gets out of the way when it is in tablet mode, and it is reasonably serviceable. I'll let you know after I get it and mess with it for a good while what I think of it overall.